Publications: Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

Journal Publications
  1. M. M. Kabir, M. R. Imam, Z. Farzana, and C. F. Hossain. Complete genome sequence of the pandrug-resistant Vibrio cholerae strain KBR06 isolated from a cholera patient in Bangladesh. Microbiology Resource Announcements (, 12(12), e0057723, 2023.
  2. M. M. Kabir, M.R. Imam, T.N. Nijhum, and C.F. Hossain. Screening and characterization of L-asparaginase producing bacterial strains from the soil in Bangladesh. Journal of Advances in Microbiology, 22 (11):81-92, 2022.
  3. M. M. Kabir, M.R. Imam, C.F. Hossain, and G.N.N. Sultana. Fluorescence Resonance energy transfer based biosensor from thermophilic bacterial periplasmic binding protein to measure branched-chain and aromatic amino acids. Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology, 25 (6):24-38, 2022.
  4. M. M. Kabir, “Determining the impact of genetic engineering on replacing petroleum based non-biodegradable plastic”. Innovations in Microbiology and Biotechnology Vol. 1, B. P. International, India & UK, p121-127, 2021. [Book chapter]
  5. Zaman, N., Seitz, K., Kabir, M., George-Schreder, L., Shepstone, I., Liu, Y., Zhang, S., and Krysan, P. J. A Forster resonance energy transfer sensor for live-cell imaging of mitogen-activated protein kinase activity in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 97:970-983, 2019.
  6. Kabir, M. M., Hossain, C. F., and Shimizu, K. Can bio-plastics replace non-biodegradable plastics? J. Appl. Biotechnol. Bioeng, 3(4):00074, 2017.
  7. Hossain, C. F., Al-Amin, M., Sayem, A. S. M., Siragee, I. H., Tunan, A. M., Hassan, F., Kabir, M. M., and Sultana, G. N. N. Antinociceptive principle from Curcuma aeruginosa. BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 15(191):1-7, 2015.
  8. Kabir, M. Metabolic regulation analysis based on gene and protein expressions: An integrated approach to understand PHB synthesis mechanism in recombinant E. coli. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3847332589, 2012. [Book]
  9. Crochet, A. P., Kabir, M. M, Francis, M. B., and Paavola, C. D. Site-selective dual modification of periplasmic binding proteins for sensing applications. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 26:55-61, 2010.
  10. Sporty, J. L., Kabir, M. M., Turteltaub, K. W., Ognibene, T., Lin, S-J., and Bench, G. Single sample extraction protocol for the quantification of NAD and NADH redox states in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Sep. Sci., 31:3202-3211, 2008.
  11. Vogel, J. S., Palmblad, N. M., Ognibene, T., Kabir, M. M., Buchholz, B. A., and Bench, G. Biochemical paths in humans and cells: Frontiers of AMS bioanalysis. Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. B, 259:745-751, 2007.
  12. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Investigation into the effect of soxR and soxS genes deletion on the central metabolism of Escherichia coli based on gene expressions and enzyme activities. Biochem. Eng. J., 30:39-47, 2006.
  13. Kabir, M. M., Ho, P. Y., and Shimizu, K. Effect of ldhA gene deletion on the metabolism of Escherichia coli based on gene expression, enzyme activities, intracellular metabolite concentrations, and metabolic flux distribution. Biochem. Eng. J., 26:1-11, 2005.
  14. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Metabolic regulation analysis of icd-gene knockout Escherichia coli based on 2D electrophoresis with TOF-MS and enzyme activity measurements. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 65:84-96, 2004.
  15. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Fermentation characteristics and protein expression patterns in a recombinant Escherichia coli mutant lacking phosphoglucose isomerase for poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) production. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 62:244-255, 2003.
  16. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Gene expression patterns for metabolic pathway in pgi knockout Escherichia coli with and without phb genes based on RT-PCR. J. Biotechnol., 105:11-31, 2003.
  17.  Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Proteome analysis of a temperature-inducible recombinant E. coli for poly-beta- hydroxybutyrate production. J. Biosci. Bioeng., 92:277-284, 2001.


Publications of Dr. Mohiuddin Kabir in ResearchGate

Conferences & Seminars
  1. Tasiba, S. F. and Kabir, M. M. Reduction of carcinogen from fried starchy foods using bacterial enzyme. 23rd Science Council of Asia Conference November 30 - December 02, 2024, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences. National Science & Technology Complex, Agargaon, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh.
  2. Faiza, N. and Kabir, M. M. Identification and characterization of a novel pectinase producing bacterial strain Bacillus tropicus FR-16 from the soil of Banasree market in Dhaka. Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) Congress 2023 (08-10 March, 2024), Dr. Qudrat-E-Khuda Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
  3. Nijhum, T. N., Imam, M. R., Nazwa, S., and Kabir, M. M. Identification and characterization of a novel L-glutaminase producing bacterial strain Priestia gingshengii KR-12 from the soil in Bangladesh. 5th International Conference on Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture (ICBHA), Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban, September 01-03, 2023, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  4. Zahra, T. R. K. and Kabir, M. M. Investigating the effect of pH and temperature on L-asparaginase production by Bacillus licheniformis KR-6 strain isolated from the soil in Bangladesh. 14th AFOB Regional Symposium (ARS), Regional Centre for Biotechnology, April 27- 29, 2023, Faridabad (NCR-Delhi), India.
  5. Kabir, M.M., Imam, M.R., and Hossain, C.F. Enzyme based drugs for treatment of certain lymphomas and leukemias. 2nd Global Summit and Expo on Biotechnology and Bioscience October 20-22, 2022, Dubai, UAE.
  6. Remu, M.R., Imam, M.R., Nijhum, T.N., Nazwa, S., and Kabir, M.M. Identification of protease producing bacterial strains from the wastes of tannery and slaughterhouse. 2nd International Conference on Genomics, Nanotech and Bioengineering, June 26-28, 2022, North South University, Bashundhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  7. Das, R., Nijhum, T.N., Imam, M.R., Roy, M.K., Rahman, F., and Kabir, M.M. Screening and characterization of cellulase producing bacterial strains from soil. 2nd International Conference on Genomics, Nanotech and Bioengineering, June 26-28, 2022, North South University, Bashundhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  8. Nazwa, S., Imam, M.R., Nijhum, T.N., Remu, M.R., and Kabir, M.M. Screening and characterization of lipase producing bacterial strains from tannery wastes. 2nd International Conference on Genomics, Nanotech and Bioengineering, June 26-28, 2022, North South University, Bashundhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  9. Rahman, F., Nijhum, T.N., Imam, M.R., Das, R., Roy, M.K., and Kabir, M.M. Screening and characterization of pectinase producing bacterial stains from Soil. 2nd International Conference on Genomics, Nanotech and Bioengineering, June 26-28, 2022, North South University, Bashundhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  10. Roy, M.K., Nijhum, T.N., Imam, M.R., Das, R., Rahman, F., and Kabir, M.M. Screening and characterization of amylase producing bacterial stains from soil. 2nd International Conference on Genomics, Nanotech and Bioengineering, June 26-28, 2022, North South University, Bashundhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  11. Nijhum, T.N., Imam, M.R., Nazwa, S., Remu, M.R., Rafia, S.A. and Kabir, M.M. Identification of L-glutaminase producing bacterial strain Priestia gingshengii EWUKR-12 from the soil in Bangladesh. 2nd International Conference on Genomics, Nanotech and Bioengineering, June 26-28, 2022, North South University, Bashundhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  12. Islam, S., Nijhum, T.N., and Kabir, M.M. Screening of L-glutaminase producing bacteria from the soil in Bangladesh. 2nd International Conference on Genomics, Nanotech and Bioengineering, June 26-28, 2022, North South University, Bashundhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  13. Islam, S., Kabir, M., Hasanuzzaman, M., Sajib, M. S. I and Saha, S. K. Identification and differentiation of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus - Acinetobacter baumannii complex: Common nosocomial infections among children. 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences: Gender, Health, Information, and the Environment, February 27-29, 2020, East West University, Aftabnagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  14. Kabir, R., Islam, M. and Kabir, M. Future perspective of biodegradable plastic. 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences: Gender, Health, Information, and the Environment, February 27-29, 2020, East West University, Aftabnagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  15. Krysan, P., Seitz, K., Zaman, N. and Kabir, M. Fluorescent sensors for imaging MAP kinase activity in Arabidopsis. 43rd FEBS Congress: Biochemistry Forever, July 7-12, 2018. Prague, Czech Republic.
  16. Paavola, C., Kabir, M. M., Crochet, A., and Francis, M. Protein-based sensors to detect chemical markers of life. Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon), April 14-17, 2008, Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, California, USA.
  17. Kabir, M. M., Ognibene, T., Palmblad, M., Ubick, E. A., Lin, S-J., Vogel, J. S. and Bench, G. Metabolomics from single cells via AMS. 10th International Meeting of the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF), February 11-14, 2006, Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, California, USA.
  18. Kabir, M. M., Ognibene, T., Palmblad, M., Ubick, E. A., Lin, S-J., Vogel, J. S. and Bench, G. Measurement of NAD and NADH from a single cell via AMS. Annual Poster Presentation, February 14, 2006, Energy and Environmental Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, USA.
  19. Kabir, M. M., Ognibene, T., Ubick, E. A., Palmblad, M., Lin, S-J., Bench, G., and Vogel, J. S. Methods for single cell AMS. 10th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, September 5-10, 2005, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA.
  20. Bench, G., Buchholz, B. A., Hillegonds, D., Kabir, M. M., Ognibene, T., Palmblad, M., and Vogel, J. S. (2005). Frontiers of AMS in bioscience from cells to humans. Workshop on “Accelerator Mass Spectrometry in Low Dose Bioscience”, September 9, 2005. University of California, Berkeley, California, USA.
  21. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Metabolic regulation analysis of E. coli with ldhA gene knockout based on enzyme activities and gene expressions. Annual Meeting of the Society for Biotechnol., September 21-23, 2004, Meijyo University (Tenpaku Campus), Nagoya, Japan.
  22. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. The effect of icdA gene knockout on the metabolism of Escherichia coli. Regional Meeting of the Society for Biotechnology, December 13, 2003, Minami Kyushu Daigaku, Miyazaki, Japan.
  23. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Metabolic pathway analysis of pgi knockout Escherichia coli for PHB production based on RT-PCR. Annual Meeting of the Society for Biotechnology, September 16-18, 2003, Kumamoto University (Kurokami Campus), Kumamoto, Japan.
  24. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Metabolic flux analysis of Escherichia coli based on 13C-labeling experiments and metabolic regulation analysis based on gene and protein expressions. International Conference on Emerging Frontiers at the Interface of Chemistry and Biology (ICB-2003), April 28-30, 2003, Trivandrum, Kerala, India.
  25. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Genetic and fermentation studies on the production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by recombinant phosphoglucose isomerase knock-out Escherichia coli. Regional Meeting of the Society for Bioscience and Bioengineering, December 14, 2002, Ryukyu University, Okinawa, Japan.
  26. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Proteome analysis of recombinant pgi knock-out E. coli for PHB production. 80th Anniversary of the Foundation and Annual Meeting of the Society for Bioscience and Bioengineering, October 28-30, 2002, Grand Cube Osaka (Osaka International Convention Centre), Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan.
  27. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Effect of culture condition on protein expressions of a recombinant E. coli. 67th SCEJ Annual Meeting of the Society of Chemical Engineers Japan, March 27-29, 2002, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan.
  28. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Proteome analysis together with metabolic flux distribution of a recombinant E. coli having phb genes. Regional Meeting of the Society for Bioscience and Bioengineering, December 8, 2001, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
  29. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Proteome analysis of recombinant E. coli with metabolic flux analysis for PHB production. Annual Meeting of the Society for Bioscience and Bioengineering, September 26-28, 2001, Yamanashi University, Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan.
  30. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Proteome analysis of a temperature-induced recombinant E. coli having phb genes for PHB production. SCEJ Regional Meeting, July 27, 2001, Senkyo Building (8th floor), Fukui, Japan.
  31. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Proteome analysis of a recombinant E. coli having phb genes for PHB production. 66th SCEJ Annual Meeting of the Society of Chemical Engineers Japan, April 2-4, 2001, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan.
  32. Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Proteome analysis of a temperature-inducible recombinant E. coli for PHB production. Regional Meeting of the Society for Bioscience and Bioengineering, December 9, 2000, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Iizuka, Fukuoka, Japan.
  33. Shimizu, K., and Kabir, M. M. Analysis of microbial metabolic networks in consideration of the revelation of genetic control. Conference on the Genome Information Science, September 22-23, 2000, Hotel Associa Shizuoka Terminal, Shizuoka, Japan.
  34. Shi, H., Kyuwa, K., Takasu, M., Kabir, M. M., and Shimizu, K. Temperature-induced expression of phb genes in Escherichia coli and effect of temperature patterns on the production of PHB. Annual Meeting of the Society for Bioscience and Bioengineering, August 3-5, 2000, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
Journal Publication
  1. Asad, A., Nayeem, M.A.J., Mostafa, M.G., Begum, R., Faruque, S.N., Nusrin, Suraia., Jahan, I., Hayat, S. and Islam, Z., 2025. Resistome phylodynamics of multidrug-resistant Shigella isolated from diarrheal patients. Microbiology Spectrum, 13(1), pp.e01635-24.
  2. Suraia Nusrin, Asaduzzaman Asad, Shoma Hayat, Bitali Islam, Ruma Begum, Fahmid Habib Nabila, Zhahirul Islam. Multiple Mechanisms Confer Resistance to Azithromycin in Shigella in Bangladesh: A Comprehensive Whole Genome-Based Approach. Microbiology Spectrum. 2022, 10.1128/spectrum.00741-22.
  3. Asaduzzaman Asad, Shoma Hayat, Fahmida Habib Nabila, Ruma Begum, Suraia Nusrin, and Zhahirul Islam. Draft genome sequences of multidrug resistant Shigella strains isolated from diarrheal patients in Bangladesh. Microbiology Resources Announcements. 2021.Volume 10 Issue 42 e00854-21.  
  4. Syed Raju Ali1, A. S. M. Mahadiuzzaman, Rozely Hossain, Suraia Nusrin and Sabina Yasmin.   Morphological and physiological characterization of nitrogen fixing rhizobia isolated from country bean (Lablaba perpureus) of Narail, Bangladesh. Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology Discovery. August 2019, Volume 4(4), pages 60-68.
  5. Marzia Sultana, Suraia Nusrin, Nur A. Hasan, Abdus Sadique, Kabir U. Ahmed, Atiqul Islam, Anwar Hossain, Ira Longini, Azhar Nizam, Anwar Huq, Abul K. Siddique, David A. Sack, Richard B. Sack, Rita R. Colwell, Munirul Alam. Biofilms comprise a component of the annual cycle of Vibrio cholerae in the Bay of Bengal Estuary. mBIO®, 2018, 9 (2), 1-13.
  6. Richard Man Kit Yu, Gayathri Chaturvedi, Kwan Hok Tong, Suraia Nusrin, John P Giesy, Rudolf S Wu and Richard Y C Kong. Evidence for Epigenetic Regulation of Steroidogenic Gene Expression by Hypoxia. Environmental Science and Technology, 2015, 49(2), 1138-1147.
  7. Suraia Nusrin, Kwan Hok Tong, Gayathri Chaturvedi, Rudolf S Wu, John P Giesy and Richard Y C Kong. Regulation of CYP11B1 and CYP11B2 steroidogenic genes by hypoxia-inducible miR-10b in H295R cells. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2014, 85, 344–351.
  8. N. A. Bhuiyan, Suraia Nusrin, M. Ansaruzzaman, A. Islam, M. Sultana, , M. Alam, M.A. Islam, A. Cravioto, A. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. B. Nair, J. C.L.Mwasna and H. P. Endtz. Genetic characterization of Vibrio cholerae O1 strains isolated in Zambia during 1996–2004 possessing the unique VSP-II region of El Tor variant. Epidemiology and Infection, 2011, 31, 1-9.
  9. Munirul Alam, Suraia Nusrin, Atiqul Islam, Nurul A. Bhuiyan, Niaz Rahim, Gabriela Delgado, Rosario Morales, Jose Luis Mendez, Armando Navarro, Ana I. Gil, Haruo Watanabe, Masatomo Morita, G. Balakrish Nair, and Alejandro Cravioto. Cholera between 1991 and 1997 in Mexico Was Associated with Infection by Classical, El Tor, and El Tor Variants of Vibrio cholerae. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2010, 48, 3666–3674.
  10. Nurul Amin Bhuiyan, Suraia Nusrin, Munirul Alam, Haruo Watanabe, Masatomo Morita, Alejandro Cravioto, T. Ramamurthy, and G. Balakrish Nair. Changing Genotypes of Cholera Toxin (CT) of Vibrio cholerae O139 in Bangladesh and Description of Three New CT Genotypes. FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology, 2009, 57, 136-141.
  11. Suraia Nusrin, Ana I. Gil, N. A. Bhuiyan, Ashrafus Safa, Masahiro Asakura, C. F. Lanata, E.R. Hall, H. Miranda, B. Huapaya, C. Vargas G, M.A. Luna, D.A.Sack, Shinji Yamasaki and G. Balakrish Nair. The Peruvian El Tor strains of Vibrio cholerae O1 have a distinct region in the Vibrio seventh pandemic island-II that differentiates them from the seventh pandemic strains of other continents. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2009, 58, 342-354.
  12. Ashrafus Safa, Nurul A. Bhuiyan, Denise Murphy, John Bates, Suraia Nusrin, Richard Y. C. Kong, Manas Chongsanguan, Wanpen Chaicumpa and G. Balakrish Nair. Multilocus genetic analysis reveals that the Australian strains of Vibrio choleraeO1 are similar to the pre-seventh pandemic strains of the El Tor biotype. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2009, 58, 105-111.
  13. Masatomo Morita, Makoto Ohnishi, Eiji Arakawa, N.A. Bhuiyan, Suraia Nusrin, Munirul Alam, A.K. Siddique, Firdausi Qadri, Hidemasa Izumiya, G. Balakrish Nair and Haruo Watanabe. Development and validation of a mismatch amplification mutation PCR assay to monitor the dissemination of an emerging variant of Vibrio cholerae O1 biotype El Tor. Microbiology and Immunology, 2008, 52, 314-317.
  14. Ana I. Gil, Hernan Miranda, Claudio F. Lanata, Ana Prada, Eric R. Hall, Carmen M. Barreno, Suraia Nusrin, Nurul A. Bhuiyan, David A. Sack, Gopinath Balakrish Nair. O3:K6 Serotype of Vibrio parahaemolyticus identical to the global pandemic clone associated with diarrhea in Peru. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2007, 11, 324-328.
  15. Ashrafus Safa, N. A. Bhuyian, Suraia Nusrin, M. Ansaruzzaman, Munirul Alam, T. Hamabata, Yoshifumi Takeda, David A. Sack, and G. Balakrish Nair. Genetic Characteristics of Matlab variants of Vibrio cholerae O1 that are hybrids between Classical and El Tor biotypes. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2006, 55,1563-1569.
  16. G. Balakrish Nair, Ashrafus Safa, N.A. Bhuiyan, Suraia Nusrin, Denise Murphy, Carolyn Nicol, Mary Valcanis, Steven Iddings, Ili Kubuabola, and Hassan Vally. Isolation of Vibrio cholerae O1 similar to pre-seventh pandemic El Tor strains during an outbreak of gastrointestinal disease in an island resort in Fiji. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2006, 55, 1559-1562.
  17. Munirul Alam, Nur-A-Hasan, A. Sadique, N. A. Bhuiyan, Kabir U. Ahmed, Suraia Nusrin, G. Balakrish Nair, K. Siddique, R. Bradly Sack, David A. Sack, Anwar Huq, and Rita R. Colwell. 2006. Seasonal Cholera Caused by Vibrio cholerae Serogroups O1 and O139 in the Coastal Aquatic Environment of Bangladesh. Applied and Environmental Microbiology,June 2006, p. 4096-4104.
  18. Suraia Nusrin, G. Yeahia Khan, N. A. Bhuiyan, M. Ansaruzzaman, M. A. Hossain, Ashrafus Safa, Rasel Khan, Shah M. Faruque, David A. Sack, T. Hamabata, Yoshifumi Takeda, and G. Balakrish Nair. Diverse CTX Phages among Toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 strains isolated between 1994 and 2002 in an area where Cholera is endemic in Bangladesh. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2004; 42:5854-5856.
Conference & Seminars
  1. Basak T, Firdaus Z, Sayed MD, Hossain MD S, Chakraborty P, Hashem A, Nusrin S, (2024) “Detection and Identification of Antibiotic Resistant Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) from Street Foods and Drinks in Dhaka City, Bangladesh,” paper Presented at 17th Asian Conference on Diarrhoeal Diseases and Nutrition (ASCODD), Kathmandu, Nepal, 8-10 December.
  2. Nusrin S, Asad A, Mostafa MG, Nayeem MAJ, Begum R, Hayat S      ,Islam Z, “Resistome phylodynamics of multi-drug resistant Salmonella enterica subsp. Enterica Z1288,” paper Presented at 17th Asian Conference on Diarrhoeal Diseases and Nutrition (ASCODD), Kathmandu, Nepal, 8-10 December.
  3. Asad A, Begum R, Munni MA, Mukta MA, Nayeem MAJ, Mostafa MH, Fatema B, Nusrin S, Jahan I, Hayat S, Islam Z, (2024) “ A phenogenomic insight of third-generation cephalosporin-resistance in Shigella in Bangladesh; an emergence of extended-spectrum-beta-lactamase genes,” paper Presented at 17th Asian Conference on Diarrhoeal Diseases and Nutrition (ASCODD), Kathmandu, Nepal, 8-10 December.
  4. Asfar F, Bhuiyan A, Das A, Nusrin S, Mahbub MM, (2024)  “Characterization of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) from leguminous plants rhizosphere to assess growth-promoting activity and impact on sustainable agriculture in Bangladesh,” paper presented at the 38th BSM Annual Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 28-29 December.
  5. Suraia Nusrin, Asaduzzaman Asad, Md Abu Jaher Nayeem, Bitali Islam, Ruma Begum, Shah Nayeem Faruque, Shoma Hayat, Zhahirul Islam. Genomic diversity and resistome profiling of multi-drug resistant Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica isolated in Bangladesh. Oral presentation in the Genomics and Infectious Diseases session of International Congress on Infectious Diseases 2022 (ISID 2022). Nov 17-20, 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  6. Afroza Aman, Arzina Hossain, Suraia Nusrin, Mohammad Shakhawat Hussain. Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance Enterobacteriaceae in the Slums in Dhaka City. 2nd International Conference on Genomics, Nanotech, and Bioengineering 2022 (ICGNB-2022). June 26-28, 2022. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  7. Suraia Nusrin, Asaduzzaman Asad, Shoma Hayat, Bitali Islam, Ruma Begum, Fahmida Habib Nabila, Zhahirul Islam. Multiple Resistance Mechanisms Conferring Reduced Susceptibility to Azithromycin in Shigella in Bangladesh: A Whole Genome Based Comprehensive Approach. Remote Rapid-Fire Presentation (3-minutes talk). ASM Microbe 2022. June 9-13, 2022, Washington, DC, USA.
  8. Md. Shohanur Rahman, Arzina Hossain, Roksana Haque, Suraia Nusrin, Md. Shakhawat Hussain. Disinfection of Bacillus Cereus in Different Food Matrix Using Gamma Irradiation. Poster presentation at the1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences, ICSL 2020 on Gender, Health, Information, and the Environment, 27-29 February 2020, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  9. Suraia Nusrin, Kwan Hok Tong, Gayathri Chaturvedi, Rudolf S Wu, John P Giesy and Richard Y C Kong. Regulation of CYP11B1 and CYP11B2 steroidogenic genes by hypoxia-inducible miR-10b in H295R cells. 7th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, 17-21 June, 2013, Hong Kong.
  10. Suraia Nusrin, Rudolf S Wu, John P Giesy and Richard Y C Kong. Effect of Hypoxia–inducible Factors (HIFs) on microRNA expression and steroidogenesis in the H295R human adrenocortical cell line. Centre for Marine Environmental Research & Innovative Technology (MERIT) Annual Symposium, 5th January – 6th January 2012.
  11. G. Chaturvedi , Suraia Nusrin,  R.S.S.Wu, J.Giesy, and Richard.Y.C. Kong. Effects of Hypoxia–inducible Factors on steroidogenesis: Identification of Molecular Biomarkers of Endocrine Disruption. 15th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment, 3-8 July 2011, Hong Kong.
  12. Suraia Nusrin, G. Chaturvedi and Richard Y. C. Kong, R. S. S. Wu and J. Giesy. Effect of Hypoxia–inducible Factors (HIFs) on steroidogenic genes of the stress axis in H295R cells. 5th PhD student Workshop, 18-19 April 2011, Suzhou, China.
  13. G. Chaturvedi , Suraia Nusrin,  R.S.S.Wu, J.Giesy, and Richard.Y.C. Kong. Effect of Hypoxia–inducible Factors (HIFs) on microRNA expression and steroidogenesis in the H295R human adrenocortical cell line. Centre for Marine Environmental Research & Innovative Technology (MERIT) Annual Symposium, 6th January – 7th January 2011.
  14. Munirul Alam, A.K. Siddique, G. Balakrish Nair, R.B. Sack, David A. Sack, Nur A. Hasan, Atiqul Islam, A. Sadique, M. Sultana, K.U. Ahmed, W.B. Chowdhury, N.A. Bhuiyan, S.U. Ahmed, A. Iqbal, Suraia Nusrin, Niaz Rahim,C.J. Grim, Hubert P. Endtz, Alejandro Cravioto, Anwar Huq, and Rita R. Colwell. Vibrio cholerae Serogroup O1 and O139 Causing Endemic Cholera in the Coastal Aquatic Environment of Bangladesh: A Molecular Epidemiological, Ecological and Phylogenetic Study. 12th Annual Scientific Conference (ASCON), 9-12 February 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  15. N.A. Bhuiyan, Suraia Nusrin, Munirul Alam, A.K. Siddique, Haruo Watanabe, and G. Balakrish Nair. Appearance of Three New Genotypes of Cholera Toxin B- subunit in Vibrio cholerae O139 Isolated in Bangladesh. 12th Annual Scientific Conference (ASCON), 9-12 February 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  16. Munirul Alam, G.Balakrish Nair, A.K. Siddique, R. Bradley Sack, David A. Sack, Nur- A-Hassan, Marzia Sultana, Abdus Sadique, N.A Bhuiyan, Kabir U. Ahmed, Suraia Nusrin, Atiqul Islam, Wasimu B. Cowdhury, Christopher J. Grim, Anwarul Huq, and Rita R. Colwell. Vibrio Cholerae serogroups O1 El Tor and O139 Bengal native to the aquatic environment of the coastal villages of the Bay of Bengal are the source of endemic cholera: A follow-up. 42nd US-Japan Cooperative Medical Program on Cholera and other Enteric Diseases. 5-7, Dec 2007, Austin, Texas, USA.
  17. Suraia Nusrin, Ana I. Gil, N. A. Bhuiyan, Ashrafus Safa, Masahiro Asakura, C. F. Lanata, E. Hall, H. Miranda, B. Huapaya, C. Vargas G, M.A. Luna , D.A. Sack, Shinji Yamasaki and G. Balakrish Nair. The Peruvian El Tor strains of Vibrio cholerae O1 have a distinct region in the Vibrio seventh pandemic island-II. 42nd US-Japan Cooperative Medical Program on Cholera and other Enteric Diseases. 5-7, Dec 2007, Austin, Texas, USA.
  18. G. Balakrish Nair, N.A. Bhuiyan, Suraia Nusrin, Munirul Alam, A. Safa, Firdausi Qadri, S. M. Faruque, A. K. Siddique, Yoshifumi Takeda and David A. Sack. Molecular basis of the emergence of a new more severe form of cholera. Vibrio 2007, the second conference on the Biology of Vibrios, 28th Nov –1st Dec 2007, Institut Pasteur, Paris.
  19. Munirul Alam, Nur- A-Hassan N.A Bhuiyan A.K. Siddique, R. Bradley Sack, David A. Sack, Marzia Sultana, Abdus Sadique, Kabir U. Ahmed, Suraia Nusrin, Atiqul Islam, Wasimu B. Cowdhury, Anwarul Huq, Rita R. Colwell and G.Balakrish Nair. Antibiotic Resistance Profiles of Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 Isolated from Coastal Ecosystim of Bangladesh. 11th Annual Scientific Conference (ASCON), 4-6 March 2007, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  20. Munirul Alam, A.K. Siddique, R. Bradley Sack, David A. Sack, Nur- A-Hassan, N.A. Bhuiyan, Marzia Sultana, Abdus Sadique, Kabir U. Ahmed, Suraia Nusrin, Atiqul Islam, Wasimu B. Cowdhury, G.Balakrish Nair,Anwarul Huq and Rita R. Colwell. Ecology and Molecular Traits of Vibrio cholerae Serogroup O1 and O139 Causing. Cholera in Coastal Villages of Bay of Bengal. 11thAnnual Scientific Conference (ASCON), 4-6 March 2007, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  21. Munirul Alam, G.Balakrish Nair, A.K. Siddique, R. Bradley Sack, David A. Sack, Nur- A-Hassan, Marzia Sultana, Abdus Sadique, N.A Bhuiyan, Kabir U. Ahmed, Suraia Nusrin, Atiqul Islam, Wasimu B. Cowdhury, Anwarul Huq, and Rita R. Colwell. Vibrio Cholerae serogroups O139 Bengal Competes with Serogroup O1 for Endemicity in the Coastal aquatic environment of Bangladesh. 41st US-Japan Cooperative Medical Program on Cholera and other Enteric Diseases. 5-7, Nov 2006, Gifu, Japan.
  22. Munirul Alam, Nur-A-Hasan, A. Sadique, N. A. Bhuiyan, Kabir U. Ahmed, Suraia Nusrin,G. Balakrish Nair, K. Siddique, R. Bradly Sack, David A. Sack, Anwar Huq, and Rita R. Colwell. Seasonal Cholera Caused by Vibrio cholerae Serogroups O1 and O139 in the Coastal Aquatic Environment of Bangladesh. 11th Asian Conference on Diarrhoeal Diseases and Nutrition, March 8-10, 2006, The Rama Gardens Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
  23. Ashsrafus Safa, N. A. Bhuiyan, Suraia Nusrin, Munirul Alam, T. Hamabata, Y. Takeda, David A. Sack and G. Balakrish Nair. Matlab variants of Vibrio cholerae possesses gene clusters specific to pandemic strains.8th Commonwealth Congress on Diarrhoea and Malnutrition, 6-8 February 2006, ICDDR,B, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  24. G. Balakrish Nair, N. A. Bhuiyan, Suraia Nusrin, A. Safa, M. Ansaruzzaman, S. M. Faruque, T. Hamabata, Yoshifumi Takeda and David A. Sack. The Matlab Variants of Vibrio cholerae O1: Do they deserve a new biotype status? Fortieth Anniversary of United States- Japan Cooperative Medical science Program, December 7-10, 2004, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Different cell cultures for example H295R human adrenocortical cell line, 293FT cell line, HT1080 human fibrosarcoma CCL-12 cell line, and HeLa CCL-2 cell line.
  • Molecular biological techniques such as construction of plasmids overexpressing the desired genes using the GATEWAY™ Cloning Technology (Invitrogen, USA), gene knockdown by RNA interference, gene sequencing, sequencing data analysis (Artemis, Chromas, BioEdit, ClustalX, GeneDoc, MEGA etc), site-directed mutagenesis, quantitative real time PCR, electroporation of miRNA (Neon, Invitrogen), Luciferase reporter assay, SDSPAGE and Western blotting and most importantly transduction of H295R cells with lentivirus.
  • Involved with several important projects at ICDDR,B specifically isolation of Vibrio Cholerae from clinical samples with CDC and the epidemiology and ecology of V. Cholerae in the Southern part of Bangladesh with NIH.
Journal articles

Hasnat S, Hoque MN, Mahbub MM, Jummah JB, Ali J, Sakif TI, Crandal KA, Islam T. In-silico identification and characterization of effector proteins in the rice blast pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Reports. 2025 (2):100028. (DOI:

Hasnat S, Hoque MN, Mahbub MM, Sakif TI, Shahinuzzaman ADA. and Islam T. Pantothenate Kinase: A Promising Therapeutic Target Against Pathogenic Clostridium Species. Heliyon. 2024; 10(14): E34544. (DOI:

Swarna SK, Muntasir MA, Mahbub MM, Nusrin S, Jesmin. Microbes isolated from landfill soil utilize polyethylene terephthalate (PET)as their sole source of carbon: An unexplored possibility of bioremediation in Bangladesh. Environ. Nat. Resour. J. 2024;22(1):13-25.(

Shourav AH, Mahbub MM, Yasmin M, Ahsan CR and Nessa J. Seroepidemiology of Chikungunya Fever in Dhaka, Bangladesh: A Crosssectional Study. Bangladesh J Microbiol. 2021. 38(2): 79-85. ( )

Mahbub MM, Chowdhury SM, Christensen SM. Globular domain structure and function of restriction-like-endonuclease LINEs: Similarities to eukaryotic splicing factor Prp8. Mobile DNA. 2017. 8, 16.

Mahbub MM, Yasmin M, Ahsan CR and Nessa J. Analysis of different prognostic indicators for malnutrition and Shigella flexneri infection among the children in Bangladesh. Indian J Microbiol. 2012. 52(3):400-405.

Mabub MM, Azmuda N, Maumud B, Khan SI, Birkeland N and Akhter H. Drug resistance and curli fimbrination of Escherichia coli isolated from Bangladeshi patients with urinary tract infections. Dhaka Univ. J. Biol. Sci. 2011. 20(2): 123-130.

Mahbub MM, Yasmin M, Ahsan CR and Nessa J. Influence of some sociodemographic factors on Shigella flexneri infection and malnourishment among the children population in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Jour. Med. Sci. 2008. 14(1):67-74

Scientific Conferences and Symposiums

Nawar S, Mahbub MM and Jesmine. Plastic biodegradation potential of Pseudomonas strains isolated from landfill sites near Dhaka. December 28-29, 2024 (A 3 min talk presented at the 24th Annual International Conference, 2024). The Conference was organized by Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

Shifa FA, Hasnat S, Murshed S, Rumee STA, Mahbub MM. A Framework for Accurate Prediction of Plastic-Degrading Enzymes using Convolutional Neural Networks. November 30-December 02, 2024 (Poster presentation). 23rd Science Council of Asia Conference (SCAC), National Science and Technology Complex, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

Tabassum T, Swarna SK,  Mahbub MM, Nusrin S, Jesmine.  Esterase activity in microorganisms isolated from landfill sites using plastic as sole carbon source. September 01-03, 2023  (poster presentation). 5th International Conference on Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture (ICBHA),  University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

Kamol RI, Swarna SK,  Mahbub MM, Nusrin S, Jesmine.. Lipase activity in microorganisms isolated from Aminbazar and Matuail Landfill.   September 01-03, 2023 (poster presentation).   5th International Conference on Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture (ICBHA),  University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

Sweety NN, Monir S, Akhter H, Nusrin S, Mahbub MM. Isolation and Characterization of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) from Rice and Lentil Rhizosphere from Various fields of Bangladesh. September 01-03, 2023 (poster presentation).  5th International Conference on Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture (ICBHA),  University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

Hossain M , Jesmin ,  Nusrin S , Mahbub MM. (October 16, 2022). Effect of pH on Growth of Microorganisms from Landfill Sites Near Dhaka City Using Commonly Used Plastics as Sole Organic Carbon Source. (Poster abstract). The National Seminar on Biotechnology for Sustainable Development Goals 2022, Jagannath University, Dhaka. 

Oishi, T., Rahman, M.A.,  Jesmin, Nusrin, S., & Mahbub, M.M. (2022, October 16). Isolation of Plastic Utilizing Microorganisms from Aminbazar and Matuail Landfill. (Poster abstract). The National Seminar on Biotechnology for Sustainable Development Goals 2022, Jagannath University, Dhaka.

Rahman, M.A., Oishi, T., Jesmin, Nusrin, S., & Mahbub, M.M. (2022, August 13). Isolation of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) utilizing microorganisms from Aminbazar and Matuail Landfill [Poster Abstract]. The 2nd International Conference of SAIST on Education, Health and Environment for Sustainable Development 2022.

Swarna SK, Muntasir MA, Mahbub MM, Nusrin S, JesminMesophilic microorganisms isolated from landfill soil around Dhaka city utilize polyethylene terephthalate as sole source of organic carbon. A 10 min talk presented at the 2nd International Conference on Education, Health and Environment for Sustainable development, 2022. The conference was organized by SAIST (South Asian Institute for Social Transformation).

Swarna SS, Jesmin and Mahbub MM. Isolation of PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) degrading microorganisms from landfill soil. Poster presented at the 35th BSM Annual Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 2021.

Dayem SB and Mahbub MM. Isolation of L-amino acid oxidase producing bacteria from soil. Poster presented at the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences and Life Sciences, Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 2020.

Mahbub MM, Chowdhury S and Christensen SM. Globular domain structure of the protein encoded by Long Interspersed Nucleotide Element. Poster presented at the 25th Texas Protein Folding and Function meeting, The Retreat at Artesian Lakes, Cleveland, Texas, USA, April 2017.

Mahbub MM and Christensen MM. Structure and function of non-LTR retrotransposons: Globular domain structure of R2. Poster presented at the Keystone symposia on Mobile Genetic Elements and Genome Evolution (C2), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, March 2014.

Mahbub MM, Bowles K, Reveal B and Christensen SM. Structure-function of site specific non-LTR retrotransposons: generating and testing point mutants in R2Bm. Poster presented at the 7th Annual UT Metroplex Day event, Dallas, USA, February 2013.

Mahbub MM, Bowles K, Reveal B and Christensen SM. Structure-function of site specific non-LTR retrotransposons: effects of point mutants in R2Bm. Poster presented at the ACES Symposium, University of Texas Arlington, Arlington, USA, March 2013.

Mahbub MM, Yasmin M, Ahsan CR and Nessa J. Serodiagnosis and risk factor analysis for Shigella flexneri infection among malnourished children in Bangladesh: a case-control study. A 10 min talk presented at the 24th Annual Conference of Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Selected Publications
  • Sarker, M. H., Hussain, M. H., Neik, T. X., Hasan, M. Z., Wee, W. Y., Tan, H. S., Ko, S., & Song, B.K., Screening of heat stress-tolerant weedy rice and SNP identification of heat-tolerance-related genes. Plant Biotechnology Reports, 18, 659-672 (2024).
  • Dwiyanto, J., M. a. L. Huët, Hussain, M.H., T. T. Su, J. B. L. Tan, K. Y. Toh, J. W. J. Lee, S. Rahman, and C.W. Chong, “Social Demographics Determinants for Resistome and Microbiome Variation of a Multiethnic Community in Southern Malaysia.” NPJ Biofilms and Microbiomes,9(1), 55, (2023)
  • Muzahid, N. H., Hanifah M.Z., Ten, K.E., Hussain, M.H., Tin T. S., Ayub, Q., Tan, H.S., and Rahman, S, “Genomic and Phenotypic Characterization of Acinetobacter Colistiniresistens Isolated from the Feces of a Healthy Member of the Community.” Scientific Reports 13 (1): 12596, (2023). 
  • Muzahid, N. H., Hussain, M. H., Huët, M. A. L., Dwiyanto, J., Su, T. T., Reidpath, D., Mustapha, F., Ayub, Q., Tan, H. S., & Rahman, S, Molecular characterization and comparative genomic analysis of Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from the community and the hospital: An epidemiological study in Segamat, Malaysia. Microbial Genomics, 9(4), 000977 (2023). 
  • Hussain, M. H., Dwiyanto, J., Muzahid, N.H., Huët, M. A. L., Su, T. T., Reidpath, D., Ayub, Q., Rahman, S., Lee, S. M., Song, B. K., Chong, C. W., & Tan, J. B. L,  The Relationship between Ethnicity and Human Gut Mycobiome: Perspectives from a Cross-Cultural Multi-Ethnic Community Study in Malaysia. 16th Congress of the Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB), Christchurch, New Zealand (2021) 
  • Dwiyanto, J., Hussain, M. H., Reidpath, D., Ong, K. S., Qasim, A., Lee, S. W. H., Lee, S. M., Foo, S. C., Chong, C. W., & Rahman, S, Ethnicity influences the gut microbiota of individuals sharing a geographical location: A cross-sectional study from a middle-income country. Scientific Reports, 11(1), Article 1 (2021).
  • Huët, M. A. L., Wong, L. W., Goh, C. B. S., Hussain, M. H., Muzahid, N. H., Dwiyanto, J., Lee, S. W. H., Ayub, Q., Reidpath, D., Lee, S. M., Rahman, S., & Tan, J. B. L, Investigation of culturable human gut mycobiota from the Segamat community in Johor, Malaysia. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 37(7), 113 (2021). 
  • Hasan, Md. M., Das, R., Rasheduzzaman, Md., Hussain, M. H., Muzahid, N. H., Salauddin, A., Rumi, M. H., Mahbubur Rashid, S. M., Siddiki, A. Z., & Mannan, A, Global and local mutations in Bangladeshi SARS-CoV-2 genomes. Virus Research, 297, 198390 (2021). 
  • Hussain, M. H., Chowdhury, A. S., Dhar, S. B., Abedin, M., Fima, I. N. & Hasan, Md. A, Computational identification of potential microRNAs and their targets from expressed sequence tags of marijuana (Cannabis sativa). Meta Gene, 10, 45–55 (2016). 
  • Ashraf, K.U.M., Barua, P., Saha, A., Muhammad, N., Ferdoush, J., Das, D., Hussain, M.H. and Alam, M.J., An immunoinformatics approach towards epitope-based vaccine design through computational tools from Bungarus caeruleus's neurotoxin. Journal of Young Pharmacists, 6(2), 35 (2014). 
Journal Articles
  • Bhuiyan, A. and Asakawa, S. (2023) Synthesis and cloning of long repeat sequences using single-stranded circular DNA. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 11:1115159. (DOI:
  • Elbialy, A., Sulidan, K., Bhuiyan A., Igarashi, Y., Yoshitake. K., Yamanouchi. D., Junsu. K, Asakawa. S., Watabe. S., Kinoshita. S. (2022) Induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress markers in an acromegaly model. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. PMID: 35734917; (DOI:
  • Bhuiyan A. (2024) Therapeutic approaches for repeat expansion diseases: a comprehensive review. Explor Neuroprot Ther. 2024;4:485–96. (DOI:
Scientific Conferences and Seminars
  • Masud MB, Asfar F, Bhuiyan A, Das A, Nusrin S, Mahbub MM. Isolation and Characterization of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) from Pea Rhizosphere of different fields of a district of Bangladesh for soil fertility and crop productivity. Oral presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Life Sciences 2025, MBSTU, Tangail, Bangladesh, January 2025.
  • Asfar F, Bhuiyan A, Das A, Nusrin S, Mahbub MM. Characterization of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) from leguminous plants rhizosphere to assess growth-promoting activity and impact on sustainable agriculture in Bangladesh. Poster presented at the 38th BSM Annual Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 2024.
  • Bhuiyan A. Repeat Expansion Diseases: Approaches & Promises. Seminar speaker at East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 2023.
  • Bhuiyan A, Kondo M, Mizobata H, Yoshitake K, Asakawa S. Long repeat sequence synthesis by single-stranded circular DNA. Poster presented at the European Human Genetics Conference, Scotland, UK, June 2023. 
  • Bhuiyan AYoshitake K, Asakawa S. Parkin knock out medaka showed rheumatoid arthritis like symptoms. Poster presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of JapanChiba, Japan, December 2022.
  • Bhuiyan AAsakawa S, Kobayashi NB, Yoshida T. Localization of KK13 peptide and their potential against ALS. Poster presented at the American Society of Human Genetics 2022 Annual Meeting LA, California, USA, October 2022. 
  • Bhuiyan A, Lanza A, Asakawa S. Cloning of highly repeat sequence in a stepwise and directed manner. Poster presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, Yokohama, Japan, December 2021. 
  • Bhuiyan A, Sumit AF, Ahsan N, Akhand AA. Association of the use of Smokeless Tobacco with hearing impairment in Bangladeshi population. Poster presented at the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Life Sciences, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 2016. 
Journal Publications

  • Kawsar AhmedAbdullah-Al-Emran, TasnubaJesmin, Roushney Fatima Mukti, Zamilur Rahman, Farzana Ahmed. Early Detection of Lung Cancer Risk Using Data Mining. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 14 (1), p595-598, 2013.
  • Roushney Fatima MuktiPratul Dipta Somadder, Abdullah Al Emran, Farzana Ahmed, Iqbal Bin Imran, Ananya Malaker, Sabina Yeasmin. Score Based Risk Assessment of Lung Cancer and Its Evaluation for Bangladeshi People. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 15 (17), p7021-7027, 2014.
  • Roushney Fatima MuktiMd. Miraj Kobad Chowdhury, Md. Ausrafuggaman Nahid, Md. Mizanur Rahaman, M Aftab Uddin. Antibacterial Activity and Physicochemical Properties of Florally Diversified Bangladeshi Honeys. Bangladesh J Microbiol, Volume 33, Number 1&2, June-December 2016, pp 05-09.
  • Roushney Fatima MuktiSanjida Sakhawat Sinthee. Metagenomic Approach: Transforming In Silico Research for Improved Biogas Production. International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, Vol-7, issue-1, 2019. 
  • Roushney Fatima MuktiShuborno Islam. Epigenetic contributions on mental health, neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. International Journal of Biosciences, Vol. 14, No. 1, p. 38-52, 2019. 
Conference & Seminars

Roushney Fatima Mukti. Reproductive and Socio-demographic Factors Associated with Ovarian Cancer Risk among Bangladeshi Women. 5th International Conference on Public Health 2019 (ICOPH 2019), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 10-12, 2019. 

A. S. M. Mahadiuzzman, Md. Arafat Rashid, Rozely Hussain, RejaulKhalique Miah, Roushney Fatima MuktiMohiuddin Kabir. Risk Factor Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease among Bangladeshi People. National Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Life Sciences, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 10, 2016.

Roushney Fatima Mukti, Md. Miraj Kobad Chowdhury, Md. Aftab Uddin. Fermentative Potency of Yeasts Isolated from Bangladeshi Honey. International Conference of Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture, organized by GNOBB, Dhaka, January 9-10, 2015.

Roushney Fatima Mukti, A.K.M. Mohiuddin. Epigenetics: promising research in the progression and treatment of Alzheimer Disease. Conference of the Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BSBMB), University of Chittagong, January 12-13, 2013.

Roushney Fatima Mukti, Abdullah-Al-Emran. Metagenomic approach: Transforming In silico research for improved biogas production. International Training Workshop on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in South Asian Perspectives, University of Science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), Bangladesh, September 25-26, 2012.

Journal Publications
  1. Md Mohiuddin Kabir, Md Rayhan Imam, Zinat Farzana, Chowdhury Faiz Hossain. Complete genome sequence of the pandrug-resistant Vibrio cholerae strain KBR06 isolated from a cholera patient in Bangladesh. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 12(12): e0057723, 2023. DOI:
  2. Zinat Farzana, Ayan Saha, AMAM Zonaed Siddiki. Molecular characterization of Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus dysgalactiae causing bovine mastitis in the southern region of Bangladesh. Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research, 10(2): 178-184, 2023. DOI:
  3. AMAM Zonaed Siddiki, Sohana Akter Mina, Zinat Farzana, Bibi Ayesa, Rasel Das, Mohammad Alamgir Hossain. Molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium Xiaoi in goat kids in Bangladesh by nested PCR amplification of 18S rRNA gene. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 5(3): 202-207, 2015. DOI: 
  4. Nazneen Naher Islam, Zinat Farzana, A. M. Masudul Azad Chowdhury, Adnan Mannan, K. M. Kamaruddin, A.M.A.M. Zonaed Siddiki and Inkeyas Uddin. Characterization of Bovine Subclinical Mastitis Caused by Staphylococcus aureus in Southern Bangladesh by Bacteriological and Molecular Approaches. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences, 7(1): 1-12, 2014. DOI:
  5. Nazneen Naher Islam, Mahmuda Akter, Zinat Farzana, Abdul Jabber Bin Kader, Inkeyas Uddin, Amam Siddiki, K.M. Kamaruddin. Detection of Staphylococcus aureus in Frozen Chicken Rinse through Bacteriological and Nuc Gene Specific PCR Methods and their Drug Resistance Patterns in Southern Chittagong, Bangladesh. Research Journal of Microbiology, 9(5):251-264, 2014. DOI:  
  6. Nazneen Naher Islam, Suza Mohammad Nur, Zinat Farzana, Inkeyas Uddin, K. M. Kamaruddin and A.M.A.M. Zonaed Siddiki. Rapid Identification of Eosin Methylene Blue Positive E. coli by Specific PCR from Frozen Chicken Rinse in Southern Chittagong City of Bangladesh: Prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility. Microbiology Journal, 4(2): 27-40, 2014. DOI:
Conference & Seminars

1. Zinat Farzana, Nazneen Naher Islam, AMAM Zonaed Siddiki. “Molecular characterization of Staphylococcus sp. causing subclinical mastitis in dairy cows in Chittagong region”. 9th Annual Scientific Conference on ‘Food safety in Bangladesh: Issues and Challenges’, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU), Chittagong, Bangladesh, March 08-09, 2012.

2. Zinat Farzana, Nazneen Naher Islam, AMAM Zonaed Siddiki. “PCR based molecular diagnosis of dairy cattle’s subclinical mastitis caused by Staphylococcus sp.” Annual Conference of Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BSBMB), University of Chittagong, Bangladesh, January 12-13, 2013.

3. Zinat Farzana. Workshop on “Computational Biology, Research Method and Bioinformatics camp” organized by YoungBB (Young Biotechnologists of Bangladesh) held in Chittagong, Bangladesh, October 06-07, 2011.

4. Zinat Farzana. Training on “Genomics and Bioinformatics tools used in Computational Biology”. Directorate (Research and Extension), Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chittagong, Bangladesh, May 29-30, 2013.

Conference Paper
  • Md. Anwar Hossain Adib, Md. Miraj Kobad Chowdhury. Potentials of previously uncultured/unidentified soil bacteria in sustainable development of Bangladesh. International Conference on Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development (ICEPSD), 2022, Dhaka, Bangladesh.