A/2, Jahurul Islam Avenue
Jahurul Islam City, Aftabnagar
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Ph.D in Applied Mathematics, Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT), Japan
Md. Fazlul Karim is a Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, East West University, Bangladesh, where he has been since 2018. He was first appointed as an Associate Professor and later on promoted to Professor. During 2010-2017, he was a Principal Lecturer at University Technology Brunei (UTB), Brunei Darussalam. He has also worked at University Science Malaysia (USM), University of Dhaka and Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet.
He received his BSc (Honours) and MSc in Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
In 1996, he was awarded the Monbusho Scholarship for doing PhD in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in the Department of Mechano Aerospace Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT), Japan and successfully awarded PhD in March 2000.
His research interests are: Turbulent flow using Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), Mathematical Modelling of Long Wave (Tsunami and Storm Surge), Heat and Mass transfer. He has developed mathematical models to simulate Tsunami and Storm Surge. He has over 55 peer-reviewed international journal publications and over 17 international conference papers. He attended different international conferences and seminars at home and abroad.
Professor (31 January 2023 to till date)
Associate Professor (8 January 2018 - 30 January 2023)
Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
East West University, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh.
Principal Lecturer (July 2010 - 31 December 2017)
School of Applied Sciences and Mathematics, University Technology Brunei.
Senior Lecturer (July 2009 - June 2010)
University Sains Malaysia (USM).
Assistant Professor (January 2009 - June 2009)
University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia.
Senior Lecturer (July 2005 - 20 December 2008)
School of Mathematical Sciences, University Sains Malaysia (USM).
Associate Professor of Mathematics (April 2004 - June 2005)
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Assistant Professor of Mathematics (April 1996 – April 2004)
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Lecturer (August, 1991 - April, 1996)
Department of Mathematics
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
( doi: 10.1063/5.0228513)
(Indexed in: Scopus, ISSN: 2666-2027, 2023, Publisher: Elsevier
5. M. J. Hasan, A, K, Azad, R. Hossain, M. M. Rahman, M. F. Karim, “Analysis of mixed convection under radiation and magnetohydrodynamics utilizing Kerosene-CNT nanofluid in a lid-driven cavity” International Journal of Thermofluids, 21, 100528, 1-16, 2024.
(Indexed in: Scopus, ISSN: 2666-2027, 2023, Publisher: Elsevier
6. A, K, Azad, M. J. Hasan, M. F. Karim, E. M. M. Alam, M. M. Rahman,” Rotational effect of
a cylinder on hydro-thermal characteristics in a partially heated square enclosure using CNT-water
nanofluid”, Journal “Heliyon” volume 9, e 22744, 1-22, 2023.
(Indexed in: Scopus, ISSN: ISSN: 2405-8440, Publisher: Elsevier, Impact factor : 4).
7.S.M. Yiasir Arafata, M.M. Rahmana, M F Karim, M R Amin, “Wave profile analysis of the (2 +1)-dimensional Konopelchenko–Dubrovsky model in mathematical physics, International Journal of Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics, Volume 8, December , 1-9, 100573, 2023.
8. M A Meah, M K Bhuiyan, M M Rahman, M. F. Karim”Far Field Tsunami Simulation Using an Open Boundary Condition from an Extended Domain" International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, ISSN: 2456-1452, 8(2): 51-56 , 2023.
9. S. Yeasmin , Zahurul Islam , A.K. Azad , Eare M. Morshed Alam , M.M. Rahman , M.F. Karim , “Thermal performance of a hollow cylinder with low conductive materials in a lid-driven square cavity with partially cooled vertical wall” Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 35 ,101454, 1-13, 2022.
(Indexed in: Scopus, ISSN: 2451-9049, Publisher: Elsevier, Impact factor : 4.56).
10 S.T.Keya, S. Yeasmin, M. M. Rahman, Karim, M. F, M. R. Amin,, “ Mixed convection heat transfer in a lid-driven enclosure with a double-pipe heat exchanger, International Journal of Thermofluids, 13, , 100131, 1-11, 2022.
(Indexed in: Scopus, ISSN: 2666-2027, , Publisher: Elsevier).
11. I. Zahurul, A. Sohel, M. M. Rahman, Karim, M.F, M. R Amin, “Global Stability Analysis and Parameter Estimation for a Diphtheria Model: A Case Study of an Epidemic in Rohingya Refugee Camp in Bangladesh,’’ Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Hindawi, Article ID 6545179, pages 1-13, volume 2022.
12. M. F. Karim, "Simulation of Tsunami along North Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia allied With the Indonesian Tsunami of 2004 using a Shallow Water Model",Journal of Science of Tsunami Hazards, 40 (1), 48-61 2021. (Indexed In: Scopus)
13. M. M. Roshid, M. F. Karim, M. M. Rahman and Tahmina Sultana, “New Solitonic and Rogue wave solutions of Klein-Gordon equation using quadratic nonlinearity, Journal of Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics, 3, 1-5, 2021.
(Indexed in: Scopus, ISSN: 2666-8181, Publisher: Elsevier).
14. M. F. Karim, Sumona Huq, M. M. Rahman,* and Azad, A. K.,, “Analysis of Convective Heat Transfer in a Porous Enclosure with Partially Active Thermal Wall, International Journal of Thermofluids 11, 100099, 2021.
(Indexed in: Scopus, ISSN: 2666-2027, 2021, Publisher: Elsevier).
15. Azad, A K., Shuvo, M., Kabir, R H., Rabbi, M., Karim, M F., Rahman, M M.,“ Heat transfer augmentation in a diamond shaped enclosure utilizing CNT-water Nanofluid International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 116, p 1-16, 104647, 2020.
(Indexed in : Scopus, ISSN:0735-1933, Impact Factor:3.971, Publisher: Elsevier)
16. Muhaimin I, Radiah B., Kandasamy R., Firdaus S., Karim. M. F., Sabirin, M.: Numerical Investigation for Convective Heat Transfer of Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) Nano-fluids over a Stretching Surface, Journal of Materials Science Forum, Vol: 961, p 148 – 155, 2019.
(Indexed in : Scopus)
17. Huq, S., M. M. Rahman, M.M., Karim, M. F., Amin, M.R.: “Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection in a Porous Enclosure with a Flush Mounted Heater on the Bottom Wall”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences”, Vol. 14, Issue 18, p 3193 – 3207, 2019.
(Indexed in : Scopus)
18. Huq, S., M. M. Rahman, M.M., Karim, M. F., Amin, M.R.: “Computational study of natural convection in a rectangular porous enclosure with partially active wall in different heater and cooler positions” International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, 4(6): 01-13, 2019
19. Yong, A. h., Islam, M. A., Hasan, N., Karim, M. F.: Correlation Development for Zeta Potential with Storage Time, Emulsion Concentration and the Stability of the Emulsion on the Droplet Size Distribution, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering& Management, Vol: 4, Issue: 7, p 1-11, 2018.
20. Meah, M. A., Noor, S., Arefin, M.A., Karim, M.F.: Tsunami Inundation Modeling in a Boundary Fitted Curvilinear Grid Model Using the Method of Lines Technique, International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering Vol:11, No:1, 137 – 145,2017.
21. Karim, M. F.; Sankar, D. S.; Yunus, E.; 2016: On the open sea propagation of 2004 global tsunami generated by the sea bed deformation, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 11 (4) 2686-2692 © Research India Publications.
Indexed In: Scopus, http://www.ripublication.com
22. Meah, M. A.; Karim, M. F.; Noor, M. S.; Papri. N. N.; Hossen, M. K.; Ismoen. M.; 2016: Combined Effect of Moving and Open Boundary Conditions in the Simulation of Inland Inundation Due to Far Field Tsunami, International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering Vol:10, No:2, 219 – 227.
23. Gaur, P. C; Ismail, A. I. M.; Karim, M. F. 2016: Development of Tide-Surge Interaction Model for the Coastal Region of Bangladesh, Journal of Estuaries and Coasts, DOI 10.1007/s 12237-016-0110-4, pp 1 – 18.
(Indexed In: Scopus)
24. M. Ismoen, M. F. Karim, R. Mohamad and R. Kandasamy 2015: Similarity and nonsimilarity solutions on flow and heat transfer over a wedge with power law stream condition, International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering & Advanced Materials (IJIMEAM) Vol. 1 (No. 1), pp 5 -12.
25. Karim, M.F., Islam, M.E. 2015: A Boundary Fitted Nested Grid Model for Modelling Tsunami Propagation of 2004 Indonesian Tsunami along Southern Thailand, International Journal of Environmental, Chemical, Ecological and Geophysical Engineering, Vol: 9, No: 8, pp 891 – 898. (International Science Index Vol: 9, No: 8, 2015, waset.org/ publication/10002220).
26. Karim, M. F.; Ahmad Izani M Ismail; M. A. Meah. 2014: A Boundary Fitted Nested Grid Model for Tsunami Computation along Penang Island in Peninsular Malaysia, International Journal of Mathematical, Computational Sciences and Engineering,www.waset.org/Publications, Vol: 8 No: 2, 21-28.
(Indexed In: Scopus, Thomson Reuters (ISI), International Science Index)
27. Gaur, P. C; Ismail, A. I. M.; Karim, M. F. 2014: Implementation of method of lines to predict water levels due to a storm along the coastal region of Bangladesh, Journal of Oceanography, The Oceanographic Society of Japan and Springer Japan, DOI 10.1007/s 10872-014-0224-x, 199-210.
(Indexed in : Scopus)
Springer Publications, ISI, Impact Factor: 1.45 / 2012)
28. Meah, M. A.; Karim, M. F.; Noor, M. S.; Hossen, M. K.; Islam, M.E.; 2013: The Method of Lines Technique in a Boundary-Fitted Curvilinear Grid Model to Simulate 2004 Indian ocean Tsunami, International research journal of engineering science, Technology and Innovation, 2(3), 40-50.
29. Meah, M. A; Ismail, A. I. M.; Karim, M. F., Islam, M. S; 2012: Simulation of the effect of far field tsunami through an open boundary condition in a boundary fitted curvilinear grid system, Journal of Science of Tsunami Hazards, 31 (1), 1-18. Indexed In: Scopus.
30. Meah, M.A; Karim, M. F., Alam, M. j., Noor, S. M., Sadhu, P. P., 2012: Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Distant Tsunami along the Coast of Peninsular Malaysia and Southern Thailand through an Open Boundary Condition in a Linear Model, Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (F), Mathematics & Decision Sciences, Volume 12, Issue 9 Version 1, 47-62.
31. Karim, M. F., Meah, M.A; Ismail, A. I. M.; 2012: A Shallow Water Model for Computing Inland Inundation due to Indonesian Tsunami 2004 using a Moving Coastal Boundary, International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Natural and Physical Engineering Vol:6, No:12, 72 - 77, (Indexed In: Scopus, Thomson Reuters (ISI), International Science Index)
32. Meah, M.A; Karim, M. F., Ismail, A. I. M.; 2010: A Boundary-Fitted Curvilinear Shallow Water Model for Computing Storm Surge along the Coast of Bangladesh, Far East J. of Applied Mathematics,41(1), 1-20.
(Indexed in and Reviews: Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, and Zentralblatt fur Mathematik databases.)
33. Karim, M. F.; Ismail, A. I. M; 2010: Estimation of expected maximum water level due to tide and tsunami interaction along the coastal belts of Penang Island in Peninsular Malaysia, Journal of Science of Tsunami Hazards, 29 (2), 127 – 138.
(Indexed In: Scopus)
34. Karim, M. F., Roy, G. D., Ismail, A. I. M.; Meah, M.A; 2009: Numerical Simulation of Indonesian Tsunami 2004 along Southern Thailand: A Nested Grid Model, International Journal of Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, www.waset.org/Publications, volume 3 (1),8-14.
(Indexed In: Scopus, Thomson Reuters (ISI), International Science Index)
35. Karim, M. F., Ismail, A. I. M.; Meah, M.A; 2009: Numerical Simulation of Indonesian Tsunami 2004 at Penang Island in Peninsular Malaysia using a Nested Grid Model, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Issue 1, volume 3, 1-8.
36. Karim, M. F.; Ismail, A. I. M.; Umi, H. I.; 2009: Numerical Simulation of Indonesian Tsunami of 2004 along Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand due to a time dependent source using a Cartesian coordinate shallow water model, Far East J. of Applied Mathematics, 37 (1), 49-67.
(Indexed in and Reviews: Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, and Zentralblatt fur Mathematik databases)
37. Karim, M. F., Roy, G. D., Ismail, A. M., Meah, M. A.; 2008: Tsunami computation along North Sumatra and Penang Island due to a time dependent source associated with the Indonesian Tsunami 2004 using a polar coordinate shallow water model. Far East J. of Applied Mathematics, 31(3), 385-407.
(Indexed in and Reviews: Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, and Zentralblatt fur Mathematik databases.)
38. Thanh, M. D., Karim, M. F., Ismail, A. M. 2008: Well-balanced scheme for Shallow Water Equations with arbitrary topography. International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, Vol 1, No 3, 196-204.
39. Ismail, A. I. M.; Karim, M. F., Roy, G. D., Meah, M.A; 2008: Numerical Modelling of Tsunami via the Method of Lines. International Journal of Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,www.waset.org/Publications, Volume 1, 213 - 221.
(Indexed In: Scopus, Thomson Reuters (ISI), International Science Index)
40. Karim, M. F., Roy, G. D., Ismail, A. I. M.; 2008: A Study of Open Boundary Conditions for Far Field Tsunami Computation, WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, Issue 4, volume 4, 2008, 334 - 349.
(Indexed in : Scopus)
41. Ismail, A. I. M.; Karim, M. F.; Thanh, M. D.;2008: Tsunami Modelling using the Well-Balanced Scheme, International Journal of Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, www.waset.org/Publications, volume 2 (4),166-169.
(Indexed In: Scopus, Thomson Reuters (ISI), International Science Index)
42. Karim, M. F., Roy, G. D., Ismail, A. I. M.; 2008: Open Boundary Condition in Numerical Modeling of Far Field Tsunami, Ganit, Journal of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, 28, 15-24.
43. Roy, G. D., Karim, M. F., Ismail, A. I. M.; 2007: A Non-Linear Polar Coordinate Shallow Water Model for Tsunami Computation along North Sumatra and Penang Island. Journal of Continental Shelf Research, 27, 245–257.
(Indexed in : Scopus, ISI Journal, ELSEVIER Publisher, available in Science Direct, Impact factor: 2.30).
44. Roy, G. D., Karim, M. F., Ismail, A. M.; 2007: A Linear Polar Coordinate Shallow Water Model for Tsunami Computation along North Sumatra and Penang Island. Oriental J. Mathematical Sciences, 1 (1) 1-16.
45. Roy, G. D., Karim, M. F.Ismail, A. M.; 2007: A 1-D Shallow Water Model for Computing Inland Inundation due to Long Waves using a Moving Coastal Boundary. Far East J. of Applied Mathematics,28 (3), 395-408.
(Indexed in and Reviews: Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, and Zentralblatt fur Mathematik databases.)
46. Karim, M. F., Roy, G. D., Ismail, A. I. M.; 2007: An Investigation on the Effect of Different Orientation of a Tsunami Source along the Coastal Belt of Penang Island: A Case Study of the Indonesian Tsunami 2004, Far East J. of Ocean Research, 1 (1) 33-47.
(Indexed in and Reviews: Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, and Zentralblatt fur Mathematik databases.)
47. Karim, M. F., Roy, G. D., Ismail, A. M., Meah, M. A.; 2007: A shallow water model for computing Tsunami along the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand using boundary-fitted curvilinear grids. Journal of Science of Tsunami Hazards, Volume 26, No. 1, 21 - 41.
(Indexed in : Scopus)
48. Karim, M. F., Roy, G. D.Ismail, A. I. M., Meah, M. A.; 2006: A linear Cartesian coordinate shallow water model for tsunami computation along the west coast of Thailand and Malaysia. Int. J. of Ecology & Development 4(S06): 1 - 14.
49. Roy, G. D., Karim, M. F., Ismail, A. M.; 2006: Numerical Computation of Some Aspects of 26 December 2004 Tsunami along the West Coast of Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia Using a Cartesian Coordinate Shallow Water Model. Far East J. of Applied Mathematics, 25(1), 57-71.
((Indexed in and Reviews: Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, and Zentralblatt fur Mathematik databases.)
50. Roy, G. D., Karim, M. F., Ismail, A. M., Meah, M. A.; 2006: Formulation of an Open Boundary Condition to Compute the Effect of Far Field Tsunami in the Domain of a Cartesian Coordinates Shallow Water Model. Far East J. of Applied Mathematics, 25(3), 253-272.
(Indexed in and Reviews: Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, and Zentralblatt fur Mathematik databases.)
51. Karim, M.F., (2004): Statistics of Tube-Like Eddies in MHD Homogeneous Turbulence related to Turbulent Energy, Teacher’s World, 26, 139-146.
52. Karim. M.F., (2004): Scaling Law of Tube - Like Eddies in MHD- Homogeneous Turbulence, J. Math. and Math. Sci., Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vol. 19, 53-62.
53. Karim, M.F., (2002): Investigation of Small-Scale Eddies in Rotating Homogeneous Turbulence, Teacher’s World, 24, 245 -261.
54. Karim, M.F., (2001): Three – Dimensional Features of Tube-Like Eddies in MHD-Homogeneous Turbulence, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 25, No. 2, 125-130.
55. Tanahashi, M., Tsujimoto, T., Karim. M. F., Fujimura. D., Miyauchi. T., (1999): Anisotropy of MHD Homogeneous Turbulence, 1st report, Direct Numerical Simulation and Statistics, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), (B) 65, 640, 3877-3883. (Indexed In: Scopus)
56. Tanahashi, M., Tsujimoto, T., Karim. M. F., Fujimura. D., Miyauchi. T., (1999): Anisotropy of MHD Homogeneous Turbulence, 2nd report, Coherent Fine Scale Eddies and Lorentz Force, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), (B) 65, 640, 3884-3889.
(Indexed In: Scopus
4. Roy, G. D., Karim, M. F., Ismail, A. I. M.; 2006: Formulation of an Open Boundary Condition to Compute the Effect of Distant Tsunami in the Domain of a Nonlinear Polar Coordinate Shallow Water Model. Int. Conf. on Mathematical Modelling and Computation, Univ. of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei. 5 - 8 June 2006.
5. Karim, M. F., Roy, G. D., Ismail, A. I. M.; 2006: Numerical Computation of Different Aspects of 26 December 2004 Tsunami along the Penang Island Using a Cylindrical Polar Model. Proc. The 2nd IMT-GT Regional Conf. on Math. Stat. and Applications, UniversitiSains Malaysia. 13 - 15 June 2006, pp 15-25.
6. Meah. M. A., Roy, G. D., Karim, M. F., Ismail, A. I. M.; 2006: A Shallow water model for computing Tide and Surge along the coast of Bangladesh. The 2nd IMT-GT Regional Conf. on Math. Stat. and Applications, UniversitiSains Malaysia. 13 - 15 June 2006.
7. Karim, M. F., Roy, G. D., Ismail, A. I. M.; 2006: On the formulation of an open boundary condition to compute the effect of far field tsunami. Proc. Symposium on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster preparedness and Mitigation, 6th General Assembly of Asian Seismological Commission, Bangkok, Thailand. 7-10 November 2006.
8. Meah, M.A., Karim, M.F., Roy, G.D, Ismail, A.I.M. 2007: Numerical Modelling of the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami along Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand using Boundary-Fitted Curvilinear Grids. The 3rd IMT-GT Conf. on Math. Stat. and Applications, UniversitiSains Malaysia,5-7 December 2007.
9. Karim, M. F., G D Roy, Ahmad Izani M Ismail; 2008: Computation of Far Field Tsunami through an Open Boundary Condition using a Cartesian Coordinate Shallow Water Model, Proc. 2nd IASME/ WASES, International conference on Geology and Seismology (GES ‘08), Cambridge University, UK, 23 – 25 February 2008, pp 155-169.
10. Karim, M. F.; Ahmad Izani M Ismail; M. A. Meah; T. F. Nak; L. M. Hie2008: Use of a Nested Numerical Scheme in Solving Shallow Water Equations to Compute Tsunami along the Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, International Symposium on Mathematical Sciences, University Malaysia Terengganu, 3 – 5 June 2008.
11. Karim, M. F.; Ahmad Izani M Ismail; M. A. Meah. 2008: A one-way nested tsunami computation model for the Penang Island in Peninsular Malaysia, 7thwseas int. conference on system science and simulation in engineering, 21- 23 November, Venice, Italy
12. Karim, M. F.; Ahmad Izani M Ismail; M. A. Meah. 2008: Numerical Simulation of Indonesian Tsunami 2004 at Phuket Using a Nested Grid Model, 7th general assembly of Asian Seismological Commission, 24 – 27 November, Tsukuba, Japan.
13. Karim, M. F.; Umi, H. I.; 2009: Tsunami computation along Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand due to a time dependent source associated with Indonesian Tsunami 2004 using a Cartesian Coordinate Shallow Water Model. 5th Asian Mathematical Conference, 22-26 June, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
14. Karim, M. F., Meah, M.A; Ismail, A. I. M.; 2012: A Shallow Water Model for Computing Inland Inundation due to Indonesian Tsunami 2004 using a Moving Coastal Boundary, ICMMAC 2012, International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Analysis and Computation,Phuket, Thailand, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, www.waset.org/Publications, volume 72, 469-477.
15. Karim, M. F.; Ahmad Izani M Ismail; M. A. Meah. 2014: A Boundary Fitted Nested Grid Model for Tsunami Computation along Penang Island in Peninsular Malaysia; ICMSSC 2014, International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, www.waset.org/Publications, 86, 313- 320.
16. Ak Muhammad Rahimi Bin PgHjZahari; Karim, M. F. 2014: One-Dimensional Numerical Model for Tidal Waves on Estuaries, IET, 5th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology, Conference number: CP649 (Indexed In: Scopus)
17. Sankar, D. S., Karim, M. F. 2014: Influences of Body Accelerations in Blood Flow Through Narrow Arteries with Multiple Constrictions – A Mathematical Model, IET, 5th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology, Conference number: CP649 (Indexed In: Scopus).
18. Karim, M. F. , Esa, A. I., 2015:A boundary-fitted nested grid model for modelling tsunami propagation of 2004 Indonesian Tsunami along Southern Thailand, ICPPAM 2015: 17 International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 24 – 25, 2015, 17 (8) Part XIII, pp 2319 – 2326,World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, www.waset.org/Publications.
19. Muhaimin, I., Radiah, B. M., Kandasamy, R., Ahmad, S. A. R., Karim, M. F., 2016: Convective heat transfer of CNTs Nano fluids over a stretching surface, IET, 6th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology (Indexed In: Scopus).
1. Sanggar Sanjung award 2007 from University Sains Malaysia for outstanding publications.
2. Received a publication reward from the EWU authority for a article in a Q1 journal in 2024. The title of the published article is "A numerical investigation on forced convection heat and mass transfer performance in a right triangular cavity", published in international journal of thermofluids.
Invited talk: Title: “Numerical Computation of Some Aspects of 26 December 2004 Tsunami Along the west coast of Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia Using a Cartesian Coordinate Shallow Water Model”, 1st National Conference on Advances in Science and Technology, Organized by Faculty of Science, BUET, 7-8 December 2023.
Advisory Committee: 3rd National Mathematics Conference 2024,
Organized by Bangladesh Mathematical Society, Department of Mathematics , BUET
6-7 February 2025
1. Tsunami Society International, USA