Dr. Shamsun Nahar Khan as a young Ambassador of the GYA: public lecture Burapha University
Dr. Shamsun Nahar Khan, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy attended the Annual General Meeting of the GYA held in Pattaya, Thailand. Dr. Shamsun Nahar Khan as a young Ambassador of the GYA delivered a public lecture to the Burapha University, Thailand on 12th May, 2018. Dr. Khan’s talk entitled “Sexually transmitted infections: present state, challenges, and way forward to use scientific tools. “
Dr. John Henri Malone (USA), Dr. Alexander Kagansky (UK), Dr. Sergey Kostyrko (Russia), Dr. Mahesh Kumar (India), Dr. Clarrisa Rios Orwenjo (Peru), Dr. Felycia Edi Soetaredjo (Indonesia), Dr. Abdalhadi Aliiji (Sweeden) also participated in this public talk.
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