National Workshop on “Current Research Trends in Computing World” at DIU
Reception of IEEE Global Leader and Reopening IEEE DIU Student Branch 2022-23 and the National Workshop on “Current Research Trends in Computing World” was held on February 26, 2023, at Daffodil International University (DIU), Bangladesh. Professor Dr. Ahmed Wasif Reza from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), East West University was invited as "Keynote Speaker" for the title “Addressing Complex Engineering Problems in Engineering Curriculum Development” at the national workshop on “Current Research Trends in Computing World”. Prof. Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice-Chancellor of Daffodil International University was present as Chief Guest, and Prof. Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Professor of EEE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), as well as Chair of IEEE Women in Engineering, attended the event as Guest of Honour.