Dr. Sadik Rahman and his Team “’ Scanner’ secured the Winning place in the Beah-tech Challenge program (2023) in Sultanate of Oman
Dr. SADIK RAHMAN and his team “Scanner” has been awarded the 1st Winning prize in Beah-tech Challenge program (2023) in the Sultanate of Oman on 25th September 2023. Dr. SADIK was the team lead with 4 other students of Sultan Qaboos University from mechanical eng., electrical eng. and computer science. The challenge was to provide a smart notification system for the waste authority to collect large waste from community waste collection points. Dr Sadik and his team came up with a prototype mobile application that integrated image processing, IOT, machine learning, AI for a smart waste collection and notification system. They also proposed a multi-purpose user interface in that application to encourage 4R waste management policy.
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Jahurul Islam City, Aftabnagar
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
09666775577, 01755587224 | Ext. - 431