Publications: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Journal Publication
  1. Z. Wang, S. Nasrin, R. Islam, Anisul Haque, and M. A. Karim, “Emerging memories and their applications in neuromorphic computing,” in Nanoelectronics: Physics, Materials, and Devices, A. Sarkar, C. K. Sarkar, A. Deyasi, D. De, A. Benfdila, Editors, Elsevier Inc., pp. 305 – 357, 2023 (Invited)
  2. M. S. Ahmed, M. R. Khan, Anisul Haque, and M. R. Khan, “Agrivoltaics analysis in a techno-economic framework: Understanding why agrivoltaics on rice will always be profitable,” Applied Energy, Vol. 323, p. 119560, 2022
  3. J. B. Jahangir, M. Al-Mahmud, M. S. S. Shakir, Anisul Haque, M. A. Alam, and M. R. Khan, “A critical analysis of solar farm configurations: theory and experiments,” IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 47726-47740, 2022.
  4. S. K. Maity, Anisul Haque and S. Pandit, “Charge-based compact drain current modeling of InAs-OI-Si MOSFET including subband energies and band nonparabolicity,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 67, No. 6, pp. 2282 – 2289, 2020.
  5. R. A. Khan, M. R. Mahmood and Anisul Haque, “Enhanced Energy Extraction in an Open Loop Single-Axis Solar Tracking PV System with Optimized Tracker Rotation about Tilted Axis,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 045301(1-11), 2018.
  6. M. M. Islam, Md. N. K. Alam, Md. S. Sarker, Md. R. Islam and Anisul Haque, “An Analytical Model for the Gate C-V Characteristics of UTB III‒V-on-insulator  MIS Structure," IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 335 – 339, 2017.
  7. N. G. Mim, S. B. Kutub and Anisul Haque, “Characterization of top barrier thickness from gate capacitance of high mobility III-V semiconductor MOS-HEMT devices,” Results in Physics, Vol. 6, pp. 233–234, 2016.
  8. Urmita Sikder and Anisul Haque, “Optimization of idealized quantum dot intermediate band solar cells considering spatial variation of generation rates”, IEEE Access, Vol. 1, pp. 363-370, 2013
  9. A. T. M. Golam Sarwar, M. R. Siddiqui, Md. M. Satter, and Anisul Haque, “On the enhancement of the drain current in Indium rich InGaAs surface channel MOSFETs”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 59, no. 6, pp.1653-1660, 2012
  10. Md. M. Satter, A. E. Islam, D. Varghese, M. A. Alam, and Anisul Haque, “A Self-Consistent Algorithm to Extract Interface Trap States of MOS Devices on Alternative High-Mobility Substrates”, Solid-State Electronics , Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 141-147, 2011
  11. Md. M. Satter and Anisul Haque, “Modeling Effects of Interface Trap States on the Gate C-V Characteristics of MOS Devices on Alternative High-Mobility Substrates”, Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 621-627, 2010
  12. M. A. Karim and Anisul Haque, “A Physically Based, Accurate Model for Quantum Mechanical Correction to the Surface Potential of Nano-Scale MOSFETs”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 496 – 502, 2010
  13. A. I. Khan, M. K. Ashraf, and Anisul Haque, “Wave function penetration effects on ballistic drain current modeling and MOSFET scaling”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 105, No. 6, pp. 064505(1-5), 2009
  14. M. K. Ashraf, A. I. Khan, and Anisul Haque, “Wave function penetration effects on ballistic drain current in double gate MOSFETs fabricated on (100) and (110) silicon surfaces”, Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 271 – 275, 2009
  15. D. Plumwongrot, T. Maruyama, Anisul Haque, H. Yagi, K. Miura, Y. Nishimoto and S. Arai, “Polarization Anisotropy of Spontaneous Emission Spectra in GaInAsP/InP Quantum-Wire Structures”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 47, Part 1, No. 5A, pp. 3735-3741, 2008
  16. A. M. Sonnet, M. A. Khayer and Anisul Haque, “Analysis of compressively strained GaInAsP/InP quantum wire electro-absorption modulators”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 43, No. 12, pp. 1198-1203, 2007
  17. M. Itrat B. Shams, K. M. Masum Habib, Q. D. M. Khosru, A. N. M. Zainuddin and Anisul Haque, “On the physically based compact gate C-V model for ultrathin gate dielectric MOS devices using the modified Airy function approximation”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 54, No. 9, pp. 2566-2569, 2007
  18. F. Ferdous and Anisul Haque, “Effect of elastic strain redistribution on electronic band structures of compressively strained GaInAsP/InP membrane quantum wires”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 101, No. 9, pp. 093106 (1-5), 2007
  19. A. N. M. Zainuddin and Anisul Haque, “An analytical model for electrostatics of strained-Si n-type metal-oxide-semiconductor devices”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 125-127, 2007
  20. A. E. Islam and Anisul Haque, “Accumulation gate capacitance of MOS devices with ultra-thin high-K gate dielectrics: modeling and characterization”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 1364-1372, 2006
  21. M. A. Khayer and Anisul Haque, “Analysis of the linewidth enhancement factor (α-factor) in compressively strained InGaAsP quantum wire lasers”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 100, No. 11, pp. 113108(1-6), 2006
  22. F. Ferdous and Anisul Haque, “Elastic strain relaxation in GaInAsP/InP membrane quantum wire lasers”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 1600-1604, 2006
  23. A. N. M. Zainuddin and Anisul Haque, “Threshold voltage reduction in strained-Si/SiGe MOS devices due to a difference in the dielectric constants of Si and Ge”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 52, No. 12, pp. 2812-2814, 2005
  24. Anisul Haque, T. Maruyama, H. Yagi, T. Sano, P. Dhanorm and S. Arai, “Anomalous in-plane polarization dependence of optical gain in compressively strained GaInAsP/InP quantum wire lasers”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 40, No. 9, pp. 1344-1351, 2004
  25. H. Yagi, T. Sano, K. Ohira, P. Dhanorm, T. Maruyama, Anisul Haque, S. Tamura and S. Arai, “GaInAsP/InP Partially Strain-Compensated Multiple-Quantum-Wire Lasers Fabricated by Dry Etching and Regrowth Processes”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 43, No. 6A, pp. 3401-3409, 2004
  26. M. M. A. Hakim and Anisul Haque, “Accurate modeling of gate capacitance in deep submicron MOSFETs with high-K gate-dielectrics”, Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 48, No. 7, pp. 1095-1100, 2004
  27. Anisul Haque, H. Yagi, T. Sano, T. Maruyama and S. Arai, “Electronic band structures of GaInAsP/InP vertically stacked multiple quantum-wires with strain-compensating barriers”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 94, No. 3, pp. 2018-2023, 2003
  28. H. Yagi, T. Sano, K. Ohira, T. Maruyama, Anisul Haque and S. Arai, “Room temperature-continuous wave operation of GaInAsP/InP multiple-quantum-wire lasers by dry etching and regrowth method”,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 42, Part 2, No. 7A, pp. L748-L750, 2003
  29. T. Sano, H. Yagi, K. Muranushi, S. Tamura, T. Maruyama, Anisul Haque and S. Arai, “Multiple-quantum-wire structures with good size uniformity fabricated by CH4/H2 dry etching and organometallic vapor-phase-epitaxial regrowth”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 42, Part 1, No. 6A, pp. 3471-3472, 2003
  30. M. M. A. Hakim and Anisul Haque, “A computationally efficient quantum-mechanical technique to calculate the direct tunneling gate current in metal-oxide-semiconductor structures”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 94, No. 3, pp. 2046-2052, 2003
  31. M. Yunus and Anisul Haque, “Wave function penetration effects on current-voltage characteristics of ballistic metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 93, No. 1, pp. 600-604, 2003
  32. M. M. A. Hakim and Anisul Haque, “Effects of neglecting carrier tunneling on electrostatic potential in calculating direct tunneling gate current in deep sub-micron MOSFETs”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 49, No. 9, pp. 1669-1671, 2002
  33. Anisul Haque and M. Z. Kauser, “A comparison of wave function penetration effects on gate capacitance in deep submicron n- and p-MOSFETs”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 49, No. 9, pp. 1580-1587, 2002
  34. Anisul Haque and K. Alam, “Accurate modeling of direct tunneling hole current in p-metal-oxide-semiconductor devices”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 81, No. 4, pp. 667-669, 2002
  35. M. Z. Kauser, M. S. Hasan and Anisul Haque, “Effects of wave function penetration into gate oxide on self-consistent modeling of scaled MOSFETs”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 693-695, 2002
  36. M. M. Chowdhury, S. Zaman, Anisul Haque and M. R. Khan, “Determination of electron trap distribution in gate-oxide region of deep submicron metal-oxide-semiconductor structure from direct tunneling gate current”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 80, No. 12, pp. 2123-2125, 2002
  37. K. Alam, S. Zaman, M. M. Chowdhury, M. R. Khan, and Anisul Haque, “Effects of inelastic scattering on direct tunneling gate leakage current in deep submicron metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 92, No. 2, pp. 937-943, 2002
  38. A. Rahman and Anisul Haque, “A study into the broadening of quantized inversion layer states in deep submicron MOSFETs”, Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 755-760, 2001
  39. Anisul Haque and M. R. Quddus, “Room temperature simulation of a novel quantum wire transistor”,Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 519-523, 2001
  40. Anisul Haque, A. Rahman and I. B. Chowdhury, “On the use of appropriate boundary conditions to calculate the normalized wavefunctions in the inversion layers of MOSFETs with ultra-thin gate-oxides”, Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 44, No. 10, pp. 1833-1836, 2000
  41. Anisul Haque and A. N. Khondker, “Quantum transport in mesoscopic devices: current conduction in quantum wire structures”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 87, No. 5, pp. 2553-2560, 2000
  42. Anisul Haque and A. N. Khondker, “An efficient technique to calculate normalized wavefunctions in arbitrary one dimensional quantum well structures”, Journal of Appled Physics, Vol. 84, No. 10, pp. 5802-5804, 1998
  43. A. N. Khondker and Anisul Haque, “Nonequilibrium distribution functions in mesoscopic devices”, Physical Review B, Vol. 55, No. 23, pp. 15798-15803, 1997
  44. A. N. Khondker and Anisul Haque, “Random impurity and phonon scattering processes in mesoscopic devices”, Physical Review B, Vol. 55, No. 7, pp. 4645-4648, 1997
  45. Anisul Haque and A. N. Khondker, “On the conductance and the conductivity of disordered quantum wires”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 80, No. 7, pp. 3876-3880, 1996
  46. Anisul Haque and A. N. Khondker, “Disorder induced enhancement of the quantum size effects in quantum wires with a tunnel barrier”, Physical Review B, Vol. 54, No. 7, pp. 5016-5019, 1996
  47. Anisul Haque and A. N. Khondker, “Electron transport in the presence of random impurities: transition from ballistic to diffusive regimes”, Physical Review B, Vol. 52, No. 15, pp. 11193-11200, 1995
  48. Anisul Haque and A. N. Khondker, “Nonequilibrium transport equation for nonlocal impurity self-energy within the Keldysh formulation”, Physical Review B, Vol. 49, No. 19, pp. 14007-14009, 1994
  49. Anisul Haque, M. Haque and M. R. Khan, “Energy band calculation for periodic potential structures using quantum mechanical impedance”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 68, No. 4, pp. 1661-1664, 1990
Journal Publication
  1.  Khairul Alam, “Role of Phonon Scattering on the Transport and Performance of an N-Channel Monolayer Black Phosphorus Transistor.,” Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 21–34, January 2024.

  2.  Khairul Alam, “DC and RF performance of an n-channel monolayer black phosphorus nanoribbon transistor,” Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, vol. 2,  pp. 86–98, June 2023.

  3.  Khairul Alam, “Transport and performance study of double-walled black phosphorus nanotube transistors,” Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 37(8), p. 085003, June 2022.

  4. Khairul Alam, “Anisotropic transport in tellurene field-effect transistors,” IET Micro & Nano Letters, vol. 15(13), pp. 959-963, November 2020.

  5. Khairul Alam, “Physical insight and performance metrics of monolayer MX2 heterojunction TFETs,” IET Micro & Nano Letters, vol. 15(2), pp. 81-85, February 2020.

  6. Khairul Alam, “Orientation engineering for improved performance of a Ge-Si heterojunction nanowire TFET,” IEEE  Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 64(12), pp. 4850-4855, December 2017.

  7. Somaia S. Sylvia, Khairul Alam, and Roger Lake, Uniform Benchmarking of Low-Voltage van der Waals FETs,” IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits, vol. 2, pp. 28-35, October 2016.

  8. Kalyan Mondol, Md. Manzurul Hasan, Yeasir Arafath, and Khairul Alam, “Quantization effects on the inversion mode of a double gate MOS,” Results in Physics, vol. 6, pp. 339-341, June 2016.

  9. Khairul Alam, Shinichi Takagi, and Mitsuru Takenaka, “A Ge ultrathin-body n-channel tunnel FET: Effects of orientation,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 61(11), pp. 3594-3600, November 2014.

  10. Somaia S. Sylvia, K. M. Masum Habib, M. Abul Khayer, Khairul Alam, Mahesh Neupane, and Roger Lake, “Effects of random, discrete source dopant distribution on nanowire tunnel FETs,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 61(6), pp. 2208-2214, June 2014.

  11. Khairul Alam, Shinichi Takagi, and Mitsuru Takenaka, “Strain-modulated L-valley ballistic-transport in (111) GaAs ultrathin-body nMOSFETs,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 61(5), pp. 1335-1340, May 2014.

  12. Khairul Alam, Shinichi Takagi, and Mitsuru Takenaka, “Analysis and comparison of L valley transport in GaAs, GaSb, and Ge ultrathin-body ballistic nMOSFETs,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 60(12), pp. 4213-4218, Dec. 2013.

  13. Khairul Alam and Roger Lake, “Monolayer MoS2 transistors beyond the technology roadmap,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 59(12), pp. 3250-3254, Dec. 2012.

  14. Somaia Sylvia, M. Abul Khayer, Khairul Alam, and Roger Lake, “Doping, tunnel barrier, and cold carriers in InAs and InSb nanowire tunnel transistors,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 59(11), pp. 2996-3001, Nov. 2012.

  15. Somaia Sylvia, Hong-Hyun Park, M. Abul Khayer, Khairul Alam,     Gerhard Klimeck, and Roger Lake, “Material Selection for     Minimizing Direct Tunneling in Nanowire Transistors,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 59(8), pp. 2064-2069, August 2012.

  16. Khairul Alam, “Uniaxial stress modulated electronic properties of a free standing InAs nanowire,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 59(3), pp. 661-665, Mar 2012.

  17. Khairul Alam and Md. Abu Abdullah, “Effects of gate dielectric constant on the performance of a gate all around InAs nanowire transistor,” IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 11(1), pp. 82-87, Jan 2012.

  18. Khairul Alam and Redwan N Sajjad, “Electronic properties and orientation-dependent performance of InAs nanowire transistors,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 57(11), pp. 2880-2885, Nov 2010.

  19. Md. Abdul Wahab and Khairul Alam, “Performance comparison of zero-Schottky-barrier and doped contacts carbon nanotube transistors with strain applied,” Nano-Micro Letters, vol. 2(2), pp. 126-133, Jul 2010.

  20. Sishir Bhowmick and Khairul Alam, “Effects of source-drain underlaps on the performance of silicon nanowire on insulator transistors,” Nano-Micro Letters, vol. 2(2), pp. 83-88, Jun 2010.

  21. Md. Abdul Wahab and Khairul Alam, “Performance of zero-Schottky-barrier and doped contact single and double walled carbon nanotube transistors,” Japanese Journal of Applied  Physics, vol. 49(2), pp. 025101(1-6), Feb 2010.

  22. Khairul Alam, “Transport and performance of a gate all around InAs nanowire transistor,” Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 24(8), pp. 085003(1-6), Aug 2009.

  23. Khairul Alam, “Uniaxial strain effects on the performance of a ballistic top gate graphene nanoribbon on insulator transistor," IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 8(4), pp. 528-534, Jul 2009.

  24. Redwan Sajjad, Khairul Alam, and Quazi Khosru, “Parametrization of silicon nanowire effective mass model from sp3d5s* orbital basis calculations,” Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 24(4), pp. 045023(1-8), Apr 2009.

  25. Redwan Sajjad and Khairul Alam, “Electronic properties of a strained <100> silicon nanowire," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 105(4), pp. 044307(1-6), Feb 2009.

  26. Khairul Alam, “Transport and performance of zero-Schottky barrier and doped contacts graphene nanoribbon transistors," Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 24(1), pp. 015007(1-8), Jan 2009.

  27. Sishir Bhowmick and Khairul Alam, “Dielectric scaling of a top gate silicon nanowire on insulator transistor," Journal  of Applied Physics, vol. 104(12), p. 124308, Dec 2008.

  28. Khairul Alam, “Gate dielectric scaling of top gate carbon nanoribbon on insulator transistors," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 104(7), p. 074313, Oct 2008.

  29. Deep Shah, Nicolas Bruque, Khairul Alam, Roger Lake and Rajeev Pandey, “Electronic properties of carbon nanotubes calculated from density functional theory and the empirical pi-bond model," Journal of Computational Electronics, vol. 6(4), p. 395, Dec 2007.

  30. Khairul Alam and RogerLake, “Role of doping in carbon nanotube transistors with source/drain underlaps," IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 6(6), pp. 652-658, Nov 2007.

  31. Khairul Alam and Roger Lake, “Performance metrics of a 5 nm, planar, top gate, carbon nanotube on insulator transistor," IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 6(2), pp. 186-190, Mar 2007.

  32. Khairul Alam and RogerLake, “Dielectric scaling of a zero-Schottky-barrier, 5 nm gate, carbon nanotube transistor with source/drain underlaps," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 100, p. 024317, Jul 2006.

  33. Nicolas Bruque, Khairul Alam, Rajeev Pandey, Roger Lake, James Lewis, Xu Wang, Fei Liu, Cengiz Ozkan, Mihrimah Ozkan, and Kang Wang, “Self- assembled carbon nanotubes for electronic circuit and device applications," Journal of Nano and     Optoelectronics, vol. 1(1), p. 74, Apr 2006.

  34. Rajeev Pandey, Nocolas Bruque, Khairul Alam, and Roger Lake, “Carbon nanotube - molecular resonant tunneling diode," Physica Status Solidi(a), vol. 203(2), p. R5, Feb 2006.

  35. Khairul Alam and Roger Lake, “Leakage and performance of zero-Schottky- barrier carbon nanotube transistors," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 98, p. 064307, Sep 2005.

  36. Khairul Alam and Roger Lake, “Performance of 2 nm gate length carbon nanotube field-effect transistors with source/drain underlaps," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 87, p. 073104, Aug 2005.

  37. Yun Zheng, Cristian Rivas, Roger Lake, Khairul Alam, Timothy Boykin, and Gerhard Klimeck, “Electronic properties of silicon nanowires," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 52(6), pp. 1097-1103, Jun 2005.

  38. Anisul Haque and Khairul Alam, “Accurate modeling of direct tunneling hole current in p-metal-oxide-semiconductor devices," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 81, p. 667, (2002).

  39. Khairul Alam, Saif Zaman, Murshed Chowdhury, Rezwan Khan, and Anisul Haque, “Effects of inelastic scattering on direct tunneling gate leakage current in deep submicron metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 92, p 937, (2002).

Conference & Seminars
  1. Md. Manzurul Hasan1 and Khairul Alam, “Comparative Study of Scaling Effects of a Double Gate Silicon and In0.47Ga0.53As MOSFET,” 10th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, December 20-22, 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  2. M. A. Faruque, Rezwan Ahmed, M. H. Rahat, and Khairul Alam, “Comparative Performance Analysis Between CIGS Single-Junction and CIGS Tandem Multi-Junction Solar Cell,” 10th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, December 20-22, 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  1. Md. Kamrul Hasan, Lutfun Nahar Lata, and Khairul Alam, “Effect of band gap on the performance of AlGaAs/GaAs dual junction solar cell,” 4th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering, September 28-30, 2017, Independent University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  2. Mostofa Amir RifatMohammad Imtiaz Morshed Khan, and Khairul Alam, “Simulation Study on the Effects of Changing Band Gap on Solar Cell Parameters,” 9th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, December 20-22, 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 86-89.
  3. Khairul Alam, Shinichi Takagi, and Mitsuru Takenaka, “Thickness dependent performance of (111) GaAs UTB nMOSFETs,”16th International Workshop on Computational Electronics, June 4-7, 2013, Nara, Japan, pp. 136-137.
  4. Somaia Sarwat Sylvia, M. Abul Khayer, Khairul Alam and Roger K. Lake, “On the effect of random source doping distribution in nanowire Tunnel FETs," TECHCON, September 9-10, 2013, Austin, Texas, USA.
  5. Somaia Sarwat Sylvia, M. Abul Khayer, Khairul Alam, Hong-Hyun Park, Gerhard Klimeck, and Roger K. Lake, “Discrete Random Distribution of Source Dopants in Nanowire Tunnel Transistors (TFETs)," APS March Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, March 18-22, 2013.
  6. Somaia Sarwat Sylvia, Mahesh Neupane, M. Abul Khayer, Khairul Alam, and Roger K. Lake, “Material Selection for Nanowire FETs and TFETs," 8th Annual FENA Review, Los Angeles, CA, Feb 7-8, 2012.
  7. Somaia S Sylvia, M Abul Khayer, Khairul Alam, and Roger K Lake, “Design issue analysis for InAs nanowire tunnel FETs,” Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 8102, p. 81020, Sep 2011.
  8. M. Abul Khayer, Somaia Sarwat Sylvia, Khairul Alam, and Roger K. Lake, “Effects of Heavily Doped Source on the Subthreshold Characteristics of Nanowire Tunneling Transistors," 69th Device Research Conference, June 20-22, 2011, Santa Barbara, CA, pp. 51-52.
  9. Somaia Sarwat Sylvia, M. Abul Khayer, Khairul Alam, and Roger K. Lake, “Performance Analysis of Nanowire III-V and CNT Tunnel FETs," 7th Annual FENA Review, Boston, MA, May 9-11, 2011.
  10. Shamim Ahmed and Khairul Alam, “Effects of phonon scattering on the performance of silicon nanowire transistors," 6th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, December 18-20, 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  11. Sishir Bhowmick, Khairul Alam, and Quazi Khosru, “The effects of doping, gate length, and gate dielectric on inverse subthreshold slope and on/off current ratio of a top gate silicon nanowire transistor," 5th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, December 20-22, 2008, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  12. Redwan Sajjad, Khairul Alam, and Quazi Khosru, “Effects of uniaxial strain on the bandstructures of silicon nanowires," 5th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, December 20-22, 2008, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  13. Abdul Wahab and Khairul Alam, “Performance comparison of zero-Schottky- barrier single and double walled carbon nanotube transistors," 5th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, December 20-22, 2008, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 
  14. Nicolas Bruque, Rajeev Pandey, Khairul Alam, and Roger Lake, “Modeling and Design of Beyond the Roadmap Materials and Devices: Nanowires, Nanotubes, and Molecules,” International Workshop on Electron Devices and Semiconductor Technology, pp. 25-30, Tsinghua University, June 3-4, 2007. 
  15. Nicolas Bruque, Rajeev Pandey, Khairul Alam, and Roger Lake, “Electron transport through molecular-carbon nanotube interfaces,” APS March Meeting, vol. 52, March 5–9, 2007, Denver, Colorado. 
  16. Khairul Alam, Nicolas Bruque, and Roger Lake, “Density functional theory mode space approach applied to silicon nanowire FETs,”International Workshop on Computational Electronics, pp. 209-210, October 8-10, Amherst, USA, 2007.
  1. Rajeev Pandey, Nicolas Bruque, Khairul Alam, and Roger Lake, “Effect of CNT-amide geometry on CNT-molecular conductance," 232nd ACS National Meeting, September 10-14, 2006, San Francisco, California, USA.
  2. Khairul Alam and RogerLake, “Near ideal operation of nanometer gate length carbon nanotube FETs," APS March Meeting, March 21-25, 2005, Los Angeles, California, USA.
  3. Khairul Alam and RogerLake, “The effect of source/drain extension asymmetry on the leakage current of ohmicly-contacted carbon nanotube FETs," NSTI Nanotechnology Conference, May 8-12, 2005, Anaheim, California, USA.
  4. Khairul Alam and RogerLake, “Optimal design and Coulomb blockade suppressed leakage of carbon nanotube transistors," 63rd Annual Device Research Conference, June 20-23, 2005, Santa Barbara, California, USA.
  5. Khairul Alam, Nicolas Bruque, Rajeev Pandey, and Roger Lake, “Performance, design, and modeling of bio-assembled carbon nanotube FETs," First International Nanotechnology Conference on Communication and Cooperation, June 2005, San Francisco, California, USA.
  6. Khairul Alam, RogerLake, and Nicolas Bruque, “High performance carbon nanotube transistors with underlap gates and Coulomb blockade suppressed leakage," Techcon Conference, October 24-26, 2005, Portland, Oregon, USA.
  7. Yun Zheng, RogerLake, Khairul Alam, Cristian Rivas, Timothy Boykin, and Gerhard Klimeck, “Electronic properties of silicon nanowires," 10th International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IEEE Cat. No.04EX915), 2004, pp. 82-83, Pisactaway, NJ, USA.
  8. Khairul Alam and Anisul Haque, “Modeling of hole direct tunneling gate current in pMOS devices," 2nd International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, December 26-28, 2002, pp. 76-79, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Book Chapter
  1. Khairul Alam and Roger Lake, “Transport, device design, and performance analysis of carbon nanotube transistors” Chapter 2 in encyclopedia of semiconductor nanotechnology, vol.7, pp. 1-34, year 2011, edited by Ahmad Umar, published by American Scientific Publishers, USA.
Selected journals
  1. M. M. A. Hakim, S. Tanzeem, K. Sun and P. Ashburn, "Low Cost Mass Manufacturable Silicon Nano-Sensors for Detection of Molecules in Gas Phase," SF J. Nanochem Nanotechnol., vol. 1(1), p. 1006, 2018.
  2. M. A. Hakim, C. H. de Groot, S. Hall and Peter Ashburn, “Drain current multiplication in thin pillar vertical MOSFETS due to depletion isolation and charge coupling,” Accepted for publication into the Journal of Computational Electronics. Journal of Computational Electronics, vol. 15, Issue. 3, pp. 839-849, September, 2016. (impact factor: 1.55)
  3. Kai Sun, M. M. A. Hakim, R. Gunn and P. Ashburn, “Effect of an Oxide Cap Layer and Fluorine implantation on the Metal-induced Lateral Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon,” ECS Journal of Solid State Science & Technology, vol.2, pp. P42-P45, 2013. (Impact factor: 1.588)
  4. Kai Sun, M. M. A. Hakim, R. Gunn and P. Ashburn, “Effect of an Oxide Cap Layer and Fluorine implantation on the Metal-induced Lateral Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon,”Oxford Instrument Plasma Technology Process News, vol. 1, p. 11, 2013.
  1. Mohammad M. A. Hakim, Marta Lombardini, Kai Sun, Francesco Giustiniano, Peter L. Roach, Donna E. Davies, Peter H. Howarth, Maurits R. R. de Planque, Hywel Morgan, Peter Ashburn, “Thin Film Poly-crystalline Silicon Nanowire Biosensors,” Nano Letters, vol. 12, pp. 1868-1872, 2012. (Impact factor: 13.592)
  2. Kai Sun, M. M. A. Hakim, R. Gunn and P. Ashburn, “Effect of fluorine on the lateral crystallization of amorphous silicon nanowires,” ECS Journal of Solid State Science & Technology, vol. 1, pp. P94-P99, 2012. (Impact factor: 1.588)
  3. Kai Sun, M. M. A. Hakim and Peter Ashburn, “Rectangular polysilicon nanowires by top down lithography, dry etch and metal induced lateral crystallization,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol. 15, pp. H62-H64, 2012. (Impact factor: 2.15)
  4. M. Sultan, O.D. Clark, T.B. Masaud, Q. Fang, R. Gunn, M.M.A. Hakim, K. Sun, P. Ashburn and H.M.H. Chong, “ Remote plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition of ZnO for thin film electronic applications,” Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 97, pp. 162-165, 2012. (Impact factor: 1.197)
  5. M. A. Hakim, A. Abuelgasim, L. Tan, C. H. de Groot, W. Redman.-White, S. Hall and P. Ashburn, “Improved Drive Current in RF Vertical MOSFETS using Hydrogen Anneal,” IEEE Electron Devices Letters, vol. 32, pp. 279-281, 2011. (Impact factor: 2.754)
  6. Kai Sun, Mohammad Al Hakim, Harold Chong and Peter Ashburn, “Material and etches for nanowire biosensors,” Oxford Instrument Plasma Technology Process News, vol. 2, pp. 8-9, 2011.
  7. M. Sultan, O. D. Clark, T. B. Masud, Q. Fang, R. Gunn, M. M. A. Hakim, K. Sun, P. Ashburn and H. Chong, “Remote plasma atomic layer deposition (ALD) of ZnO for thin film transistor applications, Oxford Instrument Plasma Technology Process News, vol. 2, pp. 12-13, 2011.
  8. M. A. Hakim, L. Tan, K. Mallik, S. Connor, A. Bousquet, C. H. de-Groot, W. Redman.-White, S. Hall and P. Ashburn, “Self-Aligned Silicidation of Surround-Gate Vertical MOSFETS for low cost RF applications,” IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, vol. 57, pp. 3318-3326, 2010. (Impact factor: 2.36)
  9. M. A. Hakim, L. Tan, O. Buiu, W. R. -White, S. Hall and P. Ashburn, “Improved sub-threshold slope in short channel vertical MOSFETs using FILOX oxidation,” Solid State electronics, vol. 53, pp. 753-759, 2009. (Impact factor: 1.504)
  10. Gili, V. D. Kunz, T. Uchino, M. M. A. Hakim, C. H. de Groot, P. Ashburn and S. Hall, “Asymmetric Gate Induced Drain Leakage and Body Leakage in Vertical MOSFETs with Reduced Parasitic Capacitance,” IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, vol. 53 (5), pp. 1080-1087, 2006. (Impact factor: 2.36)
  11. Gili, T. Uchino, M. M. A. Hakim, C. H. de Groot, O. Buiu, S. Hall, and P. Ashburn, “Shallow Junctions on Pillar Sidewalls for Sub-100-nm Vertical MOSFETs,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 27, pp. 692-695, 2006. (Impact factor: 2.754)
  12. M. A. Hakim and P. Ashburn, “Increased lateral crystallization distance during Ni induced lateral crystallization of amorphous silicon using fluorine implantation,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 154, pp. H734-H742, 2007. (Impact factor: 3.266)
  13. M. A. Hakim and P. Ashburn, “Mechanism of perimeter crystallization around a germanium seed,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society vol. 154, pp. H275-H282, 2007. (Impact factor: 3.266)
  14. M. A. Hakim, I. Matko, B. Chenevier and P. Ashburn, “Perimeter crystallization of amorphous silicon around a germanium seed,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol. 9, pp. G236-238, 2006. (Impact factor: 2.15)
  15. M. A. Hakim, I. Matko, B. Chenevier and P. Ashburn, “Lateral crystallization of amorphous silicon by germanium seeding,”Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 83, pp. 2437-2440, 2006. (Impact factor: 1.197)
  16. M. A. Hakim, C. H. de Groot, E. Gili, T. Uchino, S. Hall and P. Ashburn, “Depletion isolation effect in Vertical MOSFETS during transition from partial to fully depleted operation,” IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, vol. 53 (4), pp. 929-933, 2006. (Impact factor: 2.36)
  17. M. A. Hakim and A. Haque, “Accurate modeling of gate capacitance in deep submicron MOSFETs with high-K gate-dielectrics,” Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 48, Issue 7, pp. 1095-1100, 2004. (Impact factor: 1.504)
  18. M. A. Hakim and A. Haque, “Computationally efficient quantum-mechanical technique to calculate direct tunnelling gate leakage current in metal-oxide-semiconductor structures,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 94, pp. 2046-2052, 2003. (Impact factor: 2.19).
  19. M. A. Hakim and A. Haque, “Effects of neglecting carrier tunneling on electrostatic potential in calculating direct tunneling gate current in deep submicron MOSFETs,” IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, vol. 49, pp. 1669-1671, 2002. (Impact factor: 2.36)

International Conferences

Invited conference

  1. Mohammad M. A. Hakim, “Thin Film Poly-crystalline Silicon Nanowires: A route towards low cost mass manufacturable nano-sensors with the capability of detecting analytes both in aqueous solution and in gas phase,” in the International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterial and Nanotechnology (ICANN 2017) to be held on December 18-21, Guwahati, India.
  2. M. A. Hakim, M. Lombardini, Kai Sun, M. R. R. de Planque, H. Morgan and P. Ashburn, “High Quality Location Controlled Poly-crystalline Silicon Nanowires For Biosensors and Cytokine Binding Kinetics,” in the 2ndAnnual World Congress of Smart Materials-2016 (WCSM-2016), March 4-6, Singapore, 2016.
  3. M. A. Hakim, K. Sun, M. Lombardini , D. E. Davies, P. L. Roach , M. R. R. de Planque , H. Morgan and P. Ashburn, “High Quality Location Controlled Polycrystalline Silicon Nanowires for Bio-sensors,” in the 3rd International ITP Symposium Program,26thNovember, Southampton, UK, 2010.

Regular conference

  1. Anamika Shargen, Salim Sazzad, Mehedi Hasan and M. M. A. Hakim, ” Feasibility of silicon nanowire’s electrical characteristics modulation using substrate bias for tunable biosensor design,” accepted in the IEEERegion 10 Humanitarian Technology Confererence 2017 to be held on Dec 21-23, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  2. Tanvir Alam Shifat, Rubiya Nila, Muktadir Imam Jan and M. M. A. Hakim, “Bias dependent non-linear electrical characteristics of poly-silicon nanowire and assessment of biosensing application using liquid gate,” in 9th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 20-22 December, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2016.
  3. Laila Parvin Poly, Md. Asrarul Haque and M. M. A. Hakim, “An investigation of the effects of doping and thickness on the electrical characteristics of polycrystalline silicon nanowire biosensors,” in 9th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 20-22 December, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2016.
  4. Asrarul Haque, Kaisaruddin, Rouzatan Rafiue and M. M. A. Hakim, “Electrical characteristics tuning of silicon nanowires through backgate bias arrangement and feasibility of its application as biosensors,” in 11th Gobal Engineering, Science and Technology Conference, 18-19 December, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2015.
  5. H. Rubel, Kai Sun, S. Hall, P. Ashburn and M. M. A. Hakim, “Effect of Lightly Doped Drain on the Electrical Characteristics of CMOS Compatible Vertical MOSFETs,” in the 3rd international conference on advances in electrical engineering (ICAEE-2015), 17-19 December, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  6. Kai Sun, M. M. A. Hakim, I. Zeimpekis-Karakonstantinos, R. Gunn and P. Ashburn, “Comparison of Etches for Top-down Fabrication of Polycrystalline Silicon Nanowires,” in the 38th international conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, 16-20 September, Toulouse, France, 2012.
  7. M. A. Hakim, L. Tan, A. Abuelgasim, C. H. de-Groot, W. Redman.-White, S. Hall and P. Ashburn, “Drive Current Improvement in Vertical MOSFETS using Hydrogen Anneal,” in the 7th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE 2012), Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 20-22, 2012.
  8. Lombardini, M.M.A. Hakim, K. Sun, G. Broder, F.Giustiniano, M.R.R. de Planque, P.L. Roach, D. E. Davies, H. Morgan and P. Ashburn, “Inflammatory biomarker sensing using rectangular polycrystalline silicon nanowires made by dry etching,” in the 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, October 2-6, 2011, Seattle, USA.
  9. Sun, M. M. A. Hakim, M. Lombardini, F. Giustiniano, D. E. Davies, P. L. Roach, M. R. R. de Planque, P. Ashburn and H. Morgan, “Low-cost polysilicon nanowires for chemical sensing based on top down photolithography and dry etch,” in the annual S2K conference on Innovative Manufacturing Process in Micro and Nano Electronics, 21-22 June, 2011, Surrey, UK.
  10. M. Sultan, O. D. Clark, T. B. Masaud, Q. Fang, R. Gunn, M. M. A. Hakim, K. Sun, P. Ashburn, H. M. H. Chong, “Remote plasma atomic layer deposition of ZnO for thin film electronic applications,” 37th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, 19 – 23 September, Germany, 2011.
  11. Kai Sun, M. M. A. Hakim, J. Kong, M. R. R. de Planque, H. Morgan, P. L. Roach, D. E. Davies, P. Howarth and P. Ashburn, “Polycrystalline Silicon Nanowires Patterned by Top-Down Lithography for Biosensor Applications,” in the 36th International Conference on Micro & nano Engineering, September 19-22, Genoa, Itlay, 2010.
  12. Sun Kai, M. M. A. Hakim, P. Ashburn, “Recrystallised Si Nanofingers and Nanowires for Low CostBiosensor Applications,” in the International Symposium on Atom-scale Si Hybrid Nanotechnologies, March 1st – March 2nd, Southampton, 2010.
  13. Sun Kai, M. M. A. Hakim, J. Kong, M R R de Planque, H. Morgan, P. L. Roach, D. E. Davis, P. Howarth and P. Ashburn, “Low Cost Nanowire Biosensor Fabrication using Thin Film Amorphous Silicon Crystallisation Technologies,” In IDRN, May 14th, Leicester, UK, 2010.
  14. Sun, M. M. A. Hakim, M. Lombardini, D. E. Davies, P. L. Roach, M. R. R. de Planque, P. Ashburn and H. Morgan, “Sensors for chemical detection based on top-down fabricated silicon nanowires,” in NanoBioTech, November 15-17, Montreaux, Switzerland, 2010.
  15. Tan, M. M. A. Hakim, S. Connor, A. Bousquet, C. H. de-Groot, W. Redman.-White, S. Hall and P. Ashburn, “Compact Model Extraction Issues of Nonstandard CMOS Compatible Vertical MOSFETs,” in the 11th International Conference on ULtimate Integration of Silicon (ULIS), March 17-19, Glasgow, UK, 2010.
  16. Sun Kai, M. M. A. Hakim, P. Ashburn, “Metal Induced Lateral Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon Nanoribbons for Application in Biosensors,” E-MRS 2009 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, June 8 to 12, 2009.
  17. M. A. Hakim, L. Tan, K. Mallik, C. H. de-Groot, W. Redman.-White, S. Hall and P. Ashburn, “A Self-Aligned Silicidation Technology for Surround-Gate Vertical MOSFETS,” in the 39th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), 14 to 18thSeptember, Athens, Greece, 2009.
  18. Tan, M. M. A. Hakim, S. Connor, A. Bousquet, W. Redman-White, P. Ashburn and S. Hall, “Characterisation of CMOS Compatible Vertical MOSFETs with New Architectures through EKV Parameter Extraction and RF Measurement,” in the 10th International Conference on ULtimate Integration of Silicon (ULIS), March 18-20, Aachen, Germany, 2009.
  19. Sun Kai, Mohammad M. A. Hakim and Peter Ashburn, “Fluorine Dose Effect on the Nickel-induced Lateral Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon,” in the 39th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), 14 to 18th September, Athens, Greece, 2009.
  20. M. A. Hakim, L. Tan, T. Uchino, O. Buiu, W. R. -White, S. Hall and P. Ashburn, “Improved Sub-threshold Slope in RF Vertical MOSFETS using a Frame Gate Architecture,” in the 38th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), pp. 95-98, 2008.
  21. Tan, S. Hall O. Buiu, M. M. A. Hakim, T. Uchino, W. R. White and P. Ashburn, “Series resistance in vertical MOSFETs with reduced Drain/Source overlap capacitance,” In the 9th International Conference on Ultimate Integration of Silicon (ULIS), 12-14th March, Udine, Italy, 2008.
  22. Tan, M. M. A. Hakim, T. Uchino, W. Redman-White, P. Ashburn and S. Hall, “Asymmetrical IV characteristics and junction regions in implantation defined surround gate vertical MOSFETs,” in the 9th International Conference on Solid mState and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT)October 20-23, Beijing, China, 2008.
  23. Hall, L. Tan, 0. Buiu, M.M. Hakim, T. Uchino, P. Ashburn and W. Redman-White, “Vertical MOSFETs for high performance low cost CMOS,” International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, vol. 2, pp. 387 – 396, Oct. 15 -17, 2007.
  24. M. A. Hakim, I. Matko, B. Chenevier and P. Ashburn, “Lateral crystallization of amorphous silicon by germanium seeding,” In the Conference of Materials for Advanced Metallization, Grenoble, France, March 6-8, 2006.
  25. N. Rutt, and M. M. Al Hakim, “A proposed novel multiplexed near field Terahertz microscope,” in Workshop on New Scientific Possibilities with High Power Terahertz Sources, 29-30 June, Runcorn, UK, 2006.
  26. N. Rutt, and M. M. A. Hakim, “A proposed novel multiplexed near field Terahertz microscope,” in Workshop on Terahertz Radiation, 3-6 February, Novosobirsk, 2006.
  27. Gili, T. Uchino, M. M. A. Hakim, C. H. De Groot, P. Ashburn and S. Hall, “A new approach to the fabrication of CMOS compatible vertical MOSFETs incorporating a dielectric pocket,” in Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Ultimate Integration of Silicon (ULIS), pp. 127-130, Bologna, Italy, 2005.
  28. M. A. Hakim, P. Ashburn, C. H. De Groot, E. Gili, T. Uchino, and S. Hall, “Germanium seeded crystallisation of a-Si for application in 3D integration,” in Proceedings of PREP, Lancaster (UK), 2005.
  29. M. A. Hakim, C. H. De Groot, E. Gili, T. Uchino, S. Hall and P. Ashburn, “Effect of transition from PD to FD operation on the depletion isolation effect in vertical MOSFETs,” in Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Ultimate Integration of Silicon (ULIS), pp. 131-134, Bologna, Italy, 2005.
  30. M. A. Hakim and A. Haque, “Gate Capacitance of deep submicron MOSFETS with high-K gate dielectrics,” in the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE 2002), Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 312-315, 26-28 December, 2002.
  31. M. A. Hakim and A.H.M. Zahirul Alam, “A new vertical power MOSFET with extremely reduced on resistance and high switching speed with multilayer structure,” in the Proceedings of the First International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE 2001), pp.163-166, 2001.
  1. M. A. Hakim, “Modeling of direct tunneling gate current and gate capacitance in deep submicron MOSFETs with high-K dielectric”, Masters thesis, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (B. U. E. T.), 2002.
  2. M. A. Hakim, “Low temperature seeded crystallization of amorphous silicon for transistor-in-grain technology,” PhD thesis, University of Southampton, 2007.
  1. M. T. Patel, R. Asadpour, J. Bin Jahangir, M. Ryyan Khan, and M. A. Alam, “Current-matching erases the anticipated performance gain of next-generation two-terminal Perovskite-Si tandem solar farms,” Applied Energy, vol. 329, p. 120175, Jan. 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.120175.
  2. M. Sojib Ahmed, M. Rezwan Khan, A. Haque, and M. Ryyan Khan, “Agrivoltaics analysis in a techno-economic framework: Understanding why agrivoltaics on rice will always be profitable,” Applied Energy, vol. 323, p. 119560, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.119560.
  3. J. B. Jahangir, Md. Al-Mahmud, Md. S. S. Shakir, A. Haque, M. A. Alam, and M. R. Khan, “A Critical Analysis of Bifacial Solar Farm Configurations: Theory and Experiments,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 47726–47740, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3170044.
  4. E. Maria, A. Saha, M. R. Khan, Md. A. Zubair, Md. Z. Baten, and R. N. Sajjad, “Carrier transport and performance limit of semi-transparent photovoltaics: CuIn1−xGaxSe2 as a case study,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 130, no. 17, p. 173106, Nov. 2021, doi: 10.1063/5.0063930.
  5. M. R. Khan, M. T. Patel, R. Asadpour, H. Imran, N. Z. Butt, and M. A. Alam, “A review of next generation bifacial solar farms: predictive modeling of energy yield, economics, and reliability,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., vol. 54, no. 32, p. 323001, May 2021, doi: 10.1088/1361-6463/abfce5.
  6.   M. T. Patel, M. S. Ahmed, H. Imran, N. Z. Butt, M. R. Khan, and M. A. Alam, “Global analysis of next-generation utility-scale PV: Tracking bifacial solar farms,” Applied Energy, vol. 290, p. 116478, May 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116478.  (Impact factor: 8.848)
  7. Md. M. H. Mithhu, T. A. Rima, and M. R. Khan, “Global analysis of optimal cleaning cycle and profit of soiling affected solar panels,” Applied Energy, vol. 285, p. 116436, Mar. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116436.  (Impact factor: 8.848)
  8. M. T. Patel, R. A. Vijayan, R. Asadpour, M. Varadharajaperumal, M. R. Khan, and M. A. Alam, “Temperature-dependent energy gain of bifacial PV farms: A global perspective,” Applied Energy, vol. 276, p. 115405, Oct. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115405. (Impact factor: 8.848)
  9. M. A. Alam and M. R. Khan, “Shockley–Queisser triangle predicts the thermodynamic efficiency limits of arbitrarily complex multijunction bifacial solar cells,” PNAS, Nov. 2019. (Impact factor: 9.412)
  10. M.T. Patel, M. R. Khan, X. Sun, M.A. Alam, A worldwide cost-based design and optimization of tilted bifacial solar farms, Applied Energy. 247 (2019) 467–479. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.03.150.  (Impact factor: 8.848)
  11. M. R. Khan, E. Sakr, X. Sun, P. Bermel, M.A. Alam, Ground sculpting to enhance energy yield of vertical bifacial solar farms, Applied Energy. 241 (2019) 592–598. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.01.168.  (Impact factor: 8.848)
  12. M.T. Patel, M. R. Khan, M.A. Alam, Thermodynamic Limit of Solar to Fuel Conversion for Generalized Photovoltaic-Electrochemical Systems, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. 8 (2018) 1082–1089. doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2018.2831446.
  13. X. Sun, M. R. Khan, C. Deline, M.A. Alam, Optimization and performance of bifacial solar modules: A global perspective, Applied Energy. 212 (2018) 1601–1610. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.12.041.
  14. M. R. Khan, A. Hanna, X. Sun, M.A. Alam, Vertical bifacial solar farms: Physics, design, and global optimization, Applied Energy. 206 (2017) 240–248. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.08.042.
  15. X. Sun, T.J. Silverman, Z. Zhou, M. R. Khan, P. Bermel, M.A. Alam, Optics-Based Approach to Thermal Management of Photovoltaics: Selective-Spectral and Radiative Cooling, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. 7 (2017) 566–574. doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2016.2646062.
  16. E. Gençer, C. Miskin, X. Sun, M. R. Khan, P. Bermel, M.A. Alam, R. Agrawal, Directing solar photons to sustainably meet food, energy, and water needs, Scientific Reports. 7 (2017) 3133. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-03437-x.
  17. M.A. Alam, M. R. Khan, Thermodynamic efficiency limits of classical and bifacial multi-junction tandem solar cells: An analytical approach, Applied Physics Letters. 109 (2016) 173504. doi:10.1063/1.4966137.
  18. M. R. Khan, X. Wang, M.A. Alam, Nonideal Effects Limit the Efficiency Gain for Angle-Restricted Solar Cells, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. PP (2015) 1–7. doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2015.2480227.
  19. M. R. Khan, M.A. Alam, Thermodynamic limit of bifacial double-junction tandem solar cells, Applied Physics Letters. 107 (2015) 223502. doi:10.1063/1.4936341.
  20. B. Ray, A.G. Baradwaj, M. R. Khan, B.W. Boudouris, M.A. Alam, Collection-limited theory interprets the extraordinary response of single semiconductor organic solar cells, PNAS. (2015) 201506699. doi:10.1073/pnas.1506699112.
  21. R. Asadpour, R.V.K. Chavali, M. R. Khan, M.A. Alam, Bifacial Si heterojunction-perovskite organic-inorganic tandem to produce highly efficient (ηT* ~33%) solar cell, Applied Physics Letters. 106 (2015) 243902. doi:10.1063/1.4922375.
  22. S.R. Das, C. Akatay, A. Mohammad, M. R. Khan, K. Maeda, R.S. Deacon, K. Ishibashi, Y.P. Chen, T.D. Sands, M.A. Alam, D.B. Janes, Electrodeposition of InSb branched nanowires: Controlled growth with structurally tailored properties, Journal of Applied Physics. 116 (2014) 083506. doi:10.1063/1.4893704.
  23. M. R. Khan, X. Wang, P. Bermel, M.A. Alam, Enhanced light trapping in solar cells with a meta-mirror following generalized Snell’s law, Opt. Express. 22 (2014) A973–A985. doi:10.1364/OE.22.00A973.
  24. X. Wang, M. R. Khan, M. Lundstrom, P. Bermel, Performance-limiting factors for GaAs-based single nanowire     photovoltaics, Opt. Express. 22 (2014) A344–A358. doi:10.1364/OE.22.00A344.
  25. M. R. Khan, B. Ray, M.A. Alam, Prospects of layer-split tandem cells for high-efficiency OPV, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 120, Part B (2014) 716–723. doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2013.08.008.
  26. R. Chen, S.R. Das, C. Jeong, M. R. Khan, D.B. Janes, M.A. Alam, Co-Percolating Graphene-Wrapped Silver Nanowire Network for High Performance, Highly Stable, Transparent Conducting Electrodes, Adv. Funct. Mater. 23 (2013) 5150–5158. doi:10.1002/adfm.201300124.
  27. M.A. Alam, M. R. Khan, Fundamentals of PV efficiency interpreted by a two-level model, American Journal of Physics. 81 (2013) 655–662. doi:10.1119/1.4812594.
  28. X. Wang, M. R. Khan, J.L. Gray, M.A. Alam, M.S. Lundstrom, Design of GaAs Solar Cells Operating Close to the Shockley-Queisser Limit, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. 3 (2013) 737–744. doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2013.2241594.
  29. M.A. Alam, B. Ray, M. R. Khan, S. Dongaonkar, The essence and efficiency limits of bulk-heterostructure organic solar cells: A polymer-to-panel perspective, Journal of Materials Research. 28 (2013) 541–557. doi:10.1557/jmr.2012.425.
  30. B. Ray, M. R. Khan, C. Black, M.A. Alam, Nanostructured Electrodes for Organic Solar Cells: Analysis and Design Fundamentals, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. PP (2012) 1–12. doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2012.2220529.
  31. A. Mohammad, S.R. Das, M. R. Khan, M.A. Alam, D.B. Janes, Wavelength-Dependent Absorption in Structurally Tailored Randomly Branched Vertical Arrays of InSb Nanowires, Nano Lett. (2012). doi:10.1021/nl302803e.
  32. M. R. Khan, M.K. Hasan, A novel model for show-through in scan of duplex printed documents, SIViP. 6 (2012) 625–645. doi:10.1007/s11760-010-0192-6.
  33. J.E. Allen, B. Ray, M. R. Khan, K.G. Yager, M.A. Alam, C.T. Black, Self-assembly of single dielectric nanoparticle layers and integration in polymer-based solar cells, Applied Physics Letters. 101 (2012) 063105-063105–4. doi:doi:10.1063/1.4744928.
  34. C. Jeong, P. Nair, M. Khan, M. Lundstrom, M.A. Alam, Prospects for Nanowire-Doped Polycrystalline Graphene Films for Ultratransparent, Highly Conductive Electrodes, Nano Lett. 11 (2011) 5020–5025. doi:10.1021/nl203041n.
  35. M. R. Khan, H. Imtiaz, M.K. Hasan, Show-through correction in scanned images using joint histogram, SIViP. 4 (2010) 337–351. doi:10.1007/s11760-009-0124-5.
  1. G. R. Rimon, M. S. Ahmed, and M. R. Khan, “Albedo and Temperature Aware Analysis of Bifacial vs Monofacial Floating Photovoltaics in Bangladesh,” in 2022 12th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), Dec. 2022, pp. 13–15. doi: 10.1109/ICECE57408.2022.10088821.
  2. Md. M. H. Shihab, M. D. Islam, M. R. Khan, and R. N. Sajjad, “A cross-country techno-economic assessment of soiling-affected solar farms in Bangladesh,” in 2022 12th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), Dec. 2022, pp. 9–12. doi: 10.1109/ICECE57408.2022.10088503.
  3. M. Didarul Islam, M. Aminul Islam, Redwan N. Sajjad, and M. Ryyan Khan, “A Techno-Economic Analysis of Bifacial Panels Under Soiling in South-Asian Urban Area,” in 2022 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Jul. 2022, pp. 1–5. doi: 10.1109/TENSYMP54529.2022.9864510.
  4. M. S. Ahmed, M. R. Khan, A. Haque, M. A. Alam, and M. R. Khan, “Interposed versus Juxtaposed Solar Array Configurations for Agrivoltaics,” in 2022 IEEE 49th Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (PVSC), Jun. 2022, pp. 1182–1184. doi: 10.1109/PVSC48317.2022.9938548.
  5. M. D. Islam, M. A. Islam, and M. R. Khan, “Design of I-V Scanner to Analyze the Effects of Partial Shading due to Soiling and Bird-dropping on PV Panels,” in 2021 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Communication Technology (ICEEICT), Nov. 2021, pp. 1–6. doi: 10.1109/ICEEICT53905.2021.9667805.
  6. J. B. Jahangir, Md. Al-Mahmud, Md. S. S. Shakir, S. Rahman, A. Haque and M. R. Khan, “Time Division Multiplexed Data Analysis Technique  using Auto-Morphing  Experimental Studies of PV Systems to  Minimize Variability,” in IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) 2020.
  7. Muhammed Tahir Patel, Hassan Imran, Md. Sojib Ahmed, Nauman Z. Butt, Muhammad A. Alam, M. Ryyan Khan, “When and Where to Track: A Worldwide Comparison of Single-axis Tracking vs. Fixed Tilt Bifacial Farms,” in 2020 IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Jul. 2020.
  8. J. B. Jahangir, Md. Al-Mahmud, Md. S. S. Shakir, Md. M. H. Mithhu, T. A. Rima, R. N. Sajjad, and M. R. Khan, “Prediction of Yield, Soiling Loss, and Cleaning Cycle: A Case Study in South Asian Highly Construction-Active Urban Zone,” in 2020 IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Jul. 2020.
  9. M. Tahir Patel, M. Ryyan Khan, Jim J. John, and Muhammad A. Alam, "Implications of Seasonal and Spatial Albedo Variation on the Energy Output of Bifacial Solar Farms: A Global Perspective", PVSC 2019.
  10. X. Sun, R. Dubey, S. Chattopadhyay, M. R. Khan, R.V. Chavali, T.J. Silverman, A. Kottantharayil, J. Vasi, M.A. Alam, A novel approach to thermal design of solar modules: Selective-spectral and radiative cooling, in: IEEE, 2016: pp. 3584–3586. doi:10.1109/PVSC.2016.7750340.
  11. M.R. Khan, X. Wang, E. Sakr, M.A. Alam, P. Bermel, Enhanced selective thermal emission with a meta-mirror following Generalized Snell’s Law, in: Symposium L – Optical Metamaterials and Novel Optical Phenomena Based on Nanofabricated Structures, 2015: p. mrsf14–1728–l02–09 (7 pages). doi:10.1557/opl.2015.357.
  12. M.R. Khan, M.. Alam, Critical binding energy for exciton dissociation and its implications for the thermodynamic limit of organic photovoltaics, in: Device Research Conference (DRC), 2014 72nd Annual, 2014: pp. 281–282. doi:10.1109/DRC.2014.6872406.
  13. M.R. Khan, P. Bermel, M.A. Alam, Thermodynamic limits of solar cells with non-ideal optical response, in: Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2013 IEEE 39th, 2013: pp. 1036–1040. doi:10.1109/PVSC.2013.6744318.
  14. X. Wang, M.R. Khan, M.A. Alam, M. Lundstrom, Approaching the Shockley-Queisser limit in GaAs solar cells, in: 2012 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2012: pp. 002117–002121. doi:10.1109/PVSC.2012.6318015.
  15. M.A. Alam, B. Ray, M.R. Khan, Untangling the essence of bulk heterostructure organic solar cells: Why complex need not be complicated, in: 2011 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium (ISDRS), 2011: pp. 1–2. doi:10.1109/ISDRS.2011.6135421.
  16. B. Ray, M.R. Khan, M.A. Alam, Performance Improvement of Polymer Based Solar Cell by Ordered Nano-Morphology, in: 2010 18th Biennial University/Government/Industry Micro/Nano Symposium, 2010: pp. 1–3. doi:10.1109/UGIM.2010.5508895.
  17. M.R. Khan, T. Hasan, M.R. Khan, Iterative noise power subtraction technique for improved speech quality, in: 2008 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2008: pp. 391–394. doi:10.1109/ICECE.2008.4769238.
Simulation Tools

1. Binglin Zhao, Xingshu Sun, M. Ryyan Khan, and Muhammad A. Alam (2018), "Purdue University Meteorological Tool," (DOI: 10.4231/D3PR7MW72).
2. Binglin Zhao, Xingshu Sun, M. Ryyan Khan, and Muhammad Ashraful Alam (2018), "Purdue University Bifacial Module Calculator (PUB)," (DOI: 10.4231/D3QV3C60N).
3. M. R. Khan, X. Jin, Muhammad A. Alam (2016), "PVLimits: PV thermodynamic limit calculator," (DOI: 10.4231/D37H1DN7Q).
4. B. Ray, C. A. G. Williamson, M. R. Khan, Muhammad A. Alam (2014), "OPV Lab", (DOI: 10.4231/D3Z31NP7F)

  1. M. Ryyan Khan, "A techno-economic framework predicting economic gains in agrivoltaics configurations on major crops", Fraunhofer ISE Agrivoltaics Lecture Series, Jan 2023.
  2. M. Ryyan Khan, "Techno-economic Prediction of Agrivoltaics: Prospects of Long-Term Sustainable Energy Growth in Bangladesh", Keynote in 6th ICDRET, 2021.
  3. M. Ryyan Khan, "Numerical modeling of solar panel array", IEEE-day workshop, IEEE EWU Student Branch, Oct 2021.
  4. M. Ryyan Khan, "Cleaning solar farms: A balance between energy yield and economics", seminar in International PV Quality Assurance Taskforce (PVQAT), Task Group-12, July 2021.
  5. M. Ryyan Khan, "Soiling on solar farms: When should we clean the panels?", Seminar in University of Dhaka, March 2021
  6. M. R. Khan, and M. A. Alam, “Broad-band meta-surface embedded in dielectrics: challenges, constraints, and designs”, 2016 Micro and Nanoscale Science for Addressing Grand Challenges, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. Apr 2016.
  7. A. Mohammad, S. Das, M. R. Khan, M. A. Alam, and D. Janes. “Electrochemically Deposited Branched Indium Antimonide(InSb) Nanowire Arrays as ‘In-Situ’ Anti-Reflective Structures.” Minerals, Metals and Materials Society/AIME, 420 Commonwealth Dr., P. O. Box 430 Warrendale PA 15086 United States. Jun (2011).
International Journals:

1. M. R. Karim, M. M. Rahman, H. Ahmad and B. M. A. Rahman, "Modeling of dispersionengineered all-chalcogenide step-index fiber for wideband supercontinuum generation in the mid-infrared". Optical and Quantum Electronics 52 (5), p -243 (28 April, 2020), doi: 10.1007/s11082-020-02355-z. IF - 2.084 (2020). 

2. Gulistan, M. M. Rahman, S. Ghosh and B. M. A. Rahman,"Elimination of spurious modes in full-vectorial finite element method based acoustic modal solution", Optics express 27 (8), 10900-10911, 2019.

3. Siamak Dawazdah Emami, Lee Hui Jing, M. Moseeur Rahman, Fairuz Abdullah, Hairul Azhar Abdul-Rashid, Mahdi Mozdoor Dashtabi and B. M. Azizur Rahman, " Evolution of surface acoustic waves in an optical microfiber", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 53 (5), p. 1-8, 2017. (Citation: 2)

4. B. M. A. Rahman and M. M. Rahman, " Characterization of acousto-optical interaction in planar silica optical waveguide by the finite element method", JOSA B 33 (5), p. 810-818, 2016. (Citation: 3)

5. B. M. A. Rahman, M. M. Rahman, S. Sriratanavaree, N. Kejalakshmy and K. T. V. Grattan, " Rigorous analysis of the transverse acoustic modes in optical waveguides by exploiting their structural symmetry", Applied optics 53 (29), p. 6797-6803, 2014. (Citation: 4)

6. M. S. Alam and M. M. Rahman,  "Class-associative multiple target detection by use of fringe-adjusted joint transform correlation", Applied optics 41 (35), p. 7456-7463, 2002. (Citation: 24)

Book Chapter:

1. B. M. A. Rahman, M. M. Rahman, S. Sriratanavaree, N. Kejalakshmy and K. T. V. Grattan,"Rigorous Analysis of Acousto-Optic Interactions in Optical Waveguides", Recent Trends in Computational Photonics, Springer, p. 107-129, 2017.

International Conferences:

1. A. Gulistan, M. M. Rahman, S. Ghosh and B. M. A. Rahman, " Tailoring light-sound interactions in a single mode fiber for the high-power transmission or sensing applications", Third International Conference on Photonics Solutions (ICPS2017) 10714, 1071403, 2018. (Citation: 2)

2. B. M. A. Rahman and M. M. Rahman, " Interactions of acoustic and optical waves in Ge-doped silica planar optical waveguide", 2015 2nd International Conference on Opto-Electronics and Applied Optics (IEM OPTRONIX), Publiser: IEEE, p. 1-4, 2015. (Citation: 1)

3. Mohammed Rahman and B. M. A. Rahman, "Interactions of Acoustic and Optical Waves in Ge-doped Silica Planar Optical Waveguide", Advanced Photonics 2015 (Optical Sensors), Boston, Massachusetts United States, 27 June -1 July (2015).

4. M. M. Rahman and B. M. A. Rahman, "Acousto-optical Interaction in Ge-doped Silica Planar Optical Waveguide", Optical wave and waveguide theory and numerical modelling workshop (OWTNM), City University London, UK, p. 16-18 April (2015).

5. M. S. Alam and M. M. Rahman, "Class-associative multiple-target detection using fringe-adjusted joint transform correlation", Optical Pattern Recognition XIII 4734, p. 113-121, 2002. (Citation: 1)

6. M. M. Rahman and Mohammad S. Alam, "Quality of service in mul- tiple layered programming", International Conference on Intelligent Multimedia and Distance Education (ICIMADE '01), p.1-3 June 2001, Fargo, North Dakota, USA.

7. M. Mazen Al-Khatib, Lakshmikar, and  M. Rahman, "New adaptive bch encoder architectural design for wireless atm networks", First IEEE Electro/Information Technology Conference Proceedings, Chicago, June, p. 8-11, 2000.


          Journal Articles


Ahmed Al Mansur, Md Ruhul Amin, Mohamamd Asif Ul Haq, Md Hasan Maruf, Md Mozaharul Mottalib , Ratil H Ashique, ASM Shihavuddin: Mitigation of mismatch power loss in aged photovoltaic arrays following a comparative investigation into module rearrangement techniques, Energy Reports, ELSEVIER, 2022, Tier: Q1, Impact Factor: 6.87 (JCR @ Clarivate Analytics 2020(Online)


Rasidul Islam, Ratil H Ashique: Impact of Strain on the Electronic, Phonon and Optical Properties of Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Physica Scripta, 2022, Tier: Q2, Impact Factor: 2.487 (JCR @ Clarivate Analytics 2020(Online)


Rasidul Islam, Impact of Strain on the Electronic, Rasidul Islam, Impact of Strain on the Electronic, Phonon and Optical Properties of Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, 2022, Tier: Q2, Impact Factor: 3.414 (JCR @ Clarivate Analytics 2020(Online)


Ratil H Ashique, Zainal Salam, Md Hasan Maruf, ASM Shihavuddin, Md Tariqul Islam, Md Fayzur Rahman, Panos Kotsampopoulos, Hady H. Fayek: A Comparative Study of Soft Switching Techniques in Reducing the Energy Loss and Improving the Soft Switching Range for Power Converter, Electronics, MDPI, 2022, Tier: Q2, Impact Factor: 2.397 (JCR @ Clarivate Analytics 2020) (Online)


Ratil H Ashique, Md Hasan Maruf, Habib Sourov, Mahadul Islam, Aminul Islam, MM Khan, ASM Shihavuddin: A Comparative Performance Analysis of Zero Voltage Switching Class E and Selected Enhanced Class E Inverter, Electronics, MDPI, 2021, Tier: Q2, Impact Factor: 2.397 (JCR @ Clarivate Analytics 2020) (Online)


Ratil H Ashique, ASM Shihavuddin, MM Khan, Aminul Islam, Md Hasan Maruf, Ahmed Al Mansur, Asif ul Haq, Ashraf Siddiquee: An Analysis and Modeling of the Class-E Inverter for ZVS/ZVDS at Any Duty Ratio with High Input Ripple Current Improved Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter Topology with Boosted Output Voltage and Reduced Components Count, Electronics, MDPI, 2021, Tier: Q2, Impact Factor: 2.397 (JCR @ Clarivate Analytics 2020) (Online)


Saad Bin Arif, Uvais Mustafa, Marif Daula Siddique, Shahbaz Ahmad, Atif Iqbal, Ratil H Ashique, Shahrin bin Ayob: An Improved Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter Topology with Boosted Output Voltage and Reduced Components Count, IET Power Electronics, 2021, Tier: Q2, Impact Factor: 2.672 (JCR @ Clarivate Analytics 2020) (Online)


ASM Shihavuddin, Md Hasan Maruf, Mohamamd Asif Ul Haq, Ratil H Ashique, Ahmed Al Mansur: Image based surface damage detection of renewable energy installations using a unified deep learning approach, Energy Reports, ELSEVIER, 2021, Tier: Q1, Impact Factor: 6.87 (JCR @ Clarivate Analytics 2020(Online)


Md Hasan Maruf, Mamun Rabbani, Md Tariqul Islam, Ratil H Ashique, Murad Kabir Nipun, Mohammad Asif ul Haq, Ahmed Al Mansur, ASM Shihavuddin,: Exergy based evaluation of power plants for sustainability and economic performance identification, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, ELSEVIER, 2021, Tier: Q1, Impact Factor: 4.724 (JCR @ Clarivate Analytics 2020(Online)


Jubaer Ahmed, Zainal Salam, Mostefa Kermedi, Ratil H Ashique:  A Skipping Adaptive P&O MPPT for Fast and Efficient Tracking under Partial Shading in PV Arrays, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, John and Wiley Ltd., 2021, Tier: Q2, Impact Factor: 2.860 (JCR @ Clarivate Analytics 2020) (Online)


Ratil H Ashique, Zainal Salam: A Family of True Zero Voltage Zero Current Switching (ZVZCS) Non-isolated Bidirectional Converter with Wide Soft Switching Range, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume: 64, Issue: 7, Pages: 5416-5427, July 2017, Tier: Q1, Impact Factor: 8.236 (JCR @ Clarivate Analytics 2020) (online)


Ratil H Ashique, Zainal Salam: A High Gain High Efficiency Non-isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with Sustained ZVS Operation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume: 65, Issue: 10, Pages: 7829-7840, 01st Oct 2018, Tier: Q1, Impact Factor: 8.236 (JCR @ Clarivate Analytics 2020 (online)


Ratil H Ashique, Prof. Dr. Zainal Salam, Dr. Mohd Junaidi Abdul Aziz: Integrated Photovoltaic-Grid Dc Fast Charging System for Electric Vehicle: A Review of the Architecture and Control, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, ELSEVIER 01/2017; 69: 1243-1257. Tier: Q1, Impact factor: 14.982 (JCR @ Clarivate Analytics 2020(online)


Abdul Rauf Bhatti, Zainal Salam, Mohd Junaidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Kong Pui Yee, Ratil Hasnat Ashique: Electric vehicles charging using photovoltaic: Status and technological review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, ELSEVIER 09/2015; 54C:34-47. Tier: Q1, Impact factor: 14.982 (JCR @ Clarivate Analytics 2020) (online)

Conference Papers


Ratil Hasnat Ashique, Prof. Dr. Zainal Salam, Dr. Mohd Junaidi Abdul Aziz: A High Power Density Soft Switching Bidirectional Converter using Unified Resonant Circuit. IEEE CENCON 2015, Johor Bahru, Malaysia; 10/2015 (SCOPUS indexed) (online)


Ratil Hasnat Ashique, Prof Dr. Zainal Salam, Jubaer Ahmed: An Adaptive P&O MPPT using a Sectionalized Piece-wise Linear P-V Curve. IEEE CENCON 2015, Johor Bahru, Malaysia; 10/2015 (SCOPUS indexed) (online)


Ratil Hasnat Ashique, Prof. Dr. Zainal Salam, Dr. Mohd Junaidi Abdul Aziz: A High Gain Soft Switching Nonisolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter. IEEE PECON 2016, Melaka, Malaysia; 11/2016. (SCOPUS indexed) (online)


Ratil H Ashique, Mohammad Monirujjaman Khan: A Class E/F3 based 10W LED Driver with ZVS Capability, IEEE STI-2020, Dec 19-20, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (SCOPUS indexed) (Online)


Ratil H Ashique, Mohammad Monirujjaman Khan: A Novel Family of EFnm and E/Fnm Inverter for Improved Efficiency, IEEE STI-2020, Dec 19-20, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (SCOPUS indexed) (Online)


Mohammad Monirujjaman Khan, Mahmudur Khan Tanzid, Saima Islam and Ratil H Ashique:
Development of Home Automation System Using Brain Wave, IEEE STI-2020, Dec 19-20, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (SCOPUS indexed) (Online)


Mohammad Monirujjaman Khan, Mahmudur Khan Tanzid, Saima Islam and Ratil H Ashique:
High Speed Tracking with Machine Intelligence, IEEE HONET 2020, USA. (SCOPUS indexed) (Online)


Mohammad Monirujjaman Khan, Mahmudur Khan Tanzid, Saima Islam and Ratil H Ashique:
Q Slot Terahertz (THz) Novel Antenna Design for Wireless Communication, IEEE ICCCNT 2021, India. (SCOPUS indexed) (Online)

Journal Publication

H. Begum, O. Chowdhury, M. S. R. Hridoy and M. M. Islam, "AI-Based Sensory Glove System to Recognize Bengali Sign Language (BaSL)," IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 145003-145017, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3472469. 

Halima Begum, Muhammed Mazharul Islam, Humaira Sabira Eva, Naim Hossain Emon, and Farhan Ahmed Siddique, "Deep Learning Networks for Handwritten Bangla Character Recognition," IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 53, no. 4, pp1170-1182, 2023,

Halima Begum and Muhammed Mazharul Islam, “A Study on the Effects of Combining Different Features for the Recognition of Handwritten Bangla Characters”, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, pp 197/ 203, 2020 (

Halima Begum and Muhammed Mazharul Islam, “Recognition of Handwritten Bangla Characters using Gabor Filter and Artificial Neural Network”, International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications, vol. 8, no. 5, pp 618/ 621, 2017

Shogo Tanaka and Muhammed Mazharul Islam, “Detection of an Inclined Crack in Concrete Structures using an Ultrasonic Sensor.” SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, vol. 2, no.2, pp 88/93, 2009

Muhammed Mazharul Islam, Hiroya Yamamoto, Shogo Tanaka “Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Reflecting planes in concrete using ultrasonic sensors.” Transaction of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, vol. 43 No.7 pp 543/551, 2007

Hiroya Yamamoto, Muhammed Mazharul Islam, Shogo Tanaka, “Detection of Multiple concrete cracks using ultrasonic sensor and Multi reflected wave model.” Transaction of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, vol. 42 No.6 pp 698/700, 2006

International Conferences

Halima Begum, Arshad Rafid, Muhammed Mazharul Islam, "Recognition of Bangla Handwritten Characters using Feature Combinations", 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON), p: 406-410, (Nov 2 -4, 2018)

Muhammed Mazharul Islam and Shogo Tanaka, “Detection of Multiple Cracks in Concrete Structures Using Ultrasonic Sensor.” Proc. of the 16th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Chugoku Branch (2007)

Muhammed Mazharul Islam, Hiroya Yamamoto and Shogo Tanaka, “Non-Destructive Inspection of Multiple Concrete Cracks Using Ultrasonic Sensor.” Proc. of the SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference (2006)

Hiroya Yamamoto, Muhammed Mazharul Islam, Shogo Tanaka, “Detection of Multiple Concrete Cracks using Ultrasonic Sensor.” Proc. of the14th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Chugoku Branch (2005)

Journal Publication
  1. H. Begum, O. Chowdhury, M. S. R. Hridoy and M. M. Islam, "AI-Based Sensory Glove System to Recognize Bengali Sign Language (BaSL)," IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 145003-145017, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3472469. 
  2. Halima Begum, Muhammed Mazharul Islam, Humaira Sabira Eva, Naim Hossain Emon, and Farhan Ahmed Siddique, "Deep Learning Networks for Handwritten Bangla Character Recognition," IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 53, no. 4, pp1170-1182, 2023,
  3. Halima Begum and Md. Arafat Hossain, “Design and Comparison of Vehicle Mounted Wind Turbines”, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, Vol. 11, No. 1, p: 1-7 (2022)
  4. Halima Begum and Muhammed Mazharul Islam, “A Study on the Effects of Combining Different Features for the Recognition of Handwritten Bangla Characters”, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, pp 197 – 203, 2020,
  5. Halima Begum and Muhammed Mazharul Islam, “Recognition of Handwritten Bangla Characters using Gabor Filter and Artificial Neural Network”, International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications, vol. 8, no. 5, pp 618 – 621, 2017 
  6. Shogo Tanaka and Halima Begum, “Measurement of the Diameters of Deformed Bars in Concrete Using an Electromagnetic Wave Radar (in the Presence of Cross bars)”, SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, vol 3, no 5, pp 330-335, 2010,
  7. Halima Begum, Masayuki Okamoto and Shogo Tanaka, “Nondestructive Inspection of the Diameter of Reinforcing Bars in Concrete Using an Electromagnetic Wave (Radar)”, SICE Trans. on Industrial Application, vol 8, no 15, pp 117-124, 2009.

International Conferences
  1. O. Chowdhury, M. S. Rahman Hridoy, F. Amin, S. Arif and H. Begum, "Smart Gloves for People with Speech Disability," 2023 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICCIT60459.2023.10441257. 
  2. Halima Begum, Arshad Rafid, and Muhammed Mazharul Islam “Recognition of Bangla Handwritten Characters using Feature Combinations, 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON), pp 406-410 (Nov 2 -4, 2018), 10.1109/UPCON.2018.8597076 
  3. Shogo Tanaka and Halima Begum, “Nondestructive Measurement of Diameter of Reinforcing Bars in Concrete Using an Electromagnetic Wave Radar Under the Effect of Cross Bars”, Proc. of SICE 2010 Annual Conference , pp 2731-2736, 2010
  4. Halima Begum, Masayuki Okamoto and Shogo Tanaka, “A Method of Identifying the Diameter of Deformed Bars Non-destructively in Concrete Structures Using an Electromagnetic Wave Radar”, Proc. of the ICCAS-SICE 2009 (ICROS-SICE International joint conference), pp 3399-3404, 2009
  5. Halima Begum, Masayuki Okamoto and Shogo Tanaka, “Nondestructive Inspection of the Diameter of Reinforcing Bars in Concrete”, Proc. of the 40th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications, pp 160-165, 2008, 
  6. Halima Begum, Masayuki Okamoto and Shogo Tanaka, “Measuring the Diameter of Reinforcing Bars in Concrete Nondestructively Using Electromagnetic Wave Radar”, Proc. of the SICE Annual Conference 2008 (International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology), pp 1951-1956, 2008
  7. Halima Begum, Masayuki Okamoto and Shogo Tanaka, “Measurement of the Diameter of Deformed Reinforcing Bar in Reinforced Concrete Structure Using an Electromagnetic Wave Radar”, Proc. of the 39th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications, pp 26-31, 2007
  8. Halima Begum, Masayuki Okamoto, Shogo Tanaka, “A Nondestructive Method for Measuring the Diameter of the Reinforcing Bars in Reinforced Concrete”, Proc. of the 16th Annual Conference of SICE Chugoku Branch, pp 246-247, 2007
  9. Halima Begum, Naoki Sagara and Shogo Tanaka, “Early Warning of Earthquake by Detecting Building Vibration Using Condenser type Microphone”, Proc. of the 14th Annual Conference of SICE Chugoku Branch,pp 66-67, 2005
Papers on Education
International Journal Publication

1. Fakir Mashuque Alamgir, Syed Mostasim Hasnain Saif, Saffat Md. Hossain,  Abdullah Al Hadi, and Md. Shafiul Alam, "Facial Expression Database of Autism Spectrum Disorder Children," European Chemical Bulletin, Volume 12, Special Issue 4, pg: 21109-21120, October 10, 2023. doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.Si4.1851 

2. Alamgir, F.M., Alam, M.S. "Hybrid multi-modal emotion recognition framework based on InceptionV3DenseNet", Multimedia Tools and Applications by Springer Nature, Volume 10, Issue 23, pg: 1-28, March 2023.  


3. Alamgir, F.M., Alam, M.S. "A Novel Deep Learning-based Bidirectional Elman Neural Network for Facial Emotion Recognition" International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, (World Scientific) Vol. 36, No. 10, 2252016 (2022)

4. Alamgir, F.M., Alam, M.S. "An artificial intelligence-driven facial emotion recognition system using hybrid deep belief rain optimization" Multimedia Tools and Applications by Springer Nature 82, 2437–2464 (January 2023). DOI:  

5. Md. Mahmudul Tarik Chowdhury, Md. Saleh Ebn Sharif and Fakir Mashuque Alamgir, “Design and Simulation of a Dual Conversion Transformer Less Online and Line Interactive UPS,” The Dhaka University Journal of Science, Volume 67, No.2 pp. 79-84, July, 2019.

6. Faisal Ahmed,  Fakir Mashuque Alamgir, “Simulation-Based proportional Study of routing protocols for MANET,” International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security, Volume 5, Issue 12, pp. 28-36, December 2017.

7. Sakib Ullah Sourov, Asifur Rahman, Abdullah Al Mamun, and Fakir Mashuque Alamgir, “Standard Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Model” International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security, Volume 5, Issue 12, pp. 13-21, December 2017.

8. Abdullah Al Mamun, Sarwar J.K. Palash, and Fakir Mashuque Alamgir, “Flex Sensor-based hand glove for deaf and mute people” International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 38-48, February 2017.

9. Fakir Mashuque Alamgir, Christer Andrews, and Jannatul Ferdous Kakon, "A Mat-Lab based Filter for curtailing Interferences in Ad-Hoc Network", International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security, Volume 2, Issue 10, pp 348-354, 2014.

10. Lailun Nahar, Sameha Zaman Ruthi, Fakir Mashuque Alamgir, and Anwarul Azim, "Decisive Factors of False Detection on Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio," International Journal of Computer Networks & Communication Security, Volume 1, ISSUE 6, Page:225-231, November 2013.

Book Chapters

1. S. F. Madina, M.S. Islam, F.M. Alamgir, and M.F. Ferdous, “Internet of Things (IoT)-Based Industrial Monitoring System” Chapter -4 in Industrial Internet of Things: Technologies, Design, and Applications. 1st Edition Imprint CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group; Pages 32 eBook ISBN 9781003102267 (2022)

2. L. Nahar and F. M. Alamgir, "Collision of counterfeit detection on spectrum sensing for cognitive radio" Chapter 8 in Introduction to Cognitive Radio Networks and Applications, pp:334 -352, edited by Geetam Tomar, Ashish Bagwari, and Jyotshana Kanti, published by CRC Press of Taylor & Francis Group, Florida USA.

International Conference proceedings

1. Fakir Mashuque Alamgir, Tanzida Zaman, Md. Mehedi Hassan, Maksudur Rahman Jonayed, and Md. Shafiul Alam, "Classification Model for Autism Spectrum Disorder Individuals: Utilizing Facial Grid-Wise Emotion Features and Dual-Branch Visual Transformation," 2024 IEEE International Conference on Power, Electrical, Electronics and Industrial Applications (PEEIACON) 12-13 September, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. DOI: 10.1109/PEEIACON63629.2024.10800506  

2. Obaidullah Al Mahmud, Kausar Khan, R. Roy and Fakir Mashuque Alamgir, " Internet of Things (IoT) based Smart healthcare medical box for elderly people", 2020 IEEE International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET) Belgaum, India. Jun 5-7, 2020.

3. Md. Mohitul Haque, Zakir Hasan Chowdhury and Fakir Mashuque AlamgirIoT Based Smart Energy Metering System for Power Consumers”, International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET 2019) December 23-24, 2019, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

4. Chowdhury, Mahmud-Ul-Tarik, Ebn Sharif, Saleh Afrin, Foujia, Alamgir, Fakir Mashuque & Tanzeem Sohana Design and Analysis of an Isolated SiC MOSFET based full-bridge DC-DC converter”. 5th International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET' 18), Kathmandu, Nepal.

5. Fakir Mashuque Alamgir, F. Ahmed, Mamun Miah, Hossain M. Munna, S. Barua, “A Novel routing Algorithm for inter-group load balancing in wireless mesh networks”,  IEEE 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference (NCC) 25-26 April, 2018, Riyadh , KSA. 

6.  B.M.   Adnan   and   Fakir   Mashuque  Alamgir,   “Performance    Simulation & Comparison in High Altitude Platforms (HAPs) Communications System Under PSK, DPSK, QAM & FSK Modulation Schemes & AWGN, RICIAN & RAYLEIGH Communication Channels” IEEE 7th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON),October, 13-15 , 2016, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

7. Arshad Rafid and Fakir Mashuque Alamgir, "A method for making artificially intelligent robots: A study on speech recognition & synthesis software", International Conference on Advanced Computing, Communication and Information Sciences (ICACCI) May 27-29, 2016, Cebu, Philippines.

8. B.M. Adnan, Sopan Chakma, M.M. Jahazeb Alam, and Fakir Mashuque Alamgir, "MATLAB based performance replication in High Altitude Platform (HAPs) Communication system" IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), March 3-5, 2016 Chennai, India.

9. Fahima   Afroz,   Fahmida   Repa,   Fakir   Mashuque   Alamgir &   Rahul Kumar  "Breakdown of coverage assessment parameters for  WCDMA  base on  UMTS", International Conference on Emerging Trends & Developments on Science, Management & Technology, Ghaziabad, New Delhi, India., 2013.

Conference Articles
  1. Arnob Ghosh, Shahriyar Safat Dipta, Md. Shafiqul Islam, "Numerical Analysis of Light Absorption in Tapered Nanowire Based Perovskite Solar Cells", 11th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), 2020, pp. 5-8, doi: 10.1109/ICECE51571.2020.9393117. 
  2. Shahriyar Safat Dipta, Arnob Ghosh, Arnob Saha, Arnob Kundu, “2-D Motion Based Real Time Wireless Interaction System for Disabled Patients”, 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, Chennai, India, March 2019.
  3. Arnob Ghosh, Shahriyar Safat Dipta, Md. Shafiqul Islam, “Stable and Efficient Perovskite Solar Cell with Metal Oxide Transport Layers”, 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering. Cox’s Bazar, February 2019.
Journal Articles
  1. Shahriyar Safat Dipta, and Ashraf Uddin, Stability Issues of Perovskite Solar Cells: A Critical Review. Energy Technology, 9(11), p.2100560.
  2. Arnob Ghosh, Shahriyar Safat Dipta, Sk Shafaat Saud Nikor, Nazmus Saqib, and Arnob Saha, "Performance analysis of an efficient and stable perovskite solar cell and a comparative study of incorporating metal oxide transport layers," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B  37, 1966-1973 (2020)
1. K. Saha, Y. Sun, and M. Vasilyev, “Fundamental Selectivity Limits of Gas Spectroscopy”. Poster presented at: Frontier in Optics+Laser Science APS/DLS, The Optical Society of America, 15-19 September 2019, Paper JW4A.118, Washington DC, USA.
2. M. Rahman, I. Ahmed, K. Saha, A.S.M Rouf, T. Dhar and F. M. Mohammedy, “An Overview of Solid State Drive Applications in Storage and Embedded Systems”, Proc. Of the APMEE- 2012, Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh.
Conference Proceedings
  1. Choyon, A. K. M.*; Chowdhury, S. M. R.*; Majumder, S.P.; ‘Performance of a CPDM-QPSK Coherent Homodyne Optical Transmission System due to Cross Polarization Effects’, published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library which was presented in International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials, and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2), on February 8- 9, 2018 at University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. (DOI: 10.1109/IC4ME2.2018.8465664)
  2. Choyon, A. K. M.*; Chowdhury, S. M. R.*; Chowdhury R.*; ‘Performance Analysis of a CPDM-QPSK Direct Detection Optical Transmission System under the effects of Cross-Polarization’, published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library which was presented in the ‘International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology (ICASERT)’ on May 3-5, 2019 at East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (DOI: 10.1109/ICASERT.2019.8934494)
  3. Choyon, A. K. M.*; Chowdhury, S. M. R.*; Chowdhury R.*; 'Performance Analysis of a CPDM 8-QAM Direct Detection Fibre Optic System under the effects of Cross-Polarization', published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library which was presented in 'IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Information, Communication, and Systems (IEEE SPICSCON)', on November 30, 2019 at Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh. (DOI:
  4. M.A. Haque*, S.S. Chowdhury*, A. Maksud, J. Hossain*, K. Barua*, R. Rokon*, M.S. Najeeb*, N.I. Hasan*, S. Hossain*, S. Zaman, S.M.R. Chowdhury*, "Traffic Sign Detection under Challenging Conditions Using Faster RCNN", published in the International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP-2017)at Beijing, China.

*Authors contributed equally to the publication.

International Journal Papers
  1. Kumar, M.A.*; Padovani, Andrea*; Larcher, Luca*; Chowdhury, S. M. R.*; Baten, M. Z.*; "Pulse Optimization and Device Engineering of 3D Charge Trap Flash for Synaptic Operation"; published on September 15, 2022 in "Journal of Applied Physics (JAP)" under the American Institute of Physics (AIP) publishing. 
  2. Choyon, A. K. M.*; Chowdhury, S. M. R.*; Chowdhury, R.*; Taher, K.A.; "Cross-Polarization Induced Crosstalk Impact Analysis on the BER Performance of 100-Gbps CPDM 8-QAM CO-FOC System over Unrepeatered 100-km SSMF Link" published in Results in Optics (Elsevier), 2020, 100012, ISSN 2666-9501.
  3. Choyon, A. K. M.*; Chowdhury, S. M. R.*; Chowdhury, R.*; "Optimum link distance and BER performance investigation for BPSK RF sub-carrier coherent FSO communication system under strong turbulence" published in International Journal of Science and Technology Research (IJSTR), 2020, volume 9, page 282-7. 

*Authors contributed equally to the publication.

Conference Proceedings
  1. M. M. Hasan, Z. Rahman, R. Shaikh, I. Alam, M. A. Islam and M. S. Alam, "Design and Analysis of Elliptical Microstrip Patch Antenna at 3.5 GHz for 5G Applications," 2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2020, pp. 981-984, doi: 10.1109/TENSYMP50017.2020.9230897.
  2. Faiaz Rahman, Rafee Tanna, Umme Habiba, Rizwan Shaikh, Zahidur Rahman and Hafiz Imtiaz, “Cyber Threat Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms on Heterogeneous MiniVHS-22 Dataset”, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT),17-19 December 2022, Bangladesh.
  3. K M Tanvir Ahmed, Zahidur Rahman, Rizwan Shaikh, Sk Imran Hossain, "Malaria Parasite Detection Using CNN-Based Ensemble Technique on Blood Smear Images", International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE),23-24 February 2023,Bangladesh.
  • M. A. Rahman, M. M. Rahman, M. A. Alim, “Design and Performance Analysis of an In-band Full-duplex MAC Protocol for Ad-hoc networks”.
  • M. A. Rahman, M. M. Rahman, M. A. Alim, “In-band Full-duplex MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks”.
  • M. A. RahmanS. M. Shoaib, M. A. Amin, R. N. Toma, M. A. Moni and M. A. Awal, "A Bayesian Optimization Framework for the Prediction of Diabetes Mellitus".
  • M. A. RahmanM. A. Hossain, M. R. Kabir, M. H. Sani, Abdullah-Al-Mamun and M. A. Awal, "Optimization of Sleep Stage Classification using Single-Channel EEG Signals".
  • Abdullah-Al-Mamun, M. A. Awal, M. K. Hasan, M. A. Rahman and M. A. Alahe, "Optimization of Daily Physical Activity Recognition with Feature Selection".