

Faculty Members Publication

Conference Paper
  • Md. Anwar Hossain Adib, Md. Miraj Kobad Chowdhury. Potentials of previously uncultured/unidentified soil bacteria in sustainable development of Bangladesh. International Conference on Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development (ICEPSD), 2022, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Journal Publication

1.   Islam, M.I., Shanta, M.A., Mondal, M., Hoque,  N., Majumder, S. , Ahmed, T. and  Rana, M.S., 2018.  “Protective effect of Chloroform extract of Stereospermum chelonoides bark against Amyloid Beta42 induced cell death in SH-SY5Y cells and against inflammation in Swiss albino mice”. Journal of basic and Clinical Physiology and  Pharmacolgy. J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol.

2.     Hoque, N., Rahman, S., Jahan, I., Shanta, M.A., Tithi, N.S. and Nasrin, N., 2018. A Comparative Phytochemical and Biological Study between Different Solvent Extracts of Bombax ceiba Roots Available in Bangladesh. Pharmacology & Pharmacy, 9(02), p.53.

3.      Nasrin, N., Asaduzzaman, M., Tithi, N.S., Rigun, S.H., Shahjin, F. and Shanta, M.A., 2016. A Comparative Study on Potential Risk Factors for Childhood Obesity among Rural and Urban Population of Bangladesh. International journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research, 5 (03), p.41.

4.      Shanta, M.A., Ahmed, T., Uddin, M.N., Majumder, S., Hossain, M.S. and Rana, M.S., 2013. Phytochemical Screening and in vitro Determination of antioxidant potential of methanolic extract of Streospermum chelonoides. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 3(3), p.117.

Conference & Seminars

1.      Hoque, N. and Shanta, M.A., 2017. Phytochemical and Pharmacolgical studies on different extracts of Bombax ceiba roots. International conference of Bangladesh Chemical Society, Chittagong, Bangladesh. p. 90.

Journal Publication

Al Mamun and M H M Imrul Kabir, "The Remittance, Foreign Direct Investment, Export, and Economic Growth in Bangladesh: A Time Series Analysis," Arab Economic and Business Journal: Vol. 15: Iss. 1, Article 4, December 2022

Masum Billah, Sifat E Sultana and M H M Imrul Kabir, "Exploring Challenges of Maternal Healthcare Utilization in Bangladesh: A Cross-sectional Survey in Saturia, Manikganj District", Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Volume:11, Issue:04, Pages: 185-190, April 2020

Md. Serajul Islam, Md. Sanaul Haque Mondal and M H M Imrul Kabir, "Coping with Natural Disasters: A Cross-Sectional Study with People with Disabilities in The Coastal Zone of Bangladesh", Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, Volume: 68, Issue: 01, Pages: 67-83, March 2018

Ahbab Mohammad Fazle Rabbi and M H M Imrul Kabir, “Factors Influencing Age at First Birth of Bangladeshi Women- A Multivariate Approach”, American Journal of Public Health Research, Volume:01, Issue:07, Pages: 191-195, August 2013

R H M Alaol Kabir, Md. Atikur Rahman, Mohammad Ahsanul haque, Mohammad Osiur Rahman and M H M Imrul Kabir,“A Simple Approach to Recognize a Person Using Hand Geometry”, ULAB Journal of Science and Engineering, ISSN:2079-4398,Vol: 01, Issue: 1, Pages:19-25, November 2010

Muhammad Iftakhar Alam and M H M Imrul Kabir, “An Application of Non-Parametric, Semi-Parametric, and Parametric Survival Methods on Infant Mortality Data of Bangladesh”, Dhaka University Journal of Science, Volume:58, Issue:02, Pages: 215-217, June 2010


Kabir, I., (2016, November). A Review of Mixed-Effects Models Analyzing Continuous Longitudinal Data. International Conference on Analysis of Repeated Measures Data; East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Kabir, I., (2016, November). A Generalized Approach to Analyze Survival Times for Parametric and Semi-Parametric Models. International Conference on Analysis of Repeated Measures Data; East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Ali, M.S., Rashid, M.R.A., Hossain, T., Kabir, M.A., Kamrul, M., Aumy, S.H.B., Mridha, M.H., Sajeeb, I.H., Islam, M.M. and Jabid, T., 2024. A comprehensive dataset of rice field weed detection from Bangladesh. Data in Brief57, p.110981.
Islam, M.M., Rahman, S., Hoque, N., Al Mamun, M., Moheuddin, M.S., Ali, M.S., Rashid, M.R.A., Masum, S., Ferdaus, M.H., Niloy, N.T. and Rahman, M.A., 2024. REMP: A unique dataset of rare and endangered medicinal plants in Bangladesh for sustainable healing and biodiversity conservation. Data in Brief57, p.110895.
Islam, M.M., Karmakar, G., Kamruzzaman, J., Murshed, M. and Chowdhury, A., 2024. Trustworthiness of IoT Images Leveraging With Other Modal Sensor’s Data. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
Mukto, M.M., Hasan, M., Al Mahmud, M.M., Haque, I., Ahmed, M.A., Jabid, T., Ali, M.S., Rashid, M.R.A., Islam, M.M. and Islam, M., 2024. Design of a real-time crime monitoring system using deep learning techniques. Intelligent Systems with Applications21, p.200311.
Islam, M., Islam, M.M., Ali, M.S., Niloy, N.T., Chowdhury, A. and Avik, S.C., 2023, December. Ensemble Method for Predicting Student Performance and Dropout Risk. In International Conference on Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence & Smart Applications (pp. 269-278). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Rizvee, R.A., Orpa, T.H., Ahnaf, A., Kabir, M.A., Rashid, M.R.A., Islam, M.M., Islam, M., Jabid, T. and Ali, M.S., 2023. LeafNet: A proficient convolutional neural network for detecting seven prominent mango leaf diseases. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research14, p.100787.
A. Chowdhury, M.M. Islam, S. Kaisar, M.E. Khoda, R. Naha, M.A. Khoshkholghi, M. Aiash, "Leveraging Oversampling Techniques in Machine Learning Models for Multi-class Malware Detection in Smart Home Applications," 2023 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), Exeter, United Kingdom, 2023, pp. 2216-2221, doi: 10.1109/TrustCom60117.2023.00311.
S. Nath, M.M. Islam, A. Chowdhury, M.R.A. Rashid, M. Islam, T. Jabid, R. Naha, "Comprehensive Analysis of Feature Extraction Techniques and Runtime Performance Evaluation for Phishing Detection," 2023 6th International Conference on Applied Computational Intelligence in Information Systems (ACIIS), Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ACIIS59385.2023.10367373.
N. Vasker, A. R. A. Sowrov, M. Hasan, M. S. Ali, M. R. A. Rashid and M. M. Islam, "Unmasking Ovary Tumors: Real-Time Detection with YOLOv5," 2023 4th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Practices (IBDAP), Bangkok, Thailand, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IBDAP58581.2023.10271954.

 P. Ghose, M. A. Uddin, M. M. Islam, M. Islam, U. K. Acharjee, "A Breast Cancer Detection Model using a Tuned SVM Classifier" in 25th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT). IEEE, 2022, pp. 102-107.

M. M. Islam, G. Karmakar, J. Kamruzzaman, and M. Murshed, “A robust forgery detection method for copy–moveand splicing attacks in images,” Electronics, vol. 9, no. 9, p. 1500, 2020. [IF: 2.412].

M. M. Islam, J. Kamruzzaman, G. Karmakar, M. Murshed, and G. Kahandawa,“Passive detection of splicing and copy-move attacks in image forgery,” in International Conference on Neural Information Processing. Springer, 2018, pp. 555–567. [Core: A]. 

M. M. Islam, G. Karmakar, J. Kamruzzaman, M. Murshed, G. Kahandawa, and N. Parvin, “Detecting splicing and copy-move attacks in color images,” in Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA). IEEE, 2018, pp. 1–7. [Core: B]. 

M. M. Islam, G. Karmakar, J. Kamruzzaman, and M. Murshed, “Measuring trustworthiness of IoT image sensor data using other sensors’ complementary multimodal data,” in TrustCom. IEEE, 2019, pp. 775–780. [Core: A]. 

M. M. Islam, F. T. Jaigirdar, and M. M. Islam, “Maximizing network interruption in wireless sensor network: an intruder’s perspective,” International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications, vol. 7, no. 2, p. 103, 2015. 

M.M. Islam, S. Morshed, and P. Goswami, "Cloud computing: A survey on its limitations and potential solutions,"International Journal of Computer Science Issues, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 159, 2013. 

M.F. Mridha, M.M. Islam, and S.M.O. Rahman, "A New Approach of Performance Analysis of Certain Graph Algorithms," International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 2, no. 9, p. 3745, 2013. 

A.J. Jimi, M.M. Islam, M.F. Mridha, "A new approach of performance analysis of adaptive filter algorithm in noise elimination," International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, vol. 2, no. 9, p. 4571, 2013. 

  • M. A. Rahman, M. M. Rahman, M. A. Alim, “Design and Performance Analysis of an In-band Full-duplex MAC Protocol for Ad-hoc networks”.
  • M. A. Rahman, M. M. Rahman, M. A. Alim, “In-band Full-duplex MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks”.
  • M. A. RahmanS. M. Shoaib, M. A. Amin, R. N. Toma, M. A. Moni and M. A. Awal, "A Bayesian Optimization Framework for the Prediction of Diabetes Mellitus".
  • M. A. RahmanM. A. Hossain, M. R. Kabir, M. H. Sani, Abdullah-Al-Mamun and M. A. Awal, "Optimization of Sleep Stage Classification using Single-Channel EEG Signals".
  • Abdullah-Al-Mamun, M. A. Awal, M. K. Hasan, M. A. Rahman and M. A. Alahe, "Optimization of Daily Physical Activity Recognition with Feature Selection".
Journal Publication

1. Shamima Hossain, “Generalized Linear Regression Model to Determine the Threshold Effects of Climate Variables on Dengue Fever: A Case Study on Bangladesh”, Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, vol. 2023, Article ID 2131801, 12 pages, 2023. 

2. Nazneen Sultana, Shamima Hossain and Kazi Md. Farhad Mahmud,"FACTORS INFLUENCING WOMEN’S OPINIONS REGARDING VIOLENCE IN BANGLADESH",December 2019, Advances and Applications in Statistics 59(2):125-147,DOI: 10.17654/AS059020125 

3. Farzana Jahan, Shamima Hossain and Kazi Md. Farhad Mahmud, “Factors influencing women’s decision making power: evidence from Bangladesh Urban Health Survey Data”, IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences (IMPACT: IJRANSS), ISSN (E): 2321-8851; ISSN (P): 2347-4580, Vol. 3, Issue 3, Mar 2015, 133-150.

Conference & Seminars
  • A Proposed Model for Stochastic Random Early Detection of Congestion using Higher order Markov Chain


  • Review of Congestion Controlling Algorithms and Comparison using Simulation

Afsana Al Sharmin, Farzana Jahan, Nazneen Sultana**,Shamima Hossain,


Journal Articles, Book Chapters, Conference Papers, Theses
  • [BC8] Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Fares Alharbi, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, Md Mostofa Kamal Rasel, Taskeed Jabid, Md Sawkat Ali, Mohammad Manzurul Islam, Maheen Islam, Rajkumar Buyya. Artificial Intelligence, Privacy, Governance, and Ethics for the Internet of Healthcare Things. In: Mohiuddin Ahmed and Nazim Choudhury (Eds.), Cybersecurity for Internet of Health Things (in press). CRC Press. 2024.

  • [BC7] Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Fares Alharbi, Savitri Bevinakoppa, Md Sawkat Ali, Mohammad Manzurul Islam, Maheen Islam, Taskeed Jabid, Sadia Nur Amin, Rajkumar Buyya. Responsible IoHT Ecosystem for Smart Healthcare.  In: Mohiuddin Ahmed and Nazim Choudhury (Eds.), Cybersecurity for Internet of Health Things (in press). CRC Press. 2024.

  • [J7] Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Rizvee Hassan Prito, Ahmed Abdal Shafi Rasel, Masud Ahmed, Md Jahid Hassan Saykot, Shanjida Sultan Shanta, Sonali Akter, Ankan Chandra Das, Mohammad Manzurul Islam, Mahamudul Hasan, Md Sawkat Ali. BananaImageBD: A Comprehensive Banana Image Dataset for Classification of Banana Varieties and Detection of Ripeness Stages in Bangladesh. Data in Brief, Elsevier, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.111239

  • [BC6] Maheen Islam, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, Rashedul Amin Tuhin, Md Mostofa Kamal Rasel, Sofia Noor Rafa, Md Sawkat Ali, Taskeed Jabid, Mohammad Manzurul Islam, Md Hasanul Ferdaus. Sustainable Healthcare Cybersecurity Solutions for the Internet of Health Things. In: Mohiuddin Ahmed and Nazim Choudhury (Eds.), Cybersecurity for Internet of Health Things (in press). CRC Press. 2024.

  • [BC5] Mohammad Manzurul Islam, Adnan Morshed, Saleh Masum, Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Maheen Islam, Md Sawkat Ali, Taskeed Jabid. Data Breaches and Trends in Internet of Health Things. In: Mohiuddin Ahmed and Nazim Choudhury (Eds.), Cybersecurity for Internet of Health Things (in press). CRC Press. 2024.

  • [J6] Mohammad Manzurul Islam, Sanjida Rahman, Nahida Hoque, Md Al Mamun, Md Sultan Moheuddin, Md Sawkat Ali, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, Saleh Masum, Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Nishat Tasnim Niloy, Md Atiqur Rahman. REMP: A Unique Dataset of Rare and Endangered Medicinal Plants in Bangladesh for Sustainable Healing and Biodiversity Conservation. Data in Brief 57, p. 110895, Elsevier, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110895

  • [J5] Raiyan Gani, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, Jubaer Ahmed, Maherun Nessa Isty, Maheen Islam, Mahamudul Hasan, Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Md Sawkat Ali. Smartphone Image Dataset to Distinguish Healthy and Unhealthy Leaves in Papaya Orchards in Bangladesh. Data in Brief, Elsevier 55, p. 110599, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110599

  • [J4] Mostofa Kamal Rasel, Mahamudul Hasan, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Md Ariful Islam, Mohammad Manzurul Islam, Md Sawkat Ali, Maheen Islam. DecentraLend: A Blockchain-based Monetization for Decentralized Lending SystemInternational Journal of Computing and Digital Systems 15(1), p. 1679-1690, 2024.

  • [BC4] Taskeed Jabid, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Md Sawkat Ali, Mohammad Manzurul Islam, Mahamudul Hasan, Rashedul Amin Tuhin, Maheen Islam. Ransomware Prevention Strategies: Building Robust Cyber Defenses. In: Mohiuddin Ahmed (Eds.), Ransomware Evolution. CRC Press. 2024

  • [BC3] Taskeed Jabid, Saleh Masum, Rifat Ara Shams, Abdullahi Chowdhury, Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Md Sawkat Ali, Maheen Islam, Mohammad Manzurul Islam. A Brief History of Ransomware. In: Mohiuddin Ahmed (Eds.), Ransomware Evolution. CRC Press. 2024.

  • [J3] Nishat Tasnim Niloy, Md Rayhan Ahmed, Sinthia Sarkar Ananna, Sanjida Kater, Iffat Jahan Shorna, Sadika Islam Sneha, Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Mohammad Manzurul Islam, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, Taskeed Jabid, Sawkat Ali. CottonFabricImageBD: An Image Dataset Characterized by the Percentage of Cotton in a Fabric for Computer Vision-based Garment Recycling. Data in Brief 55, p. 110712, Elsevier, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110712

  • [C4] Tanjela Rahman Rosni, Mahamudul Hasan, Tanni Mittra, Md Sawkat Ali, Md Hasanul Ferdaus. Aggressive Bangla Text Detection Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms. In International Conference on Computation of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (ICCAIML), pp. 174-183. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. 2024. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-71481-8_14

  • [J2] Fares Alharbi, Yu-Chu Tian, Maolin Tang, Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Wei-Zhe Zhang, Zu-Guo Yu. Simultaneous Application Assignment and Virtual Machine Placement via Ant Colony Optimization for Energy-efficient Enterprise Data Center. Cluster Computing, Springer Journals, 2021. (Q1, IF: 2.784)

  • [C3] Fares Alharbi, Yu-Chu Tian, Maolin Tang, and Md Hasanul Ferdaus. Profile-based Ant Colony Optimization for Energy-Efficient Virtual Machine Placement, 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2017), pp. 863-871, Nov 14–18, Guangzhou, China, 2017. [CORE Rank: A]

  • [J1] Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Manzur Murshed, Rodrigo N. Calheiros, and Rajkumar Buyya. An Algorithm for Network and Data-aware Placement of Multi-Tier Applications in Cloud Data Centers, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), 2017. (Q1, IF: 9.294) [CORE Rank: A]

  • [T2] Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Multi-objective Virtual Machine Management in Cloud Data Centers, PhD Thesis, Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia, 2016.

  • [BC2] Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Manzur Murshed, Rodrigo N. Calheiros, and Rajkumar Buyya. Network-aware Virtual Machine Placement and Migration in Cloud Data Centers, Emerging Research in Cloud Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 42-91, IGI Global, 2015.

  • [BC1] Md Hasanul Ferdaus, and Manzur Murshed. Energy-aware Virtual Machine Consolidation in IaaS Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing: Challenges, Limitations and R&D Solutions, pp. 179-208, Springer, 2014.

  • [C2] Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Manzur Murshed, Rodrigo N. Calheiros, and Rajkumar Buyya. Virtual Machine Consolidation in Cloud Data Centers using ACO Metaheuristic, 20th European International Conference on Parallel Processing (Europar 2014), pp 306-317, Aug 27-29, Porto, Portugal, 2014. [CORE Rank: A]

  • [T1] Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Analysis and Design of Security Mechanisms for Hierarchical Cluster-oriented Application Layer Multicast Protocols, Master Thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, 2009.

  • [C1] Md Kamrul Islam, Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Md Sazzadur Rahman. Automation of Utility Bill Payment Using Telecom. First IEEE International Conference on Next-Generation Wireless Systems (ICNEWS'06), pp. 307-311, Jan 02-44, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2006.
Journal Publication

1. Shovon Talukder, “Computational and Experimental Analysis of a Triode Microfuse with a WO3 Heater,” Journal of Sensors, vol. 2023, pp. 1–20, Mar. 2023, doi: 10.1155/2023/7525559.


Conference and Seminars

1. Shovon Talukder and H. C. Kim, “A Novel Triode Micro Fuse Structure with WO3 Heater,” [Symposium 08] Materials and Devices for Power Electronic, The 6th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2021), ResearchGate, Nov. 2021, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35295.94883.

2. Shovon Talukder and H. C. Kim, “A Computational study of a three-electrode based micro fuse structure,” The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, ResearchGate, Feb. 2020, [Online]. Available:

3. Shovon Talukder and H. C. Kim, “Negative temperature coefficient characteristics of Tungsten oxide as a heater material,” The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, Changwon, South Korea, ResearchGate, Dec. 2021, [Online]. Available:

4. F. Farid, M. M. Uddin, Shovon Talukder, and H. C. Kim, “A Simulation Study of a Four-Cantilever Beam based Hybrid Piezo-Tribo Nanogenerator,” The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, Changwon, South Korea, ResearchGate, Dec. 2021, [Online]. Available:

Journal Publication

Saleh, Maysaa M., Duaa A. Abuarqoub, Alaa M. Hammad, Md Shahadat Hossan, Najneen Ahmed, Nazneen Aslam, Abdallah Y. Naser, Christopher J. Moody, Charles A. Laughton, and Tracey D. Bradshaw; "In Vitro Anticancer Properties of Novel Bis-Triazoles" .Current Issues in Molecular Biology, 45(1),(2023); P:175-196.

  • Islam, Sufia; Ahmed, Najneen; Rivu, Sanzana Fareen; Khalil, Marjana; Tanjia, Nafisa; Lehmann, Christian,  “Challenges for microcirculation research in developing countries”. Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation, 70(4), (2019);P:599-607.
  • N. Ahmed, M. Tabassum , S. Ahmed, Shagufta Jasmin Subi, M. M. Begum , “Analysis Of The Antibacterial And Thrombolytic Activity of The Methanolic Extract Of Citrus sinensis Peel”. International Journal of Sciences and Applied Research, 5(4), (2018);P:14-20. 
  • Shabbir Ahmed, Tasnim Ahmed, Tarana Sharmin, Najneen Ahmed, “Prevalence of diabetic-hypertensive patients in the current population of Dhaka City”. Journal of Public Health, 25(5), (2017), P: 513-519.
  • Sabiha Chowdhury, Saikat Kumar Poddar, Sarah Zaheen, Farah Ashrafi Noor, Najneen Ahmed, Sanjana Haque, Abhijit Sukul, Sauda Binte Sunjida, Md. Mahabob Ullah Mazumder, Nusrat Akbar, “Phytochemical screening and evaluation of cytotoxic and hypoglycemic properties of Mangifera indica peels” . Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 7 (1), (2017), P: 49-52.
  • Najneen Ahmed, Tasnim Ahmed, Nusrat Akbar, Sharmin Ahmed , “Phytochemical screening, cytotoxic and hypoglycemic activity evaluation of methanolic extract of Citrus sinensis peel”. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 7 (3), (2016), P: 44-48.
Conference & Seminars

Abstracts in Conference proceedings:

  • S Hossan, N. Ahmed, V.V. Zarubaev, F.Ayesha, A.V. Galochkina, A.Rahman, Mark S. Butler, Mohd. Najib Mostafa, Mohammed Rahmatullah, C. Wiart, “Antiviral activity of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb. against coxsackie B4 virus in vitro”. ISE-SFEC Congress, (2018), 18/p-128.
  • Sitesh C Bachar, Najneen Ahmed, Achintya Saha, “Synthesis and Evaluation of PPAR Agonist Using Molecular Modeling”. 4thInternational World Science Congress, (2014), P: 10-11.

Conference Presentations:

  • Md Shahadat Hossan, Najneen Ahmed, Chowdhury Alfi Afroze, Jong Bong Lee, Zhi Yuan Kok, Pavel Gershkovich, Hilary M. Collins, Mohammed Rahmatullah, Christophe Wiart, Tracey D. Bradshaw, “In vitro anti-cancer effect and biological evaluation of Trichosanthes bracteata (Lam.) Voigt”. ISE-SFEC Congress, (2018).
  • Sitesh C Bachar, Najneen Ahmed, Achintya Saha,  “Synthesis and Evaluation of PPAR Agonist Using Molecular Modeling”. 20thDiabetes and Endocrine Conference, (2014).
Journal and conference Publications
  1. Mohammad Tajul Islam, Mohammad Sahariar Farhan, Farzana Faiza, A. F. M. Halim, and Afsana Al Sharmin. 2022, "Pigment Coloration Research Published in the Science Citation Index Expanded from 1990 to 2020: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis." Colorants, 1(1): 38-57.
  2. Afsana-Al-Sharmin and M Ataharul Islam, 2018. “Generalized Weibull linear models for type-I censoring data”, Advances and applications in statistics, 53 (2):87-102.
  3. Munima Haque, M Faizul Kabir, Md Quamruzzaman and Afsana Al-Sharmin. 2018, “Survey on Overall Health Conditions of University Students in Dhaka”, International journal of scientific engineering and science, 2 (4):8-13.
  4. Afsana-Al-Sharmin and M Ataharul Islam, 2017, “Generalized Weibull linear models with different link functions”,  Advances and applications in statistics, 50 (5):367-384.
  5. Afsana-Al-Sharmin and Munima Haque, 2016, “Susceptible factors of type-2 diabetes in a population of Bangladesh”, Universal Journal of Public Health, 4 (1):38-45.
  6.  Farzana Jahan, Afsana-Al-Sharmin, Nazneen Sultana and Shamima Hossain. 2015.“A review of congestion controlling techniques in TCP/IP network.” The 2nd International Conference on Theory and Applications of Statistics, Dhaka, 2015.
  7. Farhana Alam Ripa, Mahmud Tareq Ibn Morshed, Afsana-Al-Sharmin, Shahed Bulbul Papon, Md. Rafiqul Islam and Zara Sheikh, 2014, “Central Nervous System Depressant, Analgesic and Antidiarrheal Effects of the Seed Extracts of Dimocarpus longan Lour in Rats”, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 13 (2): 235-242.
  8. Farhana Alam Ripa,  Mahmuda Haque, Israt Jahan Bulbul, Afsana-Al-Sharmin, Yesmin Begum and Afroza Habib, 2012, “Screening of central nervous system (CNS) depressant and antinociceptive activities of methanolic extracts of the peel and seed of Nephelium longan fruits”, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 6 (11): 848-854.
  9. Afsana-Al-Sharmin, 2012, “Statistical Principles on Education Sector with Special Reference to Bangladesh”, Southeast University journal of science and engineering, 6 (6): 828-854.
  10. Afsana Al-Sharmin, “A Composite Index to Assess the Regional Development: A Districts-Level analysis”, VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller Akt.ges.&Co.KG,, 2011
Journal Publication
  1. Khan, M.A.R., Islam, M.A., Biswas, K., Al-Amin, M.Y., Ahammed, M.S., Manik, M.I.N., Islam, K.M., Kader, M.A., Alam, A.K., Zaman, S. and Sadik, G., 2023. Compounds from the Petroleum Ether Extract of Wedelia chinensis with Cytotoxic, Anticholinesterase, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Activities. Molecules28(2), p.793.
  2. Islam, S., Hoque, N., Nasrin, N., Hossain, M., Rizwan, F., Biswas, K., Asaduzzaman, M., Rahman, S., Hoskin, D.W., Sultana, S. and Lehmann, C., 2022. Iron overload and breast cancer: iron chelation as a potential therapeutic approachLife12(7), p.963.
  3. Foyzun, T., Mahmud, A.A., Ahammed, M.S., Manik, M.I.N., Hasan, M.K., Islam, K.M., Lopa, S.S., Al-Amin, M.Y., Biswas, K., Afrin, M.R. and Alam, A.K., 2022. Polyphenolics with strong antioxidant activity from Acacia nilotica ameliorate some biochemical signs of arsenic-induced neurotoxicity and oxidative stress in miceMolecules27(3), p.1037.
  4. Md Aminul Islam, Shahed Zaman, Kushal Biswas, Md Yusuf Al-Amin, Md Kamrul Hasan, AHMK Alam, Toshihisa Tanaka, Golam Sadik, 2021 "Evaluation of cholinesterase inhibitory and antioxidant potential of Wedelia chinensis: possible implications in alleviating Alzheimer’s disease" BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies , 
  5. Kushal Biswas, Umme Habiba Haque, Nuzhat Mahbub, Authoi Roy, 2021 "Anti-Amnesic Effect of Curculigo orchioides PlantExtract and Its Function on Acetylcholinesterase Enzyme" European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 32(5): 6-13, NLM ID: 101583475
  6. Kushal Biswas, U. H. Armin, S. M. J. Prodhan, J. A. Prithul, S. Sarker, F. Afrin, 2018 "In vitro and in vivo Assessment of Cholinesterase Inhibitory Activity of the Bark Extracts of Pterocarpus santalinus L. for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease" International Journal of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  7. Biswas, K., Hossain, S., Alam, S., Sultana, T., Khan, F. and Dutta, S., 2018 “In-vitro Assessment of Cholinesterase Inhibitory and Thrombolytic Activity of Six Available Citrus Fruits in Bangladesh: Relevant for Treating Neurodegenerative Disorder.” European Journal of Medicinal Plant. 22(3), P 1-11.
  8. Biswas, K., Azad, A.K., Sultana, T., Khan, F., Hossain, S., Alam, S., Chowdhary, R. and Khatun, Y., 2017. “Assessment of in-vitro cholinesterase inhibitory and thrombolytic potential of bark and seed extracts of Tamarindus indica (L.) relevant to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and clotting disorders” Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology, 6(1), p.115.
  9. Sarker, A., Biswas, K., Chowdhury, M.I., Khan, F., Sultana, T., Afrin, F., Uddin, M.A., Islam, M.A.F. and Choudhuri, M.S.K., 2017. “Preclinical HbA1c level studies of makaradhwaja and siddha makaradhwaja after chronic administration to male Sprague-Dawley rats” International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 6(6), pp.1249-1253.
  10. Kushal Biswas*, Umme Kawser Ferdousy “Influence of Pharmaceutical Marketing on Prescription Behavior of Physicians: A Cross-sectional Study in Bangladesh” J Account Mark, Vol 5:2, pp 1-4, 2016.
  11. A.K. Azad, Kushal Biswas, Ohidul Islam et al. “Antidiabetic property of methanol extract of B. alba (fruits along with shoots) and its relationship with the antioxidant property” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation. 2016; Vol 9:9-16.
  12. A. Sarwar, M.S. Rahman, Kushal Biswas et al.” Comparative Emetogenicity Study of Cisplatin Alone and in Combination Regimen on Cancer Patients of Bangladesh” Americal journal of drug discovery and Development, 2016; Vol 6(1):1-6.
  13. Anisur Rahman, Kushal Biswas, Tirtha Nandi, Tania Ashraf, Sufia Islam. “Eating Disorder: Influences of Hormones and Vitamins” Advances in Obesity, Weight Management & Control 2016; 5(1): 00119.
  14. Josim Uddin, Mohammad Nazmul Alam, Kushal Biswas and Md. Atiar Rahman. “In vitro antioxidative and cholinesterase inhibitory properties of Thunbergia grandiflora leaf extract” Cogent Food & Agriculture. 2016; Vol 2: 1256929.
  15. Josim Uddin, Md. Abdullah-Al-Mamun, Kushal Biswas. Md. Asaduzzaman, Md. Masudur Rahman, “Assessment of anticholinesterase activities and antioxidant potentials of Anisomeles indica relevant to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease” Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine, 2016; Vol 16(2):113-121.
  16. Nandi, T., Biswas, K. and Sharmin, S., 2022. Sildenafil (Viagra®): A Pharmacokinetic (PK) Review. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research34(22), pp.300-315.
  17. Azad, A. K., Lasker, S., Irfan-Ur-Rahaman, O. I., Sharmin Akter, M., Khairuzzaman, M. I., Sultana, C., … & Biswas, K.Comparative studies on antioxidant and thrombolytic activities of methanol and ethylacetate extracts of Trema orientalis“. International Journal of Innovations in Biological and Chemical Sciences, Volume 9, 2016, 47-51.
  18. Biswas, K., Azad, A. K., Sultana, T., Khan, F., Hossain, S., Alam, S., … & Khatun, Y. (2017).” Assessment of in-vitro cholinesterase inhibitory and thrombolytic potential of bark and seed extracts of Tamarindus indica (L.) relevant to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and clotting disorders“. Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology, 6(1), 115.
  19. Biswas, K., Islam, M. A., Azad, A. K., & Jahan, I. “Influential factors on prescription; a cross-sectional study from Bangladesh: focus on pharmaceutical marketing“. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation. 2016; Vol 9:9-16.
  20. Kushal Biswas, Md. Ariful Islam, Tahmida Sharmin, Pulak Kumar Biswas,“In-vitro cholinesterase inhibitory activity of dry fruit extract of Phyllanthus emblica relevant to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease” The Journal of Phytopharmacology; 4(1): pp 5-8, 2015.
  21. Kushal Biswas, Mst. Marium Begum, Arjyabrata Sarker, Tamanna Binte Huq, Abeer Sarwar, Md. Belal Hossain, Hasan Tarek, Md. Noor-A-Alam and Asma Rahman. “Anticholinesterase and Antioxidant Potentials of a Medicinal Plant Abroma augusta: Implications for the Alternative Treatment Therapy of Cognitive Deficits in Alzheimer’s disease” Clin Pharmacol Biopharm. vol 4:4, pp 1-7. 2015.
  22. Nasrullah, Anamul Haque, Zerina Yasmin, Mohammad Ashraf Uddin, Kushal Biswas, Mohammed Saiful Islam, “Phytochemical screening, antioxidant and anticholinesterase effects of Alangium salvifolium (L.F) Wang root extracts” Journal of Medicine Plat Research, vol 9 (42), pp 1060-1069, 2015.
  23. Kushal Biswas, Md. Ariful Islam, Tahmida Sharmin, “A simple and cost-effective way to purify acetylcholinesterase enzyme from bovine (Bos taurus) brain” International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, vol. 5(2), pp 207-14, 2015.
Conference & Seminars
  1. Bello, A., Biswas, K., Ojo,. A., Patel, P., Bello, D.,  Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in urine samples of construction painters” Society of Toxicology 63rd Annual Meeting and ToxExpo 2024, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
  2. Biswas, K., Bello, A., Patel, P., Bello, D., “Urinary Biomarkers for Organophosphate Flame Retardants in Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Applicators” Society of Toxicology 63rd Annual Meeting and ToxExpo 2024, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
  3. Ekuban, E.A., Brizendine,... Biswas, K., D Bello, J.J Schlezinger, M.C Cave  Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) and Ethanol Interactions Modify ADME and Toxicity in a Mouse Model of Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease". Society of Toxicology 63rd Annual Meeting and ToxExpo 2024, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
  4. HewaSahabanduge, C. S.,  Biswas, K., Bello, D., Liu, P., "Urine metabolomics analysis of dermal exposure to spray polyurethane foam". 72nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics at Anaheim, California.
  5. Bello, D., Biswas, K., Bhandari, S., Liu, P., Ross, M., Wang, C., Ranganathan, S., Campbell, R., Grant, C., Bello, A. "Construction and Optimization of a Testing Platform for Comprehensive Characterization of Thermal Degradation Products (TDPs) of AFFF and FFF Firefighting Foams". International Firefighter Cancer Symposium 2024, Miami, USA. 
  6. Cara, M., Bello, A., Merkuri, J., Nishori, N., Biswas, K., Bello D., “Per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) contamination of irrigation waters in Albania” Nano Balkan 2023, Tirana, Albania 1, 123. 
  7. Biswas, K., Anila Bello, Paridhi Patel, Dhimiter Bello, "Amine catalysts in spray polyurethane foams: Identification, Characterization, Exposures and Implications for Toxicology and Occupational Medicine Research" Society of Toxicology 62nd annual meeting and ToxExpo 2023 at Nashville, TN, USA.
  8. Gripshover, T. C., Ekuban, F., Biswas, K., Wahlang, B., Head, K., Bello, D., Cave, M. "Alcohol consumption decreases perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) levels." Hepatology 78, S1569-S1570, 2023.
  9. Patel, P., Bello, D., Biswas, K., Bello, A., "Identifying and prioritizing hazardous chemicals in reactive systems in construction metal structure coatings for field studies: Systematic review of product composition, frequency of use and health effects." American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition 2022 at Washington DC, USA
  10. Manik, M.I.N., Biswas, K., Khathun, M.R., Kundu, N.K., Uddin, N.M., Sadik, G., "Polyphenols with strong antioxidant and cholinesterase inhibitory activity from the bark of Loranthus globosus" International Conference of Science and Technology for celebrating the Birth Centenary of Bangabandhu (ICSTB-2021) at BCSIR, Dhaka, Bangladesh 
  11. Afrin, R., Biswas, K., Watanabe, K., Arumugam, S., Suzuki, H., Wahed, M. I., “Liver injury attenuation by quercetin in a novel NASH-HCC mouse model” APASL Single Topic Conference 2018 on “HCC: Strategy in the New Era,” at Yokohama, Japan.
  12. Biswas, K.,  Armin U.,  Prodhan, S., Prithul, J., A., Sarker, S.,  Afrin, F.,  “In vitro and in vivo Assessment of Cholinesterase Inhibitory Activity of the Bark Extracts of Pterocarpus santalinus L. for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease” 20th International Conference 2018 on Cognitive Enhancers and Pharmacological Properties, Barcelona, Spain, 12(10), 1049.
  13. Biswas, K., Khan, F., Islam, A., Alam, T., "Lipid peroxidation inhibition and cholinesterase inhibitory potential of Curculigo orchioides, for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease " International Conference on Medicinal Plants & Natural Products Research (ICMPNPR-18), 2018, Cairo, Egypt. 
Book Chapter

[1] V Kantola H Mökkönen, HMA ISLAM, N Pinjamaa, E Rytkönen, S Wang, "SMARTWEAR: Future smart wearables to improve our health and media communications ", Publisher Aalto University, Book: BIT BANG 6 (978-952-60-1088-5).

[2] V Kantola H Mökkönen, HMA ISLAM, N Pinjamaa, E Rytkönen, S Wang, "When Media Companies Move to the Cloud: What Happens to End-users if They Lose Control over Their Personal Data", Publisher Aalto University, Book: BIT BANG 6 (978-952-60-1088-5).


[1] Islam, H.M., Chatzopoulos, D., Lagutin, D., Hui, P. and Ylä-Jääski, A., 2017. Boosting the performance of content centric networking using delay tolerant networking mechanisms. IEEE Access, 5, pp.23858-23870. (Impact Factor: 3.367)

[2] Islam, H.M.A., Lagutin, D., Ylä-Jääski, A., Fotiou, N. and Gurtov, A., 2019. Transparent coap services to iot endpoints through icn operator networks. Sensors, 19(6), p.1339. (Impact Factor: 3.847)


[1] Islam, H.M.A., Lagutin, D., Ylä-Jääski, A., Fotiou, N. and Gurtov, A., 2019. Transparent coap services to iot endpoints through icn operator networks. Sensors, 19(6), p.1339.

[2] Islam, H.M., Chatzopoulos, D., Lagutin, D., Hui, P. and Ylä-Jääski, A., 2017. Boosting the performance of content centric networking using delay tolerant networking mechanisms. IEEE Access, 5, pp.23858-23870.

[3] Islam, H.M., Lagutin, D., Lukyanenko, A., Gurtov, A. and Ylä-Jääski, A., 2017, October. CIDOR: Content distribution and retrieval in disaster networks for public protection. In 2017 IEEE 13th international conference on wireless and mobile computing, networking and communications (WiMob) (pp. 324-333). IEEE.

[4] Islam, H.M., Lagutin, D. and Fotiou, N., 2017, June. Observing IoT resources over ICN. In 2017 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

[5] Fotiou, N., Xylomenos, G., Polyzos, G.C., Islam, H., Lagutin, D., Hakala, T. and Hakala, E., 2017, September. ICN enabling CoAP Extensions for IP based IoT devices. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (pp. 218-219).

[6] N. Fotiou, H. Islam, D. Lagutin, T. Hakala and G. C. Polyzos, "CoAP over ICN", 2016 8th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies Mobility and Security (NTMS), pp. 1-4, Nov 2016.

[7] Islam, Hasan MA, Andrey Lukyanenko, Sasu Tarkoma, and Antti Yla-Jaaski. "Towards disruption tolerant ICN." In 2015 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC), pp. 212-219. IEEE, 2015.

[8] Afroze, T., Sarkar, S., Islam, A. and Rahman, A., 2009, May. More stable Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol. In 2009 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (pp. 150-155). IEEE.

Journal Publication
  1. Authorship: Sadia Sultana, Md. Rakib Hasan, Paritosh Chakma, Mohammad Jashim Uddin, Ishtiaque Ahmed Chowdhury, Marjana Khalil, Mohammed Motaher Hossain Chowdhury and M. S. K. Choudhuri; Title: “Preclinical Blood Chemistry Safety Profile Studies of “Balarista” on the Kidney Function after chronic administration to male Sprague-Dawley Rats.”; Journal & Page No: International Journal of Pharmacy 5(3):779-783; July 2015
  2. Authorship: Marjana Khalil, Swagata Sarker Lopa, Md. Rakib Hasan, Md. Mahmudur Rahman Mamun, Paritosh Chakma, Arjyabrata Sarkar, Mohammed Motaher Hossain Chowdhury and M. S. K. Choudhuri; Title: “Preclinical Lipid Profile Studies of a Classical Ayurvedic Preparation “Arjunarista” After Chronic Administration to Male Sprague-Dawley Rats.”; Journal & Page No: International Journal of Pharmacy, 2014, Volume: 4, Issue: 04, Pg: 146-150
  3. Authorship: N. Roy Niyati, Md. Rakib Hasan, Swagata Sarker Lopa, Ishtiaque Ahmed Chowdhury, Marjana Khalil, Maksud Hassan Binoy, M Salahuddin Bhuiya and M. S. K. Choudhuri; Title:  “Preclinical Anemia Panel Studies of “Rohitakarista” after Chronic Administration to Male Sprague-Dawley Rats”; Journal & Page No: International Journal of Pharmacy, 2014, Volume: 4, Issue: 04, Pg: 168-174
  4. Authorship: Soniya Akter, Md. Rakib Hasan, Swagata Sarker Lopa, Ishtiaque Ahmed Chowdhury, Marjana Khalil, Maksud Hassan Binoy, M Salahuddin Bhuiya and M. S. K. Choudhuri; Title: “Preclinical Lipid Profile Studies of “Balarista” After Chronic Administration to Male Sprague-Dawley Rats.”; Journal & Page No: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, 2014, Volume: 9, Issue: 04, Pg: 62-66

  1. Authorship: Babul Akter, Muhammad Arif Hasan,  Ishtiaque Ahmed Chowdhury,  Projjal Kanti Biswas, Marjana Khalil, Swagata Sarker Lopa, Mohammed Motaher Hossain Chowdhury, M. S. K. Choudhuri & Mohammad Jashim Uddin; Title: “Preclinical Blood Chemistry Safety Profile Studies of “Rohitakarista” on the Kidney Function after chronic administration to male Sprague-Dawley Rats.”; Journal & Page No: J Hamdard Univ Bangladesh 2(1) : 163-176 September 2015
Conference & Seminars

Conference Articles:

  1. “Safety Studies of Icchabhedi Rasa”, abstract published in 1st Ayuns International Ayurvedic Conference.
  2. “Safety Studies of Brhat Vangesvara Rasa”, abstract published in 1st Ayuns International Ayurvedic Conference.
  3. “Safety Studies of Brhat Vatacintamani Rasa”, abstract published in 1st Ayuns International Ayurvedic Conference.
  4. “Safety Studies of Karpura Rasa”, abstract published in 1st Ayuns International Ayurvedic Conference.
  5. “Study on the effect of chronic administration of Balarista on different hematologic parameters in male Sprague-Dawley rats”, abstract published in 2nd Ayuns International Ayurvedic Conference.
  6. “Safety studies of Kaishor Guggulu”, abstract published in 2nd Ayuns International Ayurvedic Conference.
  7. “Organ body weight ratio toxicity studies of “Rajakalyan Vati” after chronic administration to female Sprague-Dawley rats”, abstract published in 1st International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences: A Global Approach, organized by USTC.
  8. “Preclinical blood chemistry safety profile studies of “Jakridari Louha” after chronic administration to male Sprague-Dawley rats”, abstract published in An International Conference on Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development, organized by JSTU.
  9. “Preclinical blood chemistry safety profile studies of “Banga Bhasma” after chronic administration to male Sprague-Dawley rats”, abstract published in An International Conference on Updates on Natural Products in Medicine & Healthcare Systems, organized by KU.
Nazneen Sultana, Shamima Hossain and Kazi Md. Farhad Mahmud,"FACTORS INFLUENCING WOMEN’S OPINIONS REGARDING VIOLENCE IN BANGLADESH",December 2019, Advances and Applications in Statistics 59(2):125-147,DOI: 10.17654/AS059020125
Farzana Jahan, Shamima Hossain and Kazi Md. Farhad Mahmud, “Factors influencing women’s decision making power: evidence from Bangladesh Urban Health Survey Data”, IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences (IMPACT: I
Journal Papers
  1. Md Atiqur Rahman, Israt Jahan, Maheen Islam, Taskeed Jabid, Md Sawkat Ali, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, Mohammad Manzurul Islam, Md Hasanul Ferdaus, Md Mostofa Kamal Rasel, Mahmuda Rawnak Jahan, Shayla Sharmin, Tanzina Afroz Rimi, Atia Sanjida Talukder, Md Mafiul Hasan Matin, M Ameer Ali, Improving Sleep Disorder Diagnosis Through Optimized Machine Learning Approaches, IEEE Access, 2025, ISSN 2169-3536, 10.1109/ACCESS.2025.3535535 . (Q1, Impact Factor 3.4, Cite Score 9.8)
  2. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Mohamed Hamada, Shayla Sharmin, Tanzina Afroz Rimi, Atia Sanjida Talukder, Nafees Imran, Khadijatul Kobra, Md Ridwan Ahmed, Md Rabbi, Md. Mafiul Hasan Matin and M. Ameer Ali, Enhancing Early Breast Cancer Detection through Advanced Data Analysis., IEEE Access, 2024, ISSN 2169-3536, 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3483095. (Q1, Impact Factor 3.4, Cite Score 9.8)
  3. Md. Atiqur Rahman and Mohamed Hamada, 2021. PCBMS: A Model to Select an Optimal Lossless Image Compression Technique. IEEE Access, pp.167426 - 167433, ISSN: 2169-3536, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3137345 (Q1, Impact Factor 3.4, Cite Score 9.8)
  4. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Mohamed Hamada, 2022. A prediction-based lossless image compression procedure using dimension reduction and Huffman coding, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-022-13283-3 (Q1, Impact Factor 3.0)
  5. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Mohamed Hamada, 2020. Burrows-Wheeler Transform Based Lossless Text Compression Using Keys and Huffman Coding. Symmetry, 12(10), p.1654. DOI:10.3390/sym12101654, (Q1 (Computer Science), SCIE, Impact Factor 2.2, Cite Score 5.4)
  6. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Mohamed Hamada Rahman, 2019. Lossless Image Compression Techniques: A State-of-the-Art Survey. DOI: 10.3390/sym11101274, Symmetry, 11(10), p.1274.  (Q1 (Computer Science), Impact Factor 2.2, Cite Score 5.4)
  7. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Mohamed Hamada and  Jungpil Shin, 2021. The Impact of State-of-the-Art Techniques for Lossless Still Image Compression. Electronics, 10(3), p.360. DOI:10.3390/electronics10030360, (Q2, Impact Factor 2.6, Cite Score 5.3)
  8. Mohammad Manzurul Islam, Sanjida Rahman, Nahida Hoque, Md. Al Mamun, Md. Sultan Moheuddin, Md. Sawkat Ali, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, Saleh Masum, Md. Hasanul Ferdaus, Nishat Tasnim Niloy, Md. Atiqur Rahman, REMP: A Unique Dataset of Rare and Endangered Medicinal Plants in Bangladesh for Sustainable Healing and Biodiversity Conservation., Data in Brief, 2024, 110895, ISSN 2352-3409, (Q3, Impact Factor 1.0, Cite Score 3.1)
  9. Khadijatul kobra, Md. Atiqur Rahman, Mohammad Shah Shuja Bin Jabber, Syeda Maria Rahman, Nafees Imran, Izaz Ahmmed Tuhin, and Md Faisal Kabir, An application of fuzzy logic to Bank ranking: A study of the banking sector in Bangladesh, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2023. (Scopus)
  10. Md. Atiqur Rahman, M.M. Fazle Rabbi, and  Md.Azimul Islam, Dynamic Hand Gesture recognition from a complex background and finger identification using RGB colours,  International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology (IJCSET),Vol. 9 No. 03 May-Jun 2018, online ISSN : 2229-3345, Page 46-50.
  11. Md. Atiqur Rahman and M.M. Fazle Rabbi, Non-Blind DWT-SVD based Watermarking Technique for RGB Image, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: F Electrical and Electronics Engineering Volume 15 Issue 4 Version 1.0 Year 2015 Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA) Online ISSN: 2249-4596 & Print ISSN: 0975-5861.
  12. Md. Atiqur Rahman and M.M. Fazle Rabbi, DWT-SVD based New Watermarking Idea in RGB Color Space, International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Vol.8, No.6 (2015), pp.193-198.
  13. M. M. Fazle Rabbi and  Md. Atiqur Rahman, 2019. Dictionary based image compression by removing MSB and LSB using Huffman coding, BUBT Journal, Vol.BUBT Journal 2019, pp.139-151, ISSN: 2072-7542.
  14. Md. Ashfakur Rahman, M. Ameer Ali and  Md. Atiqur Rahman, 2019, Unsupervised Classification Based Object Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, BUBT Journal, Vol.BUBT Journal 2019, pp.152-169, ISSN: 2072-7542.
Conference Papers
  1. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Israt Jahan Payel, Mariyam Bin Ayan, Md. Asraful Sharker, Sajib Bin Mamun, Clinical Laboratory Data-Based Bladder Cancer Prediction Using Machine Learning Approach, 4th International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering, 2025, Bangladesh.
  2. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Mariyam Bin Ayan, Sajib Bin Mamun, Israt Jahan Payel, Md. Asraful Sharker Nirob, Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Toddlers: A Fast and Efficient Machine Learning Approach, 4th International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering, 2025, Bangladesh
  3. Md Jakaria Zobair, Md. Atiqur Rahman, Md. Shakhawath Hossain, Nusrat Khan, Md Atik Asif Khan Akash,Md Hasan Imam Bijoy, A Hybrid ViT-GRU Model for Breast Cancer Detection: Addressing Class Imbalance Challenges, 4th International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering, 2025, Bangladesh
  4.  Monoronjon Dutta, Md. Atiqur Rahman, Md Shafikul Islam, Chonchal Khan, Advancing Kidney Disease Diagnosis Using Convolutional Neural Networks on Medical Imaging, 4th International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering, 2025, Bangladesh
  5. Monoronjon Dutta, Md. Abbas Ali Khan, MM Fazle Rabbi, Md. Atiqur Rahman, Mohammad Monirul Islam, Retinal Fundus Image Classification Using Generative Adversarial Networks, 4th International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering, 2025, Bangladesh
  6. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Sajib Bin Mamun, M. A. Omar Faruq, Mashreka    Akter, Pranta   Saha and Mariyam Bin Ayan,  Depression Detection Approach Based on Sociodemographic and Psychosocial Factors. The 28th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, 2024.

  7. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Md. Asraful Sharker   Nirob, Mashreka Akter, Mariyam Bin Ayan, and Israt Jahan Payel,  A Novel Approach to Select an Optimal Text Compression Method Based on Application. The 28th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, 2024.

  8. Nayma Alam, Sofia Noor Rafa, Tasfia Tahsin Annita, Md. Atiqur Rahman, M. Saddam Hossain Khan, Rashedul Amin Tuhin, Md. Mohsin Uddin, A Machine Learning Framework for Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults Using Feature Scaling and Classification Techniques, 27th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2024.
  9. Md. Shamsuzzaman Miah, Abu Sufiun, Md. Atiqur Rahman, Ifat Hasan, Touhid Bhuiyan and M. Ameer Ali,  Towards COVID-19 Detection Information System based on AIoT, International Conference on Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning (BIM 2023), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  10. Sonjoy Prosad Shaha, Sajeeb Datta, Md Nadim Mahmud, Md Hassan Ahmad and Md. Atiqur Rahman, 2023, September.  Peripheral Blood Smear Image Based Blood Cancer Detection Using Transfer Learning, International Conference on Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning (pp. 1007-1022). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
  11.  Cyril Elorm Agbewali-Koku, Md. Atiqur Rahman, Mohamed Hamada, Md Hossain, Lutfun Nahar Oysharja, A systematic review of machine learning techniques in online learning platforms, The 15th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia.
  12. Md. Atiqur Rahman and Mohamed Hamada, An integer wavelet transform based lossless image compression technique using Arithmetic coding. The 21st international conference on intelligent software methodologies, tools and techniques (SOMET 2022), The University of Aizu, Japan.
  13. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Mohamed Hamada, and Md Asfaqur Rahman, 2021, December. Text compression based on an alternative approach of run-length coding using Burrows-Wheeler transform and arithmetic coding. In 2021 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC) (pp. 287-291). IEEE.
  14. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Mohamed Hamada, and Md AsfaqurRahman, 2022 "A comparative analysis of the state-of-the-art lossless image compression techniques" The 4th International Conference on ICT Integration in Technical Education (ETLTC 2022).
  15. Md. Atiqur Rahman, and Mohamed Hamada, 2021. "Lossless text compression using GPT-2 language model and Huffman coding" The 2021 3rd ETLTC - ACM Chapter International Conference on Information and Communications Technology, In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 102). EDP Sciences.
  16. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Md Faizul Ibne Amin, Mohamed Hamada, 2020 "Edge Detection Technique By Histogram Processing with Canny Edge Detector" In 2020 3rd IEEE  International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII) (pp. 128-131). IEEE.
  17. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Mohamed Hamada ", 2019, October. A semi-lossless image compression procedure using a lossless mode of JPEG. In 2019 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC) (pp. 143-148). IEEE.
  18. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Jungpil Shin, Aloke Kumar Saha, and Md. Rashedul Islam, 2018. "A Novel Lossless Coding Technique for Image Compression," 2018 Joint 7th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV) and 2018 2nd International Conference on Imaging, Vision \& Pattern Recognition (icIVPR) (pp. 82-86). IEEE.
  19. Md. Atiqur Rahman, M. M. Fazle Rabbi, Md. Mijanur Rahman, Md. Masudul Islam and Md. Rashedul Islam, 2019.  "Histogram modification based lossy image compression scheme using Huffman coding," 2018 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology (iCEEiCT)  (pp. 279-284). IEEE.
  20. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam, Jungpil Shin, Md. Rashedul Islam, 2019. "Histogram Alternation Based Digital Image Compression using Base-2 Coding," 2018 Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  21. Md. Atiqur Rahman, Most. Jannatul Ferdous, Md. Mamun Hossain, Md Rashedul Islam, Mohamed Hamada, 2019. "A lossless speech signal compression technique", 1st International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology (ICASERT) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
  22. Md. Ashfakur Rahman, Subhra Prosun Paul, Mrinmoy Das, Md. Mamun Hossain, Rejwana Haque and Md. Atiqur Rahman, 2019, February "Convolutional Neural Networks based multi-object recognition from a RGB image", In 2019 international conference on electrical, computer and communication engineering (ECCE) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  1. Md. Jakaria Zobair, AI-Driven Feature Decoding for Breast Cancer Detection: A Hybrid Deep Learning Model (Ongoing) (Graduate)
  2. Runa Akter, Sanjida Islam Ipty, Momrna Khatun Methila, Thesis Title: "A Machine Learning-Based Approach to Credit Card Fraud Detection", Year: 2024  (Undergraduate)