Publications: Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Journal and conference Publications
  1. Mohammad Tajul Islam, Mohammad Sahariar Farhan, Farzana Faiza, A. F. M. Halim, and Afsana Al Sharmin. 2022, "Pigment Coloration Research Published in the Science Citation Index Expanded from 1990 to 2020: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis." Colorants, 1(1): 38-57.
  2. Afsana-Al-Sharmin and M Ataharul Islam, 2018. “Generalized Weibull linear models for type-I censoring data”, Advances and applications in statistics, 53 (2):87-102.
  3. Munima Haque, M Faizul Kabir, Md Quamruzzaman and Afsana Al-Sharmin. 2018, “Survey on Overall Health Conditions of University Students in Dhaka”, International journal of scientific engineering and science, 2 (4):8-13.
  4. Afsana-Al-Sharmin and M Ataharul Islam, 2017, “Generalized Weibull linear models with different link functions”,  Advances and applications in statistics, 50 (5):367-384.
  5. Afsana-Al-Sharmin and Munima Haque, 2016, “Susceptible factors of type-2 diabetes in a population of Bangladesh”, Universal Journal of Public Health, 4 (1):38-45.
  6.  Farzana Jahan, Afsana-Al-Sharmin, Nazneen Sultana and Shamima Hossain. 2015.“A review of congestion controlling techniques in TCP/IP network.” The 2nd International Conference on Theory and Applications of Statistics, Dhaka, 2015.
  7. Farhana Alam Ripa, Mahmud Tareq Ibn Morshed, Afsana-Al-Sharmin, Shahed Bulbul Papon, Md. Rafiqul Islam and Zara Sheikh, 2014, “Central Nervous System Depressant, Analgesic and Antidiarrheal Effects of the Seed Extracts of Dimocarpus longan Lour in Rats”, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 13 (2): 235-242.
  8. Farhana Alam Ripa,  Mahmuda Haque, Israt Jahan Bulbul, Afsana-Al-Sharmin, Yesmin Begum and Afroza Habib, 2012, “Screening of central nervous system (CNS) depressant and antinociceptive activities of methanolic extracts of the peel and seed of Nephelium longan fruits”, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 6 (11): 848-854.
  9. Afsana-Al-Sharmin, 2012, “Statistical Principles on Education Sector with Special Reference to Bangladesh”, Southeast University journal of science and engineering, 6 (6): 828-854.
  10. Afsana Al-Sharmin, “A Composite Index to Assess the Regional Development: A Districts-Level analysis”, VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller Akt.ges.&Co.KG,, 2011
Nazneen Sultana, Shamima Hossain and Kazi Md. Farhad Mahmud,"FACTORS INFLUENCING WOMEN’S OPINIONS REGARDING VIOLENCE IN BANGLADESH",December 2019, Advances and Applications in Statistics 59(2):125-147,DOI: 10.17654/AS059020125
Farzana Jahan, Shamima Hossain and Kazi Md. Farhad Mahmud, “Factors influencing women’s decision making power: evidence from Bangladesh Urban Health Survey Data”, IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences (IMPACT: I
Journal Publication
  1. Sajal Chakroborty and M. Babul Hasan, “A Chronicle of Analyzing Stochasticity in Multi Period Transportation Problems for Uncertainty”International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 133(8), pages: 5-9, 2016.
  2. Sajal Chakroborty and M. Babul Hasan, “A Parametric Approach to Solve Bounded-Variable LFP by Converting into LP”, International Journal of Operations Research (IJOR), Volume 13(2), pages:047-057,2016.
  3. Sajal Chakroborty and M. Babul Hasan, “A Proposed Technique for Solving Scenario Based Multi-Period Stochastic Optimization Problems with Computer Application”, International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing (IJMSC), Volume 2(4), pages: 12-2, 2016.

  1. Sajal Chakroborty and M. Babul Hasan, “A New Technique for Solving Transportation Problems By Using Decomposition-Based Pricing and its Implementation in Real Life“, Dhaka University Journal of Science, Volume 64(1), pages: 45-502016.
  2. Sajal Chakroborty and M. Babul Hasan, “A Computer Technique for Solving Linear Fractional Programming Problems by Using Dinkelbach’s Algorithm“, Dhaka University Journal of Science, Volume 64(2), pages: 121-125, 2016.
Conference & Seminars
  • Presented the paper entitled “An Application of Set Covering Problem for Installing Minimum Number of Police Check Posts: A case study for Shabag Police station area” in the 18th international mathematics conference held at Independent University Bangladesh (IUB), Dhaka, during 20-22 march 2014.
  • Presented the paper entitled An Impeccable Solution Procedure of Solving Stochastic Programming Problems by Inserting Scenarios in Deterministic Case in the 2nd International Bose Conference held at University of Dhaka, during 3-4 December 2015.
Journal Publication

1. Habibul Bari Shozib and Muhammad Ali Siddiquee , Saima Jahan, Sultan Abu Saleh Mahmud, Iftekharul Huq, Md Mariful Islam, Md Mohsin, Md Sakil Ahamed, Anika Antara Siddiqquee, Zannatul Sanzida. Formulation of Rice Based Low Cost Balanced, Nutritious and Safe Diet for the Malnourished Street Children in Capital City Dhaka. 2021, Vol: 5, issue: 7, (1-8)

2. Habibul Bari Shozib, Md Mariful Islam, Sultan Abu Saleh Mahmud, Md Nazmul Bari, Nasima Akter, Saima Jahan, Shakir Hosen, Mohammad Nazir Hossain, AHM Nurun Nabi, Muhammad Ali Siddiquee, Md Manjurul Haque. Application of Cyanidin-3-Glucosides as a functional food ingredient in rice-based bakery products. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. 2021.  

3.Habibul Bari Shozib, Shakir Hosen, Md. Mehdi Hasan, Md Abu Sayed, Suman Chandra Das, Md. Samsul Alam, Armin Bhuiyan, Saima Jahan and Muhammad Ali Siddiquee. Physicochemical and cooking properties of short grain aromatic kalijira rice cultivars in Bangladesh. Biores Comm. 2019, 5:1:659-669.

4. Habibul Bari Shozib, Saima Jahan, Muhammad Zakir Sultan, Samsul Alam, Suman Chandra Das, Rifat Bin Amin, Mahedi Hasan and Muhammad Ali Siddiquee. Nutritional Properties of Some BRRI HYV Rice in Bangladesh. Vitam Miner, 2018, 7: 1: 174. doi:10.4172/2376-1318.1000174 (Impact Factor 1.18)

5. Shozib, H.B., Hossain, M.M., Jahan S., Alam, M.S., Das, S.C., Alam, S., Amin, R.B., Hasan, M.M., Malo, R., Islam, M.R., Shekhar, H.U., Siddiquee, M.A.  Study of biochemical and cooking quality traits of major rice varieties of Bangladesh. Malays. Appl. Biol. (2017) 46(4): 55–62

6. Habibul Bari Shozib, Saima Jahan, Suman Chandra Das, Samsul Alam, Rifat Bin Amin, Mahedi Hasan, Richard Malo and Muhammad Ali Siddiquee. Mineral profiling of HYV rice in Bangladesh. Vitam Miner, 2017, 6: 164. doi:10.4172/2376-1318.1000164 (Impact Factor 1.18)

7. Habibul Bari Shozib, Shourab Bhowmick, Saima Jahan, Muhammad Ali Siddiquee. In vivo screening for low glycemic index (GI) rice varieties in Bangladesh and evaluate the effect of differently processed rice and rice products on GI. Biojournal of Science and Technology, July 2017, Vol 5, Article no: m170001(ISSN 2410-9754).

8. Shakir Hosen, Saima Jahan, Md Mahfuzur Rahman, Muhammad Ali Siddiquee, Habibul Bari Shozib, Grain quality evaluation and comparative analysis of physicochemical properties of traditional cultivars and high yielding (HYV) Aman rice varieties in Bangladesh. Biojournal of Science and Technology, July, 2017, Vol 5, Article ID: m160004. (ISSN 2410-9754).

9. Hosen, S., Siddiquee, M. A., Jahan, S., Alam, M. S., Hoque, F., Bhowmick, S., Ferdous, N, Shozib, H.B. 2016. Physicochemical properties of Aus cultivars in Bangladesh. Biores Comm. 2(1), 200-204. (ISSN 2411-0272).

10.  Habibul Bari Shozib, Saima Jahan, Shourab Bhowmick, Farzana Hoque, Darmin Chakma, Mahmud Hosain, Mohammad Omar Faruque, Md. Sazzadur Rahman, Muhammad Ali Siddiquee, 2015, Dietary administration of rice in improving the antioxidant status in Long-Evans Rat. Bio journal of Science and Technology, 2015, Volume 2:1-7. (ISSN: 2410-9754)   

Abstracts in Proceeding papers:
  1. In vivo screening for low Glycemic Index (GI) rice varieties in Bangladesh and evaluate the effect of differently processed rice and rice products on GI. Habibul Bari Shozib, Saima Jahan, Muhammad Ali Siddiquee. 8th International Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology Conference, December 3-5, 2016. Dhaka University.
  2. Quantile Regression Analysis for Temperature and Rainfall of Bangladesh, Saima Jahan, Nazneen Sultana, Kazi Md. Farhad Mahmud, Md. Abdullah Aziz. International Conference on analysis of repeated measures data, 25 - 26 November, 2016. Dhaka University.
  3. To evaluate the effect of differently processed rice and rice products on glycemic index (GI), Saima Jahan, Habibul Bari Shozib, Farzana Hossain Tamanna. International Conference on analysis of repeated measures data, 25 - 26 November, 2016. Dhaka University.
  4. Comparative Study on Chemical Properties in Bangladeshi Rice Varieties, Saima Jahan, Habibul Bari Shozib, M.H.M Imrul Kabir, Muhammad Ali Siddiquee. The 2nd International Conference on Theory and Application of Statistics, 27- 29 December, 2015, Dhaka University Statistics Department Alumni Association (DUSDAA).
  5. Pre-germinated brown rice generate elevated level of bio-active component, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Muhammad Ali Siddiquee, Habibul Bari Shozib, Saima Jahan, Yarul Kabir. Proceedings of National conference on Biochemistry, Industry and Sustainable Economy, Dhaka University, 21 March, 2015:29-31.
  6. Comparative study on Apparent Amylose Content and Protein in Bangladeshi rice cultivars. Habibul Bari Shozib, Saima Jahan, Muhammad Ali Siddiquee. Proceedings of National conference on Biochemistry, Industry and Sustainable Economy, Dhaka University, 21 March, 2015:101-102.
  7. Physicochemical properties of some aman cultivars in Bangladesh. Shakir Hosen, Muhammad Ali Siddiquee, Saima Jahan, Nilufa Ferdous, Habibul Bari Shozib. Proceedings of National conference on Biochemistry, Industry and Sustainable Economy, Dhaka University, 21 March, 2015:138-140.
  8. Ileal pacemaker activity analysis by microelectrode array (MEA) in mice lacking interleukin-10. Habibul Bari Shozib, Saima Jahan, Muhammad Ali Siddiqee, S. Nakayama. Proceedings of International Conference of Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture 2nd GNOBB Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2015; 57-58.
Selected Publications
  1. Rana, S., Mamun, A. S. M. A., Rahman, F. M. A., Elgohari, H. “Outliers as a Source of Overdispersion in Poisson Regression Modelling: Evidence from Simulation and Real Data”. International Journal of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 23(2), November 2023, pp 31-37
  2. Datta, M., Rahman, M., Sultana, Z., Rahman, F. M. A. “An ARCH volatility analysis of real GDP, real gross capital formation, and foreign direct investment in Bangladesh”. Asian Economic and Financial Review (AEFR), Volume 13, Issue 4, 2023, pp. 228-240
  3. Rahman, F. M. A., Rahman, M., “Analysis of Dhaka Stock Market Data for Explaining the Stock Market Behavior: Before and After 2010 Market Fall”, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (IJAMAS), Volume 58, Issue 1, February 2019, pp. 109-126
  4. Rahman, A., Rahman, F. M. A., "Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of ICT Use in Teaching and Learning: In the Context of Bangladeshi Tertiary Education", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR),, Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2015, pp. 755 – 760
  5. Fakir, M. G. S., Rahman, A., Hasan, M. I., Rahman, F. M. A., “Application of ICT at the Tertiary Education: Exploring the Utilization and the Attitudes of Teachers and Students”, International Journal of Education and Applied Research (IJEAR), Vol 5, Issue 2, July – December 2015.
Research Interest

Bioinformatics, Statistical & Machine Learning, Programming & Simulation

Journal Publication
  • Nazia Afrin and Md. Shahidul Islam, “Periodic Solutions of Gurtin-MacCamy Model and Extended Gurtin-MacCamy Model”, Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics , Vol. 17, No. 2, pp 221-232.
  1. Muhammad Rakibul Islam, Nahid Farzana, Md. Rajnabul Akhond, Mizanur Rahaman, Md. Jahidul Islam, Ishtiaque Syed. " DFT aided Experimental Investigation on the Electrochemical Performance of Hetero-Interface Functionalizes CuO Nanoparticles Decorated MoS2 Nanoflower for Energy Storage Applications". Materials Advances



1. Hossan, M. S., Datta, T., & Islam, M. S. (2024). Galerkin-finite difference method for fractional parabolic partial differential equations. MethodsX, 12, 102763. DOI:

2. Hossan, M. S., Datta, T., & Islam, M. S. (2024). Combining approach of collocation and finite difference methods for fractional parabolic PDEs. Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics, 12, 100921. DOI:

3. Ali, H., Datta, T., & Kamrujjaman, M. (2021). Efficient Family of Iterative Methods for Solving Nonlinear Simultaneous Equations: A Comparative Study. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 5(4), 331-337. DOI: 10.26855/jamc.2021.12.011 

Journal Publications
  1. Kazi Nusrat Islam, Tahera Parvin and Prof Dr. Md. Haider Ali Biswas, “Dynamic Optimization Applied to A Criminological Model for Reducing the Spread of Societal Corruption”, Khulna University Studies, pp. 832–844, Nov. 2022.
  2. Md. Mulk, Kazi Nusrat Islam and Dr. Md. Haider Ali Biswas, “Modeling and Numerical Analysis for Mechanical Characterization of Soft Tissues Mechanism Applying Inverse Finite Element Technique”, Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Sec. Mathematical Biology, Vol. 9, Mar. 2023
  3. Tahera Parvin Moly, Kazi Nusrat Islam and Prof Dr. Md. Haider Ali Biswas, “Mathematical Analysis of Transmission Dynamics and Control of Salmonella Bacterial Infection”, Khulna University Studies, pp. 845–854, Nov. 2022,
Conference Publications
  1. Kazi Nusrat Islam, Prof Dr. Md. Haider Ali Biswas, Mathematical Assessment for the Dynamical Model of Sexual Violence of Women in Bangladesh, 3rd International Conference on Industrial & Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 26–27 December 2020.
Conference Proceedings
  1. Kazi Nusrat Islam, Prof Dr. Md. Haider Ali Biswas, Analysis of Mathematical Model on the Dynamics of Violence against Women, 3rd International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 30–31 July 2021.
  2. Kazi Nusrat Islam, Prof Dr. Md. Haider Ali Biswas, A Mathematical Model Applied to Understand the Dynamical Behavior of Corruption in Bangladesh, 4th International Conference on Industrial & Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 26–27 December 2021.
Electrostatic rogue waves in double pair plasmas.

N. Ahmed, A. Mannan, N. A. Chowdhury, A. A. Mamun, “Electrostatic rogue waves in double pair plasmas”, Chaos (American Institute of Physics-USA) 28, 123107 (2018).

Self-gravitating envelope solitons in a degenerate quantum plasma system

N. Ahmed, N. A. Chowdhury, A. Mannan, A. A. Mamun, “Self-gravitating envelope solitons in a degenerate quantum plasma system”, Advances in Astrophysics (ISP- Hong Kong) 03, 257 (2018).

Probability and kinetics of rupture and electrofusion in giant unilamellar vesicles under various frequencies of direct current pulses

T. I. Bhuiyan, U. S. Orchi, N. Ahmed, M. Moniruzzaman, M. Billah, A. S. Karal, “Probability and kinetics of rupture and electrofusion in giant unilamellar vesicles under various frequencies of direct current pulses”, PLOS One (Public Library of Science- USA) , 19(6): e0304345, (2024).

• publications

Roni Akter *, Nilufar Yasmin, Mahtab Uddin Ahmmed, ''Numerical Simulation of Gas Flow and Nanoparticle Deposition in the Human Lung'' American Journal of Applied Mathematics (Volume 12, Issue 5) DOI:10.11648/j.ajam.20241205.14

  • Kazi Mehedi Mohammad, Asma Akter Akhi, & Md Kamrujjaman. "Bifurcation analysis of an influenza A (H1N1) model with treatment and vaccination." PloS one 20, no. 1 (2025): e0315280. DOI:
  • Kazi Mehedi Mohammad, Mayesha Sharmim Tisha, & Md. Kamrujjaman (2024), “Wiener and Lévy processes to prevent disease outbreaks: Predictable vs stochastic analysis”. Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics, Volume 10, ISSN 100712. DOI:
  • Md. Saiful Islam, Kazi Mehedi Mohammad, Md. Mashih Ibn Yasin Adan, & Md. Kamrujjaman (2024), “Lyapunov Functions and Qualitative Analysis of an Epidemic Model with Vaccination”. GANIT: Journal of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, Volume 44(1), Pages 1-22. DOI:
  • Asma Akter Akhi, Kazi Mehedi Mohammad & Md. Kamrujjaman (2024), “Seasonal Variability and Stochastic Branching Process in Malaria Outbreak Probability”. Acta Tropica, Volume 257, ISSN 107311. DOI:
  • Kazi Mehedi Mohammad & Md. Kamrujjaman (2024), “Stochastic differential equations to model influenza transmission with continuous and discrete-time Markov chains”, Alexandria Engineering Journal, Volume 110, 2025, Pages 329-345, ISSN 1110-0168. DOI:
Journal Article

Saha, M., Islam, S., Akhi, A. A., & Saha, G. (2024). “Factors affecting success and failure in higher education mathematics: Students’ and teachers’ perspectives”. Heliyon, 10(7). DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e29173. (Q1, IF: 4.00). 

Conference Presentations

1. Presented the paper entitled “Development of a Fuzzy Cognitive Map for Anticipating the Risk of Malaria Outbreak” in the 3rd National Mathematics Conference organized by the Department of Mathematics, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh during 6-7 February 2025.

2. Presented the paper entitled “Dynamics of a Diphtheria Model Under Fuzzy Environment: A Case Study of the Rohingya Refugee Camp of Bangladesh” in the 23rd International Mathematics Conference organized by the Department of Mathematics, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh during 16-17 May 2024.

3. Presented the paper entitled “Factors Influencing University Learners’ Underperformance in Mathematical Courses” in the 22nd International Mathematics Conference organized by Bangladesh Mathematical Society (BMS) during 10-11 December 2021 (virtually).