Achievement: ICEPSD-2022
Dr. Shamsun Nahar Khan, Professor Department of Pharmacy, was invited as an invited speaker in the International Conferences on Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development (ICEPSD-2022), held on 2-4 September 2022 at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Her lecture was entitled “Clinical Manifestation of COVID-19 Positive Confirmed Cases, Associated Comorbidity Factors and Sociodemographic in Bangladesh”. COVID-19 pandemic becomes a great threat due to the continuous rise of the global incidence and emergence of multiple waves of infections in many countries of the world. Most recently COVID 19 disease is observed as a pandemic stage all over the world with a major concern for the health sector as well as for the environment. COVID 19 disease diagnosis, treatment and management was a major challenge for every country due to its highly infectious characteristics. Her talk also had emphasis on the “Long Covid” and its current scenario in Bangladesh.