Professional Training on Quality Assurance in Higher Education, organized by Bangladesh Accreditation Council
Dr. Ahmed Wasif Reza, Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and Additional Director, IQAC, participated in the two week-long workshops on “Professional Training for Capacity Building of IQACs” held from 12 March 2023 to 23 March 2023 organized by Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC) in Dhaka, Bangladesh. A total of 18 faculty members from 18 public and private universities of Bangladesh actively participated in the workshop. The motto of this training was Sustainable Socioeconomic Development Through Excellence in Higher Education.
The objective of this 12-day foundation training is to develop the capacity of IQAC for ensuring Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) in the HEIs and to develop a pool of highly qualified QA professionals. The workshops focused on Quality Assurance (QA) in Higher Education (HE), Bangladesh National Qualification Framework (BNQF), University Industry Collaboration, Ethics and Responsibilities of University Teachers, Learning Domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy, External Quality Assessment (EQA), Continuous Professional Development (CPD), Pedagogical Challenges, Outcome-based Curriculum Design Process, Integration of Technology in OBE, Learning Outcome Domains of BNQF, Course Plan, Teaching Learning Assessment (TLAs) with Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) and exercise on mapping, Self-Assessment in Accreditation Process, Academic Strategic Planning, BAC Accreditation Rules, Quality Assurance in Higher Education and 4IR. A certificate-giving ceremony was arranged where all members and officials of BAC were present. Prof. Dr. Mesbahuddin Ahmed, Chairman, BAC, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Generally, it was a very intensive, but interactive and informative training program which would deepen the knowledge of the participants and enable them to contribute to the QA process.