CTTC-DUDS উগ্রতা বিরোধী বিতর্ক প্রতিযোগিতা -২০২২
Debate is one of the academic activities that provide students with a creative outlet to express what they feel and what they believe in terms of logic.
Recently, the well-renowned institution Dhaka University has organized "CTTC-DUDS উগ্রতা বিরোধী বিতর্ক প্রতিযোগিতা -২০২২” which was held from January 8th to 11th, 2022 on Dhaka University Premises. The debate competition was held in the Asian Parliamentary format, which is an internationally recognized format. Thirty-two teams from different institutions all over the country participated in this tournament. The tournament involved of international judgement quality as well-renowned judges from all over the country were there. The Team-EWUDC-Olive, has represented East West University at the top of its glory in this tournament. Team-EWUDC-Olive consisting of Md Nurshadul Islam, Naymur Rahman and Sakibul Islam Safin performed admirably and qualifying for the finals. They tried their best to achieve the championship title, but unfortunately, they came up a bit short this time but secure the runner-up position. This is also another achievement for East West University Debating Club, East West University and Civil Engineering Department also. Civil Engineering Department of East West University always try to motivate and encourage their students to participate co-curriculum activities along with their academic education. We are proudly announce Md Nurshadul Islam, ID-2018-2-22-034 is from Civil Engineering Department,we are really happy to see him in such a place and wish him to go more in future. The Prize giving ceremony was conducted by Professor Dr. Mohammad Akhtarruzzaman, Vice-Chancellor, Dhaka University and Md. Assaduzaman, BPM (BAR), CTTC, DMP. The guests wishing the East West University Debating Club all the best for the future and praised their current performance hoping for better outcomes in upcoming events.