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WA Signatories Recognize EEE Graduates

Jun 30, 2024

WA Signatories Recognize EEE Graduates

The Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE) under the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) became a full signatory of the Washington Accord on June 12, 2024, retroactively effective from June 2023. Consequently, graduates from the Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) department of East West University (EWU) who graduated after September 30, 2023 (the effective date of our most recent accreditation), will be recognized by all the full signatories of the Washington Accord. The list of these full signatories is available here This is a significant honor for our department, as only 12 engineering programs in the country currently qualify for this prestigious recognition. Recognition by the Washington Accord will open numerous opportunities for our graduates, including in employment, higher studies, credit transfers, and immigration.